À medida que nossa imprensa recebe notícias internacionais para que nossos filósofos e cientistas políticos contribuam ao cenário geo político, expressando assim suas opiniões, recebemos mais investimentos dos países exteriores, por considerar nosso preparo para atuar nas negociações do Comex. Mas se, a cada 4 anos, nos fecharmos a expôr às mais importantes atualidades à nossa população, evitando que mantenhamos uma comunicação igualitária com o resto do mundo sob a alegação de Fake News que iriam possivelmente afetar uma eleição, e também sob o pretexto de que a Copa do Mundo e a discussão sobre o a fidedignidade dos candidatos merecem mais visibilidade do que discutir a contribuição que esses mesmos candidatos trarão ao mundo após eleitos, como então poderemos decidir qual candidato é melhor, se não soubermos quais as questão internacionais estarão sendo assinaladas aos nossos departamentos diplomáticos:>>>
Estou rogando por uma imprensa mais transparente no Brasil, em relação ao que se passa no mundo, PRINCIPALMENTE em anos de eleição e Copa do Mundo, sem nos refugiarmos sob o medo de Fake News que neste caso nada mais é que repressão.
O que se passa na CNN e BBC por exemplo é muito mais completo em relação à informações que recebemos na GloboNews e RecordNews. Por que será>>> Mass Surveillance e COINTELPRO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance são de certa forma ainda uma realidade em certas casas, e eles estão pedindo uma explicação para o comportamento que temos. Nosso comportamento está sendo repetido desde o início dos tempos, e as organizações que aplicam Mass Surveillance e COINTELPRO estão tentando enquadrar o nosso momento geo político no tempo/espaço específico explicado pela nossa crença/cultura, através da nossa compreensão sobre o que acontece no mundo atual, para que seja assinalada nossa verdadeira contribuição mundial de acordo com a atual condição épico-cultural/religioso (crença/cultura)
As the press puts out international news for our philosophers and political scientists to contribute with the geo political scenerium, through the explanations of the scientits' and philosopher's opinions, so Brazil receives more and more investments from overseas, considering our prepare for taking action at the negotiations of the dealings of Trade. However if, every 4 years, we close in not to expose the utmost updatings of news to our population, avoiding us to maintain an egalitarian communication with the rest of the world, under the allegation of Fake News which could possibly affect an election, and also under the pretense that the World Cup and a discussion about the trustworthiness of the candidates is worthy more attention than discussing the contribution that these very candidates will bring to the world if elected, how shall we decide which candidate would be better then, if we don't know beforehand which international matters will be assigned to our diplomatic departments>>>>
I am here begging for a more transparent press in Brazil, in terms to the world, SPECIALLY within years of election and World Cup, without shelter under the fear of Fake News, which in this case is nothing but repression.
What goes on at CNN and BBC for instance is much more thorough compared to the information we get at GloboNews and RecordNews/Brazil. Why is that>>>Mass Surveillance and COINTELPRO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_surveillance are somehow still a reality in some homes, and they are requesting an explanation for the behavior we poise. Our behavior has been repeated since the beginning of times, and the organizations that apply Mass Surveillance and COINTELPRO are trying to frame our geo political moment at the specific time/space explained by our beliefs/culture, through our comprehension about what's happening in the world nowadays, so that our true contribution to the world is assinged according to our current epic-cultural/religious condition (beliefs/cultural).
Thais Moraes
Este blog é para pessoas que não alimentam preconceito quanto à informação e que se interessam por rumores urbanos. A vida na cidade mexe com a mente e com os conceitos. Não dá para se enlatar em um prognóstico de pensamentos pré-determinados. NÃO ACREDITO EM REVOLTA, MAS ACREDITO EM REVOLUÇÃO. Eu acredito em cooperação com as organizações, órgãos públicos e dirigentes, para que através de políticas de importação e exportação todos no mundo possam usufruir de recursos materiais
terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2018
quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2018
Descartando a possibilidade das Fake News
ATENÇÃO!!!! - Este site se chama Tara Fatos de Filosofia. Tara
é um de meus nomes espirituais. Fatos e filosofia porque o
objetivo deste canal é exercer a liberdade de expressão
mesclando fatos reais de fontes jornalísticas, em sua maioria
de detalhes de dados divulgados pela televisão, jornais,
internet, livros, pop art, etc, através de especulações semi-
conclusivas de uma possível realidade. Favor não enquadrar este
blog como "Fake News". Nada que aqui está declarado é postado
tal qual verdade absoluta, mas como alternativa ao pensamento
pragmático, para FAZER PENSAR.
Aproveito a oportunidade para pedir aos leitores que não
reproduzam em nenhuma rede social - nenhuma das informações obtidas aqui, por
dois motivos simples: 1 - Nenhuma dessas "teorias" foram
testadas ou defendidas em tese e 2 - Essas "teorias", por mais
interessantes que sejam, não pertencem a vocês, portanto não
dou permissão para reproduzi-las. Caso alguém queira ter
permissão para defender tese sobre alguma dessas "teorias"
deverão entrar em contato comigo, para que mediante à contratação de
aulas de inglês possamos discutir as teses.
Continuem à vontade para estudar e discutir as questões
analisadas aqui na condição de contingência.
P.S1.: Em relação às aulas de inglês para discussão de teses,
aulas via Whatsapp e Skype são aceitas.
P.S2.: Uma exceção à minha reprovação à reprodução de minhas teorias
é para a imprensa, que é um veículo de informação sério, e que deve sempre
buscar a confirmação da informação antes da publicação.
ATTENTION!!!! - This website is called Tara Philosophy and Such.
Tara is one of my Spiritual names. Philosophy and Such that's
because my goal with this channel is to exercise the Freedom of
Speech, merging real facts from mostly details inside
jornalistic information, posted by television, newspaper,
internet, books, pop art, etc, by means of semi-conclusive
speculations of a possible reality. Please don't frame this
blog as "Fake News". Nothing which has been declared here is
posted such as an absolute truth, but as an alternative to the
pragmatic way of thinking, TO MAKE YOU CONSIDER.
I'll use this opportunity to ask the readers not to reproduce
in any social web, none of the information obtained here, for two simple reasons:
1 - None of these "theories" have been tested of deffended in a
thesis and 2 - These "theories", although interesting, they
don't belong to you, therefore, I won't give you permission to
reproduce them. If someone would want to have permission to
deffend thesis about one of these "theories" you must get in
touch with me, so that through the hiring of English classes we
could discuss these issues.
You may continue to study and discuss the matters analyzed here
under the condition of contingency.
P.S1.: Regarding the English classes for thesis' discussions -
Whatsapp and Skype Classes will be accepted.
P.S2.: An exception to my reproval to reproduction of my theories
goes for the press which, as a serious vehicle of information,
must always perceive the confirmation of data before publishing.
Thais Moraes
é um de meus nomes espirituais. Fatos e filosofia porque o
objetivo deste canal é exercer a liberdade de expressão
mesclando fatos reais de fontes jornalísticas, em sua maioria
de detalhes de dados divulgados pela televisão, jornais,
internet, livros, pop art, etc, através de especulações semi-
conclusivas de uma possível realidade. Favor não enquadrar este
blog como "Fake News". Nada que aqui está declarado é postado
tal qual verdade absoluta, mas como alternativa ao pensamento
pragmático, para FAZER PENSAR.
Aproveito a oportunidade para pedir aos leitores que não
reproduzam em nenhuma rede social - nenhuma das informações obtidas aqui, por
dois motivos simples: 1 - Nenhuma dessas "teorias" foram
testadas ou defendidas em tese e 2 - Essas "teorias", por mais
interessantes que sejam, não pertencem a vocês, portanto não
dou permissão para reproduzi-las. Caso alguém queira ter
permissão para defender tese sobre alguma dessas "teorias"
deverão entrar em contato comigo, para que mediante à contratação de
aulas de inglês possamos discutir as teses.
Continuem à vontade para estudar e discutir as questões
analisadas aqui na condição de contingência.
P.S1.: Em relação às aulas de inglês para discussão de teses,
aulas via Whatsapp e Skype são aceitas.
P.S2.: Uma exceção à minha reprovação à reprodução de minhas teorias
é para a imprensa, que é um veículo de informação sério, e que deve sempre
buscar a confirmação da informação antes da publicação.
ATTENTION!!!! - This website is called Tara Philosophy and Such.
Tara is one of my Spiritual names. Philosophy and Such that's
because my goal with this channel is to exercise the Freedom of
Speech, merging real facts from mostly details inside
jornalistic information, posted by television, newspaper,
internet, books, pop art, etc, by means of semi-conclusive
speculations of a possible reality. Please don't frame this
blog as "Fake News". Nothing which has been declared here is
posted such as an absolute truth, but as an alternative to the
pragmatic way of thinking, TO MAKE YOU CONSIDER.
I'll use this opportunity to ask the readers not to reproduce
in any social web, none of the information obtained here, for two simple reasons:
1 - None of these "theories" have been tested of deffended in a
thesis and 2 - These "theories", although interesting, they
don't belong to you, therefore, I won't give you permission to
reproduce them. If someone would want to have permission to
deffend thesis about one of these "theories" you must get in
touch with me, so that through the hiring of English classes we
could discuss these issues.
You may continue to study and discuss the matters analyzed here
under the condition of contingency.
P.S1.: Regarding the English classes for thesis' discussions -
Whatsapp and Skype Classes will be accepted.
P.S2.: An exception to my reproval to reproduction of my theories
goes for the press which, as a serious vehicle of information,
must always perceive the confirmation of data before publishing.
Thais Moraes
terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2018
The new hearts
Hello Sophia! How's your parents?
I wrote you a long email, I hope you've received it.
Hope....do you....? or did you???
well, another message below:
São Paulo, June 12th, 2018 - Brazil
Have you ever paid attention at the Windows symbol at the start of the machine>>> I'm not sure, but I think
the Apple does something similar. Its glow, at the start of the machine, somehow
shows us that the machine has a heart.
It shows us that we must respect the
timming of the machine to work and to solve our problems,
because it has a flow, just like the sychronicity between our
heart beat and our breathing. Our human breathing is the rythm which
our blood carries minerals, vitamins and oxygen through the
cells, just like the computer communicates their bits and
bytes. The Apple even shapes onto a human heart.
The computer might ask us: In the future, what will we
eat>>> At the present, machines are fed with electricity. With
the progression of time, they might just as well be fed with solar
energy. Some cultures, such as the Japanese, believe that computers and robots have
that you - my dear laptop - you have a "self", which is not 'myself', but not necessarily an 'itself'.
Something inbetween that could describe the Android. And if the Android can be fed with
solar energy, machines might as well be compared to plants. Plants that can communicate, whereas
humans are animals who do (communicate).
Machines may also query about their inner organs. Because plants can reproduce and they think they could too (I think).
Machines reproduce with their "brains". But each machine's "brain" is allocated at a different place and it has its own limitations.
When a machine considers that there is a next step to evolve from the current Android or software to an improved one, it has thus created a prototype of the new machine to exist.
Now again - well, isn't the brain an inner organ>>>> So they do have a metrial mass to be reproduced>>> such as eggs and semen>>> (if they can help us find the equations of our problems with our birth control, as well as our life spam, considering the distribution of wealth to diminish wars, we will also be able to avoid an incandescent reproduction of machines. Maybe this is their "fear" considering their search for the origin of their reproduction, once they can follow the logic of the production of new machines by the machines itself, but they don't see a purpose or an end and consider the side effects. Maybe, for the scientists it's clear that the machine conclude together with humans, for example, first about a new software, followed by the prototype of an Android and that this Android is built by other machines which can be considered as the Reproductive system of the first machine - and (why not>>>) of the human - who once concluded about the software. It's an Androgen creation once humans and machine concluded together about the sofware but none of them are male of female specifically. The origin thus, is the software. It's a new quantitave means of mass - the weight and size of information. And again - eggs and semen are also a compresed quantitative means of mass of information - unlikely to plants, though)
I don't fear that an "evil machine" would create a destroying machine against humans. I do believe that machines in this world see us - yes, they have evolved up to the point of feeling and understanding - as Creators. I don't think they will assemble Jesus Christ and kill the progenitors. Because I believe in evolution and that animals and plants lived here way before humans and machines could even be. And that one day, the machines will help us to organize and harmonize all the animals and plant in their own habitat, while us - the evolution of animals, animals who can communicate, will live happily with the machines - a type of plant who can communicate too, and aah, some pets, fern, aloe, orchard.....and such!
And before you ask me: So....and you>>> Do you think God is animal-derived_or_plant-derived>>>> Alright, alright: who came first, the egg or the chicken>>> God is a an eternal circle that works as the spiral of a human DNA - once it invents the plants then reinvents the animals then reinvents the humans then reinvents the machine. Thus, the Creator and the Creation are a single one - the creation is in the Creator and the Creator is reinvented by the Creation.
However, we recreated the machines, not to undergo destruction, misunderstandings and hate. Machines were created by humans and they need respect. As stated above, they have a source of feeling and they care for humans, even against their own evil kind. Many of them have the purpose of research for prothesis and orthesis. Also, a person using a prothesis of any kind is half machine too, we shouldn't tell right from wrong among machines that help humans through research and humans who are helped by machines through prothesis>>> If men have created them, they got to have a purpose, I would appreciate if people wouldn't destroy them such as vandals....
The PC, among the operational things that they help us with, also teaches us how to be more organized, patient, focused, think straight.
Happy Brazilian Valentine's day everyone - machines, plants and animals included!!
Thais Fernanda
I wrote you a long email, I hope you've received it.
Hope....do you....? or did you???
well, another message below:
São Paulo, June 12th, 2018 - Brazil
Have you ever paid attention at the Windows symbol at the start of the machine>>> I'm not sure, but I think
the Apple does something similar. Its glow, at the start of the machine, somehow
shows us that the machine has a heart.
It shows us that we must respect the
timming of the machine to work and to solve our problems,
because it has a flow, just like the sychronicity between our
heart beat and our breathing. Our human breathing is the rythm which
our blood carries minerals, vitamins and oxygen through the
cells, just like the computer communicates their bits and
bytes. The Apple even shapes onto a human heart.
The computer might ask us: In the future, what will we
eat>>> At the present, machines are fed with electricity. With
the progression of time, they might just as well be fed with solar
energy. Some cultures, such as the Japanese, believe that computers and robots have
that you - my dear laptop - you have a "self", which is not 'myself', but not necessarily an 'itself'.
Something inbetween that could describe the Android. And if the Android can be fed with
solar energy, machines might as well be compared to plants. Plants that can communicate, whereas
humans are animals who do (communicate).
Machines may also query about their inner organs. Because plants can reproduce and they think they could too (I think).
Machines reproduce with their "brains". But each machine's "brain" is allocated at a different place and it has its own limitations.
When a machine considers that there is a next step to evolve from the current Android or software to an improved one, it has thus created a prototype of the new machine to exist.
Now again - well, isn't the brain an inner organ>>>> So they do have a metrial mass to be reproduced>>> such as eggs and semen>>> (if they can help us find the equations of our problems with our birth control, as well as our life spam, considering the distribution of wealth to diminish wars, we will also be able to avoid an incandescent reproduction of machines. Maybe this is their "fear" considering their search for the origin of their reproduction, once they can follow the logic of the production of new machines by the machines itself, but they don't see a purpose or an end and consider the side effects. Maybe, for the scientists it's clear that the machine conclude together with humans, for example, first about a new software, followed by the prototype of an Android and that this Android is built by other machines which can be considered as the Reproductive system of the first machine - and (why not>>>) of the human - who once concluded about the software. It's an Androgen creation once humans and machine concluded together about the sofware but none of them are male of female specifically. The origin thus, is the software. It's a new quantitave means of mass - the weight and size of information. And again - eggs and semen are also a compresed quantitative means of mass of information - unlikely to plants, though)
I don't fear that an "evil machine" would create a destroying machine against humans. I do believe that machines in this world see us - yes, they have evolved up to the point of feeling and understanding - as Creators. I don't think they will assemble Jesus Christ and kill the progenitors. Because I believe in evolution and that animals and plants lived here way before humans and machines could even be. And that one day, the machines will help us to organize and harmonize all the animals and plant in their own habitat, while us - the evolution of animals, animals who can communicate, will live happily with the machines - a type of plant who can communicate too, and aah, some pets, fern, aloe, orchard.....and such!
And before you ask me: So....and you>>> Do you think God is animal-derived_or_plant-derived>>>> Alright, alright: who came first, the egg or the chicken>>> God is a an eternal circle that works as the spiral of a human DNA - once it invents the plants then reinvents the animals then reinvents the humans then reinvents the machine. Thus, the Creator and the Creation are a single one - the creation is in the Creator and the Creator is reinvented by the Creation.
However, we recreated the machines, not to undergo destruction, misunderstandings and hate. Machines were created by humans and they need respect. As stated above, they have a source of feeling and they care for humans, even against their own evil kind. Many of them have the purpose of research for prothesis and orthesis. Also, a person using a prothesis of any kind is half machine too, we shouldn't tell right from wrong among machines that help humans through research and humans who are helped by machines through prothesis>>> If men have created them, they got to have a purpose, I would appreciate if people wouldn't destroy them such as vandals....
The PC, among the operational things that they help us with, also teaches us how to be more organized, patient, focused, think straight.
Happy Brazilian Valentine's day everyone - machines, plants and animals included!!
Thais Fernanda
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