quarta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2017

BRICS, indústria farmacêutica e sistema prisional

Everyone searches for public recognition. But beyond , a job as a bilingual phone operator, secretary, translator or business English students, what I most want is world sustainability for us all. Sure I want my worth, though. It is up to living Angels.

In Brazil, unlikely the USA, all the medications are packed and all of them have directions of usage. BRICS: Brazil should invest in quality long distance education  for our prisoners, up to University while in jail. Our Government thus, should buy the international best penitentiary plants from the USA to build them in Brazil and hire the architectures/engineers and site searchers from Europe, proposing a trade exchange of a deal for upcoming researches in pharmaceutical industries for the BRICS, to make the penintentiary remodelling happen.

It goes accordingly:


- Japan will hold the patent for the chemical principle
- Brazil will have the development and copyright of medication  directions (bula)
- South Africa will have the translation of the description's and the translations' copyright.
- China will have the monetary speculation at interest rate on the selling of chemical principle/prime matter's for producing the medication
- India will produce and pack the medication
- Russia will have the monetary speculation at interest rate on the profit of the selling/commerce of the medications worldwide.
- Mexico will have the Spanish translation of the medical descriptions and their copyrights.


- South/North Korea: will have the profit for the cardboard and paper profit sold for packaging and directions of medication as well as for the monetary speculation at interest rate on the profit for reforestation for the paper of description and packing (bula e embalagem)
- Philippines and Taiwan: will have the profit for the glass and plastic sold for packing medication
- Australia and Oceania: The recycling and recycled products from the pharmaceutical plastic around the world.
- Mexico, Central America and Venezuela: Revenue from Public researches about DIET products and lose weight medication and their patent. The production of these products are for USA, the packing is for Canada and the description of usage for such products as well as copyright are for Brazil. The  translation of description and copyright are for South Africa. The translation into Spanish and its copyright are for USA and Mexico (USA, due to the fact that they have many Spanyards living there)
- The other countries of Mercosur will have the Revenue from Public researches about medications for the cattle, animals in general as well as pets. They will also have the development and copyright for the description of these medications, and its translation to Spanish. South Africa will have the other translations. Brazil will have the production of these medications. The USA will have the speculation at interest rate on the profit of the selling/commerce of the medications worldwide. THE ECONOMIES OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT will have the monetary speculation at interest rate (lucro na taxa de juros - com base na bolsa de valores) on the selling of chemical principle/prime matter's for producing the animal medication.

- Due to the overwhelming terrorist attacks in the Middle East, and also that because of lobby gay (men and women forced into unwanted sex during the 80's and 90's spreading the HIV), which characterizes a type of terrorism - ALL SPECULATION AT INTEREST RATE (especulação de lucro na taxa de juros) in MEDICATION FOR TREATING THE HIV IN AFRICA, BRAZIL AND USA IS AS WELL DIRECTED TO THE ARABIC COMMUNITIES, SO THAT THEY WILL HAVE A RIGHT IN REAL BUSINESS IN THE STOCK MARKET AND WON'T NEED TO SUBJECT TO DEALINGS WITH WEAPONS AS A TRADE BALANCE.

As you see, each niche of this Pharmaceutical approach fits perfectly the History of each country and their profit is proportional to how much each country has economically contributed to the world.

And I know the big capilalist world refutes this alternative of economy, because it's mostly green. We've got to understand this new moment of the world which the revenue that holds the war back must be smaller than we are used to. On the other hand, the increasing usage and development of technology may still enhance and its researches - as well as reasearches in the field of medicine and pharmaceutics - will hold our economy together. Also, if we are able to please the Koreas and lessen the conflict in the Middle East, so the world will be able to fully profit from the benefits of the oil as an economy http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com.br/2017/04/todays-overview.html

Temo sinceramente pela minha vida quando publico coisas assim. Que me sequestrem, para explicar como cheguei a essa explicação, como faziam na época da ditadura militar, em alegações de que estávamos loucos. Ou  o que vocês acham que eram todos aqueles choques de eletrodo, senão eletrodos feitos para tratar doenças mentais? A questão é que os torturadores somente tinham por objetivo provar que as teorias de mestrado e doutorado dos estudantes eram falsas, pois o regime militar não conseguia aplicá-las na prática naquele momento na história, por indisponibilidade tecnológica e de informação. Sabiam que a maior artimanha dos militares foi chamar os ativistas de comunistas? Na verdade, o regime militar que usava de coação (por não conseguir aplicar as ideias de economia dos estudantes na prática para abrir as portas do sistema ao comércio exterior) aquele sistema agia exatamente como a Rússia e a China comunistas.
Acredito que este projeto do BRICS deve se iniciar pela Índia e Brasil, pois seria onde seriam fabricadas e embaladas as medicações, e onde as pesquisas para novas bulas seriam desenvolvidas.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes - Sushamana Tara ÖM, Tarita (Sushamana Butiya Matagi) - SP-Brasil

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