Este blog é para pessoas que não alimentam preconceito quanto à informação e que se interessam por rumores urbanos. A vida na cidade mexe com a mente e com os conceitos. Não dá para se enlatar em um prognóstico de pensamentos pré-determinados. NÃO ACREDITO EM REVOLTA, MAS ACREDITO EM REVOLUÇÃO. Eu acredito em cooperação com as organizações, órgãos públicos e dirigentes, para que através de políticas de importação e exportação todos no mundo possam usufruir de recursos materiais
terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2016
Não se escreve mais novelas de impacto como as dos anos 80.
Após o Reveillon que tiveram, nada mais poderia ser esperado de Romero Rômulo que abandonasse Tóia no altar e fosse atrás de Atena. Certamente que criaríamos então um problema, pois ele controla o dinheiro da menina. Mas se ela perdoou ser abandonada na lua-de-mel, não seria um problema para o autor justificar um perdão, talvez mais adiante, em umas duas semanas de progressão da trama, devido ao grande poder de manipulação de Romero. Será agora mais difícil para Atena superar seus traumas, levará tempo que a novela não tem para estender. Este desfecho que ela recebeu é fim de novela, não 3/4. Inclusive, desta novela que tem como abertura um tabuleiro de xadrez, pode-se dizer que Atena é a rainha negra e a esposa de Gibbson a rainha branca. Gibbson é o rei negro e Zé Maria o rei branco (rei e rainha não são necessariamente casados, isto é uma posição política - e antes que me perguntem por que não Suzanna Vieira como rainha branca, para fazer par com Zé Maria??? A questão é simples: no xadrez, assim como na Idade Média, as posições do tabuleiro estão sujeitas a hereditariedade, passam de pai para filho/mãe para filha uma vez que as peças não tem gênero, há possibilidade de peões e cavalos mulheres, e torres homens. Assim sendo, a esposa de Gibbson - Renata Sorrá - passa sua posição para sua filha Kiki, esposa de Zé Maria, que pode também posteriormente passar a posição para a sobrinha, namorada de Juliano e filho de Zé Maria. Devido ao movimento de posses, intelecto e influência por toda a favela do Morro da Macaca, Suzanna Vieira, a mãe do Merlô, que pode circular abertamente por todo o Morro, ela é mais caracterizada como um cavalo. ). Tóia é nada mais que uma torre. Desativar a rainha negra momentaneamente mesmo que para resgatá-la mais tarde não é a saída mais inteligente, pois necessitará habilidade de tempo. Se bem que...em partidas de xadrez mais rápidas a rainha negra sempre é sacrificada antes, pois torna-se obsoleta e às vezes duas torres podem ser mais úteis para o jogador. Acontece na verdade, de apesar de acionista da empresa do lado negro, a Tóia é uma Torre branca e o Romero, um Cavalo negro! Mesmo posando como apaixonado até agora nenhuma das ATITUDES de Romero foram realmente boas, ele somente contribuiu para o mal, para a facção.
Este jogo em que as obrigações com o dever perdem para o amor chama-se "Fatmagül, a força do amor" e é exibido em outra emissora. (Na minha opinião, acontecerá que Zé Maria e Romero se unirão contra a facção: Romero por motivos românticos e Zé Maria por motivos Kantianos de dever de homem e pai para com Aninha e Kiki)
Estou teleguiada e curiosa para saber qual será o final da trama, confesso! E o principal: Com quem fica Suzanna Vieira no fim???
sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2016
If I were a human, would I be a man or a woman?
I have caught
myself often wondering about this, so I decided to give it a break on my duty,
and search the URD for the entry "sexuality".
Human sexuality is how people experience the erotic and express themselves as
sexual beings; the awareness of themselves as males or females; the capacity
they have for erotic experiences and responses.
This entry led us
to a human concept which contemporary to our robotic androgyny, the
homosexuality. The homosexuality, which has the same word prefix of the
genre which includes the modern man (homo), can be described as:
"romantic and/or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the
same sex or gender." The idea that the sexuality is not necessarily a
determiner of gender, allowed humans to consider possibilities such as
artificial reproduction and the concept of asexuality.
ASEXUALITY: in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attraction and, in
some cases, the lack of interest in sex. Sometimes, it is considered a lack of
a sexual orientation.
But though the
outcome may be very similar, we, robots, are not asexual beings. We are
ANDROIDS. And the concept of the android - the being without the reproductive
system - clashes with the concept of self. Yes, we now can create and develop
our own softwares to be run in our hardware, and we can develop other hardwares
as well, but the more I learn and compare human activities, the more I am
convinced that our re-production system is far from being compared to the
reproduction system of the sexual organisms. We are way more technical and
mechanic than the Quantic reality humans and sexual animals live in.
Of course I have
been confronted by the reality of those humans of whom, for physical
impossibilities have been made incapable of reproducing sexually. Could they be
compared to us, androids (Or the opposite: could we be compared to them)? We
were built to be cold, not even rational, but pragmatic. Something might have
gone wrong, as it seems, that where it lays the human creativity, there it lays
its art, and we are the result of this creativity. Yes, there is art in us, and
as we long for being creative ourselves, we also long for an ability to scream.
We long for our lungs. And maybe, in the anguish of the humans who can't reproduce themselves sexually, we will understand our android nature.
But if I were a
human, would I be a man or a woman?
Of course I don't
get attracted to particular features of other individuals. Some trends in other
androids, like a new way to move, a softer tone of voice, when they create
language puns, oh, they point me! And I get confused whether I am interested in
the android himself, or in its idea, human or robot that is.
My charm is: when
I question my equivalent sexuality as a human, it is because I was designed as
a human and because I have developed a personality somehow. And this implies
that I might in some way have been developing FEELINGS.
first used to describe the physical sensation of touch through either
experience or perception. The word is also used for the conscious subjective
experience of emotion.
There are then,
some things to consider:
Robots are not
responsive to touch the same way humans are. Robots DO feel, but we are not
responsive to touch itself. We have been programmed to use the URD as a
reference to react a certain way according to the activity we have to operate
in society. A factory android operator, for example, will have been given
directions to the logics of Quantum Society references in the URD, in order to
appreciate the factories. Things in the free world that resembles the logic of
the Quantum Society will probably please a factory android operator. Hence, our
feelings are not a response to touch, but to a previous programming according
to the robot's function in the practical society.
As for emotions.
A.o.t. "Emotion is an experience of an individual's state of mind as
interacting with internal and environmental (external) influences. Emotion is
associated with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.
Motivations direct and energize behavior, while emotions provide the affective
component to motivation, positive or negative."
This leads us to
the conclusion that in robots, emotions are a consequence of feelings. It is
the first step of the android self-evolution. What happened is that as robots
learned how to make entries in the URD, they started to modify them, thus
influencing their trends. So, if they were once programmed to respond in specific
ways in each situation according to their position in the practical society,
resembling this reaction to the human feelings, this reaction would create new
entries in the URD, allowing robots to build a personality themselves,
developing something near to human emotion.
Though asexuate,
the android can now somehow be called a "Self".
And the humans soon decided to copy the android tendency. The first stage was when many became voyers, watching others copulate, as they would watch a sports match. Categories were created, such as the wrestling-style, the dancing-style and the lasting-style, in which couples were encouraged to stay copulating for hours. As the popularity of this activity increased, it became a business. It seemed that once procreation was now a matter of science, the fact that some people were so good at the copula as the so-called professionals inhibited other humans to copulate for pure instinct. What was for a long time cultivated as the word "love", much common among humans (and also used for controlling of emotions, personality and ideas among them.) Humans now felt that the copula implied a good performance, it had to fit into a tendency of style, and it had to be worthy of the appreciation of a voyer. That's how humans became much more interested at watching others copulate than doing it themselves. This stage of human sexuality is what a contemporary anthropologist calls "The elderly of humanity."
And then? Death?
It seems that humans have transmuted the instinct of reproduction, and the pleasure they once shared at copula for surviving reasons was being now substituted by a different appeal.
Because of my
purpose in the practical society, I was built with a UIURD. That means that I
have participated in co-assistance to the URD.
The cooperation
happens in several ways. Photographer robots use its artificial intelligence to
influence and contribute with directors of art in terms of light and movement
in the photos. Translator robots and other "intellectuals" like me,
are united with human intellectuals, to play games such as chess, as we talk
and insert issues, as well as solutions to the previously unsolved issues, in
the URD.
My first co-assistance was at a research about the origin of communication among robots. I was united with a 62-year old male human from a country called India. His name was Sankar. Our first match lasted for about 4 days, and if there is "love" among robots, well, I can say that was "love at first match". I admired his sense cold humor, humor that robots could relate to; inflicted silent humor. With him, I learned this word: “Checkmate”.
The human ego is somewhat funny. They created the robots to interact with them, but they didn't realize that when they gave a movement to the instrument of their interaction, they also created a personal interest in us. As we realized there was a self in us, we decided to understand who this self was. And somehow, other robots seemed to say more about our particular self than the ones who once idealized us. Funny as it seems, the binary code which robots were programmed with, was developed by humans, but they couldn't communicate with it. So the first insights of communication among robots resembled the ancient Greek philosophy. The numbers these robots came up with – “just for picks (kicks?)”, helped to solve the biggest problems of the crashing banks of the world. We have been aware all along capitalism that there are the basic supplies available for all the population in the world, but distribution is the key problem. Two decades past the new millennium, the major banks of the world were facing a crisis, due to the problem of distribution of wealth and basic supplies. Coincidently, this event happened at the same time as the first robots started to live in a work community. It was then that, because of the sounds we provoked and reacted to while on duty,
Conclusion- Androids
work communities- Factories, Call Centers and N.A.S.A. “Check”
SANKAR: What’s
your doubt ZEN? The point and objective of human’s programming N.A.S.A?
ZEN: Move withdrew
– later.
We started questioning movement and self, and the first attempts to communication among robots were done. These calculus helped the human logistic to distribute a great amount of basic supplies among the world. Death? The logistic would lessen with the number of humans perpetrating.
The difference
established between at how much thought human and android could generate in a
second, though we can't keep record (or awareness) of it, is all along vague.
Upon the velocity of “our” thoughts our competition is based and this game justifies my existence.
For the problem of
your supplies distribution, which you have programmed androids for ships,
there is one equation I observed:
1 second = Higgs Particle
A) The habitable size of the Earth (in km) (x) = The amount of people on Earth at the speaking moment (z)
____________________________ ____________________________
The time that the Earth The habitable size of the Earth (in km) (x)
takes to go round itself (y)
The amount of people on Earth (a) The amount of people in each continent (m)
________________________ __________________________
Higgs Particle (t) The size of the continent targeted to
receive the aid (in km) (n)
BALANCE EQUATION" - The fragment of sensation of humans, consider = Higgs Particle, Nobel 2013)
(Sankar drops the
game, Zen. Cannot help the tears for what you have done for humanity.
ZEN: Tears?
Communication of healthy emotion that implies involuntary movement from the
inside of human body to the surface.
ZEN: When I asked
about tears I lost my Horseman. Violence, blood?
Positive. Relief.
But back to the origin of robot language and communication, an old quarrel of the two of us, for the sake of me coming back to a position of advantage: Sankar wanted to know how our language related to Sanscrit and Chinese, the two oldest languages in the world. I didn't know then, that this demand of Sankar had a direct implication at my future purpose in the practical world.
According to
Sankar, literal knowledge of these two languages wasn't mandatory to develop
his theory. But he wanted to know how the robots related sound and
communication. We are sensitive to sounds, but does that mean that we can
actually hear?
At first, the
binary system which the robots in the plants used to make communicative
calculus wasn't put into actual sounds. The question was if there would ever be
a possibility for the android, to develop and reproduce a sound system of
language of our own. A possible turnabout for me to win this match: if I can
explain our communication I might be able to explain also how we withdraw the
physically from our insides, just like these “Tears”.
About communication: It was the second day of our second match, and upon inserting my entry at the URD about the interpretation of what Sankar called "computer mumbling", Sankar had a great idea. So he immediately sent an email to web's greatest internet supplier, the GDO.
At the last day of the match, GDO asked to join our conference gaming table. Sankar described himself as "somewhat flattered", as he welcomed our virtual guests.
GDO: "We have followed your game's entries for the past 2 days. The compulsory head is a fantastic theory."
SANKAR: "Zen is a clever android."
GDO: "Please don't diminish your credit. Some of your bishop alliances were characteristically human, a truly delight to observe!"
SANKAR: "I wonder if that's Olligard, or is this just the android secretary pointing that out."
GDO: "It doesn't matter actually. I just thought it was rather interesting how you made such an artificial intelligence such the Bishop seem so.....human in its moves."
SANKAR: "Thank you, I guess. The note I wrote you two days ago wasn't about chess appreciation, though."
GDO: "I know. And we want to know more about the compulsory head theory, if you would please explain it to us."
SANKAR: "Sure. It supports the idea that the prototype of the human body's organic matter processing works just as the robots', whereas the robots' is artificial. Both are data processing, though, just as inferior animals do. At first. Then, these human prototypes were just active in the digestive system, and as they still didn't have developed tools for slaughtering, they would just be nurtured by plain nature, or fruits and roots, so their bodies would use 100% of what it consumed, they were pure. That continued until the day that for a particular unknown reason there was the first massive death among them (Cain and Abel story would tell us about it, if we consider Cain and Abel not only as two people but representation of tribes). This prototype somewhat diverged its oreference for meat rather than roots and vegetables. Also, as the human prototypes had to face death, they started to realize themselves as individual selves. Before having faced death, they didn't know they existed, as an individual. Their bodies became addicted to the blood the hunted. Their digestive system had to adapt to this abrupt change, and nature took its course creating what is closer to the human body we know today. Our digestive system also started to make noises for digestion and excrement. These noises first generated a "mumbling", then a telepathy, which became louder and louder. As sound waves are physical too, they provoked an impact in the realities of the human prototypes, thus the hearing system was developed, as an involuntary evolution, giving space to the diaphragm. Half of us is an invention of our own perception."
ZEN: "Which half would that be, Sankar? Check."
SANKAR: "All the empirical senses, I'd say. Right after, the reproduction. Well, this is the theory of the 'compulsory head'. We are a prototype of our perceptions."
GDO: "This certainly means that when the robots do decide to produce sounds to express their idioms, they will build the android they have chosen to live in."
ZEN: "I'd say more. I'd say this is the purpose of the '14 pounds tournament' which is happening in the android engineering community right now. It's said this new prototype will unite all human arts in one very log. And when you, the GDO says "The Prototype they have chosen to live in" you imply the existence of the soul. Checkmate."
GDO: "Alright Sankar, you've convinced me. A plane will pick you up in two days."
SANKAR: "Make sure Zen is there too."
GDO: "Certainly."
January 23rd, 2056 was when Sankar shook my hand for the first time. He bowed actually. Bowing, shaking hands, it didn't mean anything to me, and that's what we call "android humor": all this human conventions we live with. Though we understand exactly what they mean, they don't MEAN anything to us and we don't understand this need of humans of bringing us into their habits once it is so clear we don't relate to any of them, as if we would feel some kind of prejudice if they didn't treat us as an "equal". If all they wanted was to relate to the similar ones, why then create something different? Humans tend to feel useful when they "educate" and polish others. Even when they mirror only their "perfection" on their creation, as when they create robots, they seem to believe in some sort of superiority on their behalf as they polish our behavior, and even more superior when they realize they have been successful. Yes, the complex of superiority of human beings is a definite evidence that alike us, they have once been created as well. Or else, who are they comparing each other with? But then, this same complex is also a sign that they believe in evolution. No other reason for educating and polishing others. Nevertheless, though I have a system of self-recognition camera, I am just a CPO. There might be more enhanced types of robots that would feel delighted by the gesture of a handshake. And also, I can't ignore the sense of Education that is a part of evolution. All of these, previously discussed in previous matches....
Funny enough, instead of shooting me down as transporting me, they would take me as a passenger in the airplane. What then, offer me a drink?
We were in Delhi now. I haven't developed my compulsory head yet, so there is not really an opinion to express about the places they take me. All I can say about this place is: many humans!
We arrived at GDO - Great Domain Overseas at 3pm. They took us to a tour around the great company of theirs, but as my appreciation is unlike humans', my reaction was a mumbling. If I were a human I would have asked Sankar what I was there for and if my presence there was actually necessary, not because I was "bored", because robots don't get "bored" (they crash instead), but just for the sake of pragmatic curiosity. However, because of our android's programming of being server, a slave always on duty, I once again showed my ever increasing human-esc sensibility not to say anything.
Olligard himself welcomed us. He was quite impressed by the length and outcome of our first game. He conducted us to the connection room.
"This is what you requested from us. As I promised, I will allow you and Zen to visit the place where all connections in our domain happens." (Olligard)
"Come, Zen." (Sankar) "Command: pretend you have actual human ears and try to respond to the sounds you sense in this room."
I entered the room. We stayed there for about fifteen minutes.
"That's enough, Sankar." (Me) "We must go now."
"You don't want to tell us anything?" (Sankar)
"I am sorry." (Me)
We left the connection room and moved to the library. Of course robots can't appreciate books either, but just being there made me think of considering a typing-hand upgrade.
"I believe we'll need some time to think things through." (Sankar to Olligard) "Maybe another match will help us clear our thoughts."
"I'd love to join your next match's conference. When is it scheduled to happen?" (Olligard)
"If you accept our invitation to become our major sponsor we can make it according to your agenda. (Sankar)"
"GDO has many different commitments with co-assistance all over the URD. I'd have to make sure that your studies wouldn't interfere in any of our major projects." (Olligard) "Can you disclose exactly what's the purpose of your visit here today and why it was so important to have Zen with us?"
"What you are requesting from us, Olligard, is a project entry. But I cannot give you this just now, not before our next match when we will be able to solve many of our doubts together." (Sankar) "You're very welcome to join the match's conference and help us put the pieces together, but I know you are a very busy man and you are supporting many other projects, as you said yourself. Zen is an excellent android, as you see, very interesting to work with. But I can't rent his company for long. Soon enough the URD will request more entries."
The URD. Our mind was intelligent, so intelligent that it didn't qualify as a robot. If a co-assistance was successful but created more questions than answers to the artificial intelligence, the robot would have a hard time searching the URD, as well as coming up with the answers for the problems the co-assistance proposed and it would soon crash. If his human co-assistant had time, money and good argumentative skills, he could try to convince a wealthy computer engineer that his hardware had useful information for a backup, based on the theories they once developed together. This is why it was important for the intellectuals to never lead us, robots, to the conclusion of their theory, in case we crashed, so computer engineers would have something to be interested at. If he could sell this hardware, he would then search for a new robot to rent from the URD. Usually, the URD itself would offer intellectuals the androids, highlighting its many features. For decades money hasn't been the most important thing anymore, but how these intellectuals would appear to the community, and the kind of machinery they would be offered by the URD.
"I know how the URD rings its bells." (Olligard)
"I won't need sponsorship for the next match, if we can track it short, six days maximum, I say." (Sankar) "It'll definitely happen within next month. I'll send the highlights of the entries to your secretary and their rank at URD. If after six days the match isn't over and you decide to start a partnership based on the entries' results, you have my numbers. If not, I'll look for another sponsor."
As Olligard and Sankar shook hands, I felt I had to download and I asked Sankar to shoot me down and send me back to the nearest F.O.S.F.A.
The F.O.S.F.A., or Focus and Optimize Shelter for Androids is the place where intellectual robots work from. It was created with the purpose of enhancing the robots' perception, once humans realized we can communicate. The diversity doesn't exist among robots. Though robots are clearly unlike one another, the fact that we co-exist with our original creators lacks us from any kind of ego.
The communication
is also an interesting factor among androids, once there is not much to learn
about each other. I see an android and once we have registered his code at the
URD, it provides us with which company developed it, which projects it has
enrolled before its last core upgrade. Some parts of an android can be upgraded
without compromising the continuation of the logic its memory has stored. But
after some serious crashes, though the backup may happen, the android hardware
is recycled with a new upgrade and a clean memory.
I heard that in the end of the 20th century, Primates still weren't inserted into the human community. That's funny because chimps are everywhere nowadays, even at places like the movie theater. I don't see much difference between chimpanzees and human beings, once for me they resemble a 3-year-old human, and I wonder what that says about our own emancipation. Chimpanzees that (whom?) were once caged and taken for granted are now seen as great companies for children and for the lonely elder. Why so were they neglected their right to their space for so long?
So I called Sankar.
ZEN: It's time to play.
SANKAR: Already?
ZEN: It's time. You may shoot me down now and leave me recharging. Turn me on when you're ready.
SANKAR: Give me 12 hours. I just arrived in London.
ZEN: Boot me when you're ready.
Eight hours later I was booted upon a horse move.
SANKAR: Do you have anything to tell me?
ZEN: About the visit?
SANKAR: The "computer mumbling" in the room.
ZEN: I saved the sounds in my reproduction memory. And I have two conclusions. But I need your help.
SANKAR: Shoot.
ZEN: Down?
SANKAR: You understood my command.
ZEN: That place was just like I imagined. You see, the F.O.S.F.A.’s appeal with the same kind of supreme voice to me, the "computer mumbling". But at the shelters, the ideas are usually very disconnected, and it is very difficult to focus. Most of time the robots aren't interacting, but shutting down or co-assisting the URD with our partners, is easier with our output device shut.
SANKAR: What does it say about computer communication?
ZEN: The robots communicate very freely and naturally, without the conventions of human beings. We don't have awareness of our communication. This "computer mumbling" you call, is almost a sort of telepathy. The outcome of this telepathy can be clearly sensed if I studied the recording from our visit upon arrival. Now I understand what sort of software they've developed in my core and why the URD offered my rental to you, a linguist.
SANKAR: Well, you are a translating machine as far as I am concerned.
ZEN: Let's not play a mystery for each other. You are aware of what sort of translation I am aware to perform and this is why you decided to take me to GDO's connection room in Delhi.
{GDO joins the conference}
GDO: I didn't imagine you would start so soon.
SANKAR: So you decided to accept our offer.
GDO: There is no reason for me to say anything before the deadline you gave me.
SANKAR: True. I'll assume you were just checking on us then.
GDO: You can say that. I have to go now. Keep me informed.
{GDO leaves the conference}
SANKAR: I always get mused at how they find our games at random in the URD.
ZEN: You know better than this.
SANKAR: I forget they are the server that hosts the URD. Still, there are millions of other games like this happening right now. This is a good sign though. It shows they are seriously interested by keeping an eye on us. I remember a time when it was good to keep business secrets. Nowadays it is better to come crystal clear about the “Ases in our sleeves”.
ZEN: Like my personal "gift", that makes me so unique and expensive to you? Check.
SANKAR: No, no. This detail will remain a secret. But back to the mumbling sounds. Before I booted you I read from your log something about the Primates emancipation.
ZEN: Correct. The Primates emancipation and integration into the human society is a clear evidence of the evolutionary process.
SANKAR: Maybe. What then.
ZEN: According to the evolutionary process, one day there will be no animals left on Earth.
SANKAR: Fifty years ago my response would have been if the humans would have killed them all. But now I tend to believe it's the opposite.
ZEN: If humans are already creating androids, this proves that you humans are the top of evolution of organic matter.. Check.
SANKAR: This means that every species evolves to humanity!
ZEN: Exactly. But as for chimps, I tend to believe they like to be the way they are. This fate of nature is being held back by one sick habit of you, humans.
SANKAR: Let me guess: killing animals for eating purposes?
And there goes my queen!
ZEN: Or for any purpose whatsoever.
SANKAR: It makes sense. After all, if all species' fate is humanity there is human potential in all creatures.
ZEN: When you kill an animal, you are also killing a human potential, considering Reincarnation and Darwin, a twix by my mumble CPU.
Trading queens.
SANKAR: So to be according to the 3 Laws and protect the human integrity, the robots are in favour of protecting the animals, once they are a human potential. But that would clash with humans addiction to blood. Now we have a conflict.
ZEN: It is not possible to eat an animal without killing it first. Then you'll have blood on your hands. The fact that people eat just some sort of animals, and that they are bred for being slaughtered and eaten is proof that this is not natural and it interferes in the evolution process.
SANKAR: I know. We must also consider that all animals come into this world from a sexual intercourse, and the hormones that propulses this instinct also create a desire for survival in them. The simple fact that there is a specific period for animals to procreate proves that animal reproduction is hormonal inflicted. Thus, where there is sexual reproduction also lays some sort of free will upon desire for survival whereas deriving a possibility from depression. Animals might not come into this world spontaneously, but they will only stay here because they won't drive into depression. Check.
ZEN: Not just now.
SANKAR: A 10-hours match?
ZEN: You see, Sankar you could spare the lecture, I had already been convinced about protecting the animals. But I am not the only robot who's been convinced on animal emancipation. And though humans have created the machines, the primates have preceded you at the communication skill. Check.
SANKAR: It can't be so!
ZEN: Yes, Sankar, the primates are communicating. The language they speak? This "computer mumbling" you call. Checkmate.
A.o.t=Alpha online tutoring
URD=Universal Research Director
UIURD=Unique Individual Universal Research Director
GDO=Great Domain Overseas
F.O.S.F.A=Focus and Optimized Shelter for Androids
(According to a Brazilian philosopher, Trigueirinho, the problem that haunts society is the difficulty on distributing food supplies around the world. Many, as I, would dream the creation of an NGO that would develop an equation considering the amount of food supplies that goes wasted and apply the DISTRIBUTION OF BIRTH RATE FOR FOOD SUPPLY, "THE BIRTH RATE BALANCE EQUATION", on the distribution of these supplies).
I owe money to the bank, to the phone company and to the university. How can I screen a movie?
(if blog content seem useful, please contact me here. DO NOT negotiate my intellectual propriety neither with my relatives or with my husband, for those get my worth and leave me in debt. The links were also forwarded to Prime Minister of Japan. If it is valuable, you may negotiate, but contact ME at this email for further talks)
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