São Paulo, 02/09/2017
E a Korea do Norte anunciou hoje a
criação de um novo míssil de hidrogênio
com capacidade para atingir longas
distâncias. O jornal na TV enfatizou que
a tecnologia desenvolvida para criar essa
arma foi TOTALMENTE feita na Korea do
Norte. Pelo tom incisivo nesta questão,
me pergunto se essas fórmulas JAVA que
ficam no script de tela
e são
desenvolvidas pelo jogo "League of
Legends", jogado entre times do
mundo inteiro e cuja final será na China,
não foram fornecidas à Korea do N. por seu país
aliado, a China? Isso seria possível pois há uma
economia massiva por detrás deste jogo, os
financiadores de todo o patrocínio poderia ser a real
finalidade dele. Seria até possível que o
time brasileiro vencesse a final do
campeonato somente para provarem que foi
o Brasil quem desenvolveu as fórmulas nucleares...
Espero cautela pelos Norte Koreanos ao
usarem bombas de alto poder destrutivo,
inclusive no Brasil, pois os GIPS
(chips de Programação de indução para
manipulação digital do audiovisual https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com.br/2017/08/engenharia-genetica-digital.html)
vendidos por uma famosa empresa de
eletrônicos da Korea do Sul na Copa de 2014 quando a
Korea do Sul apostou que o Brasil perderia
a Copa e venceu a aposta. Essa empresa de
eletrônicos ganhou licitações com países
ricos e o pagamento deles viriam dos GIPS
de Programação de indução para
manipulação digital do audiovisual feitos
por eles, para que pessoas que os usassem circulassem pelas grandes
cidades do mundo inteiro. Assim sendo, esses países
ricos usam os produtos desta empresa à preço de custo
e nós pagamos pela tecnologia utilizada por eles
(e por nós mesmos) através do trabalho escravo
que é circular sob roupagem. Sendo a Korea do Sul o maior
financiador da Korea do Norte, se eles destruírem alguma grande
cidade, perderão valor agregado. Não que eles estejam preocupados....
Ouvi dizer que ele querem explodir tudo de qualquer forma!
(Que pena que Donald Trump não está nem
aí, na vaidade masculina e brincando de ser presidente do maior
país do mundo!)
Think again, maybe Mr Trump isn't the big
monster everyone thinks. He is just a
practical guy. We are so used to everyone
being (sorry) so full of bullshit, that
we get offended when people show us how
the world turns, like he does.
So, in BRICS
it's been said that maybe North Korea could have
the amount of money for their needs
financed by the Timber Industry of
reforestation of wood that would feed the
advertising industry, as well as
cardboard for packing medication and
the printing directions of usage, and the recycling of
that paper.
As South Korea is North Korea's "manager
accountant", it would be possible to
trade a quantity of money represented as
South Korean GIPS (which is symbolic
money, but there is speculation at the
stock market as Hollywood and Showbusiness
advertising) by
stocks at the Timber industry, and having
them sign an agreement that a part of
these stocks speculation would go for
North Korea as a "Gentlemen's Agreement".
The whole problem here as I see, is that
North Korea believes that they are being supported
because they are selling their missiles and bombs,
they believe they are generating technology
through computer programming developed
without people even knowing they are doing that
all over the world. They think we will give them money
in exchange for their bombs, for us to dispose them somewhere
underground. But we want them to STOP producing them.
So we need make them TRULY believe they are the younger siblings
of a very wealthy brother, which is the South Korea (I say "younger siblings"
because they are the ones role playing spoiled children here.
While South Korea is making amends, North Korea plays resentful and threats the
whole world, expecting us to coop with them just like young children do.
I believe this healthy partnership between the Koreas is what they've
wanted since the beginning of their separation (read TODAY'S OVERVIEW
But for that, they need
stability. If their GIPS circulate for advertising purpuses and they have a real participation
in the stock market for the revenue of that profit, they'll have to give it in.
But these things take time, and North Korea is hungry! I know you start wars
to rush things up, but please, I BEG YOU ALL, DON'T START A WAR OVER
About the reforestation:
The Brazilian government is trying to
legislate an area equivalent to 433
soccer fields to this means. This area is
ALREADY being exploited and there is
ALREADY a market for it, however the
system which is done is illegal and the president wants
to make it legal, so they will be able to pay taxes and
be worthy stocks.
Read about this new law at
I want to state here that my mind and my
heart are against the deforestation but
for the purpose of recycling of cardboard for
medication packaging and directions of usage,
as well as advertising material, which makes people
circulate with the GIPS, used by the
reforestation of delimitated areas, I
believe it's worthy to try to stop the war
and the bomb! Sad enough, and as ugly as
the picture in theguardian shows https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/24/brazil-abolishes-huge-amazon-reserve-in-biggest-attack-in-50-years,
Brazilians are always the ones who have
to suffer the most with the destruction
of our natural resources. We pay with our
nature for the portion of the world which
wasn't ready to qualify for Globalization
with their own resources and chose to close
in as Communists, because during the Cold War
it was the same thing - our oil financed the extravaganzas
of the space run of Soviet Union. We are
working hard to skill ourselves through a
stronger education system and access to
college for more people. I just hope you
can coop back with us and give
Brazilians a chance at the economic
assert, so that our people, who are as hardworking
and as loving as all people in the world won't feel as
massacrated, misjudged and exploited, by working 10 hours a day
and making 300 dollars as minimum wage. It would be ideal
for us if our economy wouldn't be based upon extractivism of natural resources
but if we had investments in Brazilian multinationals based worldwide.