São Paulo city, August 24th, 2019
Globo tv, Jornal Nacional - International comment:
"No one has the right to use the deforestation in the Amazon to be on the way of commercial Agreements"
The tvNews also said that the Mercosur will most definitely suffer consequences from the indiscriminated deforestation and burning, by increasing fame for irregular production of our goods. That would imply consequences of disregard on new commercial Agreements.
For the EU, it's Brazil's responsibility to fight the fire in the Amazon. What they lack to understand is that the Amazon area is over 5.500.000 km², and due to the wild characteristic, it is impossible to surveil the entire area without affecting the biodiversity. Nevertheless, the Brazilian government disposes and places troops of the Brazilian Armed Forces to fight this problem at strategic areas, as the Brazlian tv announces periodically, concerning the Brazilian Army duties.
The link above shows the CMA (Militar Amazon Command), that is responsible for taking care of the Amazon in Brazil and our borders.
If International duty is not to discover whereas the burning and expansion of deforestated areas in illegal and irregular fire is predatory, or a terrorist attempt from other countries - that would want to claim for their own commercial interests - we must then try to realize which participation within the protection of the Amazon Rain Forest we must respond to funds such as the Amazon Fund.
São Paulo city, August 27th, 2019
The Brazilian Government announced today they don't want to be referred to as a Colony. Moreover, 90 mi Reais have been refused to be accepted from the G7 by Brazil. The message that come accross is that Brazil wants to have our share within a participation in the new negotiations, concerning amends of the BRICS to possibly suffice North Korea and the Middle East with their supplies (The Middle East already holds 40% of Brazil's exports. - http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/08/new-agreements-north-korea-and-bitcoins.html
http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/08/figures-for-new-agreement.html ), instead of an assistentialist support for a symptom which diagnosis hasn't been assigned nor found. The G7 have however, decided onto reforestation for a great part of the damaged fields. (I'd hope it could help countries such as North Korea within an insertion in the market, though that would imply new talks and Agreements about denuclearization - http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/brics-no-mundo-com-novidades.html)
As for the Amazon Rain Forest, most important is to continue to fight the local attempts, though through heavier strategy, stronger punishment to the criminals. The Riverside Population and Native landowners also need special attention by a closer approximation to the care and protection of their culture, specially monetarilly speaking.
It is important also to support the Brazilian government which has been concise and reasonable. I believe that despite of a citizen's political opinion, the only thing that matters concerning a mandate is whether or not the Statesman is concise and reasonable. If both of these regards are assigned (that associated with charisma and a good character, as found in our President) it is most certain that we are on the path of success, marching by the road of Order and Progress.
São Paulo city, August 18th, 2019
To the Amazon Fund,
Yesterday afternoon in São Paulo city, around 3PM, dark foggy clouds covered the skies of the neighborhoods.
According to the morning News at 89.10 FM, this was due to change of weather, unexpected local rain and the soot from the burn in the Amazon Rain Forest, located 3046 km away from São Paulo.
In order to refrain the burning, environmental groups have tried to understand the source for the illegal deforestation: they've come up with reasons such as pasture for cattle and mining. Nevertheless, most fields have not been turned into neither one of these activities.
I've mentioned in my article -
that a perspective for sustainable BRICS, the pharmaceutical industry as a solution: Brazil would participate through the Amazon for active principle of medication. All other countries were also mentioned, and North Korea would have their percentage into reforestation from packaging of medication, and for the recycling of the paper for indication of usage and packaging as well, by means of shares in the stock market.
Of course that this could only be real if the reforestation would be done by productive means. If the fields are destroyed by indiscriminate deforestation, no demand of reforestation would suffice, and the land would become arid and dry for new trees. Also, a Trade Agreement would need to be signed for such amends, and that hasn't become a reality still.
Later this year, due to the conflict in the Middle East, my blog has come up with a different role for the BRICS, as supplying the Middle East and North Korea with the goods they need for consumption and Trade, by using the money that has been financing this war:
(Back to the Vietnam War, the Vietnam fields were the stage for sustaining the Cold War by the production and commerce of weapons.
The smokes that come from the Rain Forest smell to terrorism too. It is not about Brazil selling the Amazon, once the burning is commercially unproductive for us (the area of deforestation is greater than possibly to be commercialized - not enough market for cattle nor agriculture); it is more likely to be either China complaining about taxes, North Korea claiming their stocks in the TISEA or even the USA fighting China and N. Korea back in our territory. Still, reasons to believe that the test on missiles of intermediate reach by the USA in California last Sunday, puts a seemingly end to the pact that finished the Cold War, bringing back the years of Cold Conflicts. It is not possible to say whether or not the USA meant by the missile testing that they are abstained from the burning in the Amazon Rain Forest (in case that the burning to be criminal - as speculation through the damage on the Cellulose Industry and the Amazon Funds, for the sake of these countries' own reclaims). The missile testing by the USA might mean that once Brazil is commonly off the destination of nuclear weapons, the U.S. is not, and probably will not, fight their war in the Amazon Rain Forest - fields of which they depend thoroughly, together with their partner Japan, within the Pharmaceutical Industry, as well as breeding of cattle, and delimited areas for mining and reforestation on Cellulose Industry. By testing the missile, if ever concerning this very matter, the U.S. may amend that if they are to fight, that will be either by a Cold War, or by straight Conflict, and that they have nothing to do with Amazon's threats (in case we are facing terrorism).
I'll disconsider here both Mad*** (Moni*** Lewi***) from this crime, even though there are rumours that she has had the help of Sand*** Bul*** to burn other two establishments in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/08/eclesiastico-e-crimes-mon-lew-have.html
I hope that the Cold Conflict will be a short period, transitioning us onto New Agreements for the BRICS, supplying the Middle East and North Korea with their needs.
São Paulo, August 23rd, 2019.
Our President, Jair Bolsonaro, has just announced measure of protection for Native and Riverside population suffering threats from the illegal deforestation by the Armed Forces, if they would allow the proximity and permanence.
The plan is to fight the deforestation and to enable this population onto the utmost of their capacity, to make them independant and fulfilled.
According to what has been announced, regardless from the deforestation being an attitude of terror (either from insiders or from overseas), or predatory logging, the Armed Forces will be set to fight this threat, as long as the Population which there abide would allow proximity and permanence (some Native and Riverside Population are extremally secluded, in order to protect their land, their culture and their wealth).
Thank you for reading it through,
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
Este blog é para pessoas que não alimentam preconceito quanto à informação e que se interessam por rumores urbanos. A vida na cidade mexe com a mente e com os conceitos. Não dá para se enlatar em um prognóstico de pensamentos pré-determinados. NÃO ACREDITO EM REVOLTA, MAS ACREDITO EM REVOLUÇÃO. Eu acredito em cooperação com as organizações, órgãos públicos e dirigentes, para que através de políticas de importação e exportação todos no mundo possam usufruir de recursos materiais
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2019
quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2019
Leak of data on Facebook
Dear Facebook,
It is so easy to complain about leak of personal data and sue Mark Zuckerberg for that.
However, I know four religious Organizations in Brazil that manipulate their members to give them their personal passwords, in order to get them what the person wants, by negotiating with the devotee's business partners or love affairs on their behalf, and using the excuse that they are more intellecutally and spiritually skilled than the devotee would be to argue, to get what they wanted and needed.
Mark Zuckerberg is not on fault if people trust their passwords onto misleading Organizations. It is for certain that not only the master of the sect will hold the secret of the personal data, but an entire network of interested people that want to "help" the new member, in exchange of a quota on the subject matter assigned.
Later on, the new member is then 'promoted' as to become a counselor, a paid adviser, by using the Facebook data of his pupil to answer on his pupil's behalf.
For this reason, I don't feel like chatting on Facebook anymore, because we never know who is on the other side of the screen. Still, I have no further comments about people who rely on religious Organizations to get what they need in the practical world. Some people really believe it is no harm to impersonate another person, because they think their personality is at loose and that it is not important to use it in order to get what you want (as long as they can enjoy the results with their own self). I feel that it is the opposite, and that being yourself fully most of the time is what the Facebook is all about.
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
Please visit: http//tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com.br
Recipé for Cornmeal in Africa
1 portion of delicious corn meal:
- 4 ml water
- 1/4 ginger cut into small pieces
- 1/2 grated carrot
- 6 spoons of yellow cornmeal
- 2 tea spoons of Brewer's yeast (powder)
- 1 spoon of grated cheese
- a pinch of salt
Take the carrots into a small pan and cook it with oil.
Boil the water and the ginger.
Take the grilled carrots into a big cup.
Add the water by straining the ginger.
Add the yellow cornmeal and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Add the Brewer's yeast powder and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Add the salt and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Sparkle the grated cheese.
I've heard your program supports cornmeal a lot. We do too in our home in São Paulo, Brazil. This is a way to make it healthier and more delicious, though cheap. The carrots bring more vitamins, the ginger helps the gastric system to work. The Brewer's yeast is rich in vitamin B and helps the intestines, besides being delicious. Salt and grated cheese is a tasty plus, because they deserve it!
I hope you can find means to try it with the friends who are under your support and care.
Truly yours,
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
- 4 ml water
- 1/4 ginger cut into small pieces
- 1/2 grated carrot
- 6 spoons of yellow cornmeal
- 2 tea spoons of Brewer's yeast (powder)
- 1 spoon of grated cheese
- a pinch of salt
Take the carrots into a small pan and cook it with oil.
Boil the water and the ginger.
Take the grilled carrots into a big cup.
Add the water by straining the ginger.
Add the yellow cornmeal and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Add the Brewer's yeast powder and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Add the salt and mix slightely until it's homogeneous
Sparkle the grated cheese.
I've heard your program supports cornmeal a lot. We do too in our home in São Paulo, Brazil. This is a way to make it healthier and more delicious, though cheap. The carrots bring more vitamins, the ginger helps the gastric system to work. The Brewer's yeast is rich in vitamin B and helps the intestines, besides being delicious. Salt and grated cheese is a tasty plus, because they deserve it!
I hope you can find means to try it with the friends who are under your support and care.
Truly yours,
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2019
Conversa essa tarde com um antigo amigo da época do "Procurados pelo Público" sobre Teologia:
- Conversa essa tarde com um antigo amigo da época do "Procurados pelo Público" sobre Teologia:
- Thais Moraes não, não são horríveis....a gente precisa tirar uma lição disso tudo....a gente precisa saber porque aconteceram aquelas coisas, qual foi o erro, e onde Deus operou.....Mas as histórias indianas são mais bonitas e muito alegóricas
- Thais Moraes acreditar em Deus ou não é uma entrega.....uma entrega para o infinito. É acreditar no Infinito e de alguma forma se entregar à Ele. É não tentar controlar tudo, mas ter controle sobre si mesmo. Acreditar em Deus é saber a importância de si, e que há outras pessoas no mundo; essas pessoas todos os bilhões de nós temos a mesma importância que cada um de nós temos para si mesmo diante do Infinito. Só isso, só esse respeito pelo próximo com a reverência e o cuidado de quem está diante do Divino é o único mandamento de Jesus: Amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e ao Próximo como a Ti mesmo (Amar o Infinito acima das convenções mundanas e ao semelhante como a divindade que há em ti). As pessoas mudam muito tudo isso, elas mentem muito, são ignorantes, não possuem habilidades para interpretar as escrituras sagradas e são autoritárias de forma arbitrária e imbecil. Mas por trás deste céu Infinito, que expande para o Além (pois o céu está em infinita expansão. Para onde será que Ele vai, se é ilimitado?), existe uma força e uma sincronicidade poderosa, e se o indivíduo, seja quaisquer suas limitações, conseguir se sintonizar com a frequência de ondas e elétrons que seu corpo está padronizado, ele conseguirá usar a Palavra, o Corpo e o Carisma para diversos fins como a cura, a terapia, os negócios, a educação, sempre com um sorriso no rosto e muita disposição. Mas para isso, é necessário se entregar à alguma Diretriz de Fé que nos mostre disciplinas de método de pensamento (existem milhares, algumas nem são tão exigentes). É igual estudar.
- Thais Moraes Eu sei que neste prisma, parece com o Teatro, e é sim! O Teatro Grego e a Teologia na Grécia Antiga Politeísta mostrava elementos muito parecidos com a vida de Jesus na Galiléia. A diferença é aquele antigo papo: "Porque Jesus morreu por nós". Esse símbolo de fé, com a fundação da Igreja Católica permitiu que cada um de nós fiéis, uníssemos nossa meta em um único objetivo. Com isso, há uma menor possibilidade de frustração, desgaste mental e alienação, pois a história que se conta era de um filósofo, curador, teólogo que conseguia arrecadar valores através de seu trabalho e utilizava isso para tirar pessoas que foram presas por não pagar impostos. Daí os chefes de estado ficaram bravos e o mataram. Se você acredita que Ele voltou ou não, isso depende do tamanho da sua fé. Mas somente o fato de Ele não ter fugido e deixado Seus discípulos vivos, morrendo por eles, para que eles pudessem contar a história de como a sociedade se estabelecia, e de como Jesus a reergueu, isso é o suficiente para você projetar sua fé na mensagem do trabalho criativo, honesto, sincero, caridoso e carismático, através da sintonia com as ondas de elétrons no universo as quais seu corpo está padronizado no local onde você atua. Às vezes é necessário exteriorizar nossos objetivos e dramas: no catolicismo nós projetamos tudo no Cristo crucificado (dramas) e no Sacrário (objetivo, Corpo de Cristo). Escutamos a missa, escutamos o Evangelho com partes da vida Dele na Terra, e depois, tomamos a Santa Eucaristia, isto é, tudo o que projetamos como objetivos volta para nós. Isso é um método de ciência de psicologia, em forma de terapia aplicada milenar.
- Thais Moraes Muitas pessoas, inclusive dentro da Igreja, não entendem nada disso. Outras são manipuladoras e muitas são macumbeiras, atrapalham a vida do irmão. Mas a fé tem que ser Naquilo que foi estipulado para ser, não nas pessoas imbecis.
domingo, 18 de agosto de 2019
Figures for the New Agreement
Looking back to 2014 and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the impact in the negotiations on Natural Gas between Russia and China:
- Russia is one of the major producers of natural gas of the world, they provide China with their source of natural gas.
- Greece, Ukraine and Russia are three Catholic Ortodox countries in Europe.
- The Tithe of Russia is the most generous, due to their size and the Natural Gas company.
- There was a competition for the Russia's Tithe, from the churches of the European side of the country, to overpay Greece and Ukraine and to colaborate with the trade balance of the EU.
Thus, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to decide the amount of the Ortodox Tithe should be of Eastern and Western Russia. The decision was made upon the amount of money for weapons Ukraine could purchase in a two-weeks basis, establishing therefore, the consume power of Ukraine. Due to heavy speculation in tourism, Greece didn't have to trench.
GDP Ukraine 112,2 bi USD --- stable after the conflict, 2014, due to the economy they dwelled on weapons at that time --- x
GDP Russia 1,578 tri USD --- earning profit sending weapons to the Middle East --- y
GDP China 12,24 tri USD --- earning profit sending weapons to the Middle East --- z
GDP USA 19,39 tri USD --- earning profit producing weapons to the Middle East --- a
y + z (13,818,000,000,000)
____________________________________ = 79.9576895307 = round to 80%
a (19,390,000,000,000)
x (112,000,000,000)
That calcullus made at in 2014 of weapons entering Ukraine in a 2 week basis allowed Russia to become the moderator that evaluates the amount of eapons entering the Middle East since.
This transaction gave profit margin to Russia, and consequently to China, who was investing in the purchases.
According to this calcullus, that shows the sum between two countries earning with the revenue on the weapons, fractioned by the division of two countries that have their economies' revenue affected with peaks and downs because of the commerce of weapons, says that the profit margin upon weapons sent to the Middle East must go down to 80%.
This value must be passed onto APEC, and APEC should invest in the BRICS for supplying the Middle East with stocks for Agribusiness, Cattle, Oil, Commodities and other needs for Consumption, Trade and Reconstruction of their cities. China is part of both Economic groups, thus the choice for APEC (BRICS is the supplier / Brazil esp.) The U.S. musn't fear losing money on the commerce of weapons decreasing, once they've been having mostly losses with the unpaid transactions and impossible Agreements (guns are not elements for Trade Agreements). The U.S. may earn a good profit margin with a bi-lateral Commercial Agreement that would benefit the USA with advantages and stocks.
China needs to pay higher taxes to Russia for the Natural Gas Company they are using, and Russia will provide the amount with the APEC. None of the countries will lose, due to the Commercial Agreement concerning the part of the oil and commodities stocks belonging to each, within the Trade in the BRICS.
Not only Brazil will provide goods within the New Trade Ageement. All countries must present their participation onto Middle East, North Korea and Eastern Europe needs.
The time rate that will set a target to the figure of 35% from the 80% decrease of weapons commercialized from the U.S., is the downfall of the price of the dollar in Argentina (currently 54.82 peso Argentinos). This economy should reach 13.5 pesos until the second semester of 2020.
Thank you for reading,
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
- Russia is one of the major producers of natural gas of the world, they provide China with their source of natural gas.
- Greece, Ukraine and Russia are three Catholic Ortodox countries in Europe.
- The Tithe of Russia is the most generous, due to their size and the Natural Gas company.
- There was a competition for the Russia's Tithe, from the churches of the European side of the country, to overpay Greece and Ukraine and to colaborate with the trade balance of the EU.
Thus, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, to decide the amount of the Ortodox Tithe should be of Eastern and Western Russia. The decision was made upon the amount of money for weapons Ukraine could purchase in a two-weeks basis, establishing therefore, the consume power of Ukraine. Due to heavy speculation in tourism, Greece didn't have to trench.
GDP Ukraine 112,2 bi USD --- stable after the conflict, 2014, due to the economy they dwelled on weapons at that time --- x
GDP Russia 1,578 tri USD --- earning profit sending weapons to the Middle East --- y
GDP China 12,24 tri USD --- earning profit sending weapons to the Middle East --- z
GDP USA 19,39 tri USD --- earning profit producing weapons to the Middle East --- a
y + z (13,818,000,000,000)
____________________________________ = 79.9576895307 = round to 80%
a (19,390,000,000,000)
x (112,000,000,000)
That calcullus made at in 2014 of weapons entering Ukraine in a 2 week basis allowed Russia to become the moderator that evaluates the amount of eapons entering the Middle East since.
This transaction gave profit margin to Russia, and consequently to China, who was investing in the purchases.
According to this calcullus, that shows the sum between two countries earning with the revenue on the weapons, fractioned by the division of two countries that have their economies' revenue affected with peaks and downs because of the commerce of weapons, says that the profit margin upon weapons sent to the Middle East must go down to 80%.
This value must be passed onto APEC, and APEC should invest in the BRICS for supplying the Middle East with stocks for Agribusiness, Cattle, Oil, Commodities and other needs for Consumption, Trade and Reconstruction of their cities. China is part of both Economic groups, thus the choice for APEC (BRICS is the supplier / Brazil esp.) The U.S. musn't fear losing money on the commerce of weapons decreasing, once they've been having mostly losses with the unpaid transactions and impossible Agreements (guns are not elements for Trade Agreements). The U.S. may earn a good profit margin with a bi-lateral Commercial Agreement that would benefit the USA with advantages and stocks.
China needs to pay higher taxes to Russia for the Natural Gas Company they are using, and Russia will provide the amount with the APEC. None of the countries will lose, due to the Commercial Agreement concerning the part of the oil and commodities stocks belonging to each, within the Trade in the BRICS.
Not only Brazil will provide goods within the New Trade Ageement. All countries must present their participation onto Middle East, North Korea and Eastern Europe needs.
The time rate that will set a target to the figure of 35% from the 80% decrease of weapons commercialized from the U.S., is the downfall of the price of the dollar in Argentina (currently 54.82 peso Argentinos). This economy should reach 13.5 pesos until the second semester of 2020.
Thank you for reading,
Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes
quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2019
New Agreements (North Korea and the bitcoins)
Leader Kim Jong-un from North Korea sometimes plays pranks on international media to call up our attention to what matters to them.
Answering the evidence on the internet that said that North Korea had built missiles with money stolen from bitcoins by hackers, this evening news announced that 2 mi bitcoins had been stolen from North Korea (tv Cultura/Brazil).
The Leader is probably provoking our political scientists, by meaning that the 2 mi bitcoin subtracted from their accounts would be the amount to be paid for the agreements once discussed upon a possible denuclearization proposal in exchange of stocks in the TISEA.
First of all, the bitcoins are a virtual currency, not up to Trade neither in the official or illegal International market of massive Goods. The bitcoins are for personal use and for some transactions of small companies only, serving as a "stock market of currencies in little transactions".
Second of all, the sustainable possibilities for North Korea -
(these are just some panorams that could be set for them), wouldn't and couldn't be paid off with bitcoins, this is just laughable.
The weapons of mass destruction North Korea have are a symbol of them holding technology, and by accepting denuclearization under observation of inspectors from abroad, their missiles would be taken away to be disposed somewhere safe (as the Arctic), and in exchange the North Korea would get stocks on Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and Trading, on counterpart to being inserted into a productive means of commercial demand up to their culture.
This Agreement could be the kick-off for another Agreement, which would substitute the demand of weapons bought by the Middle East from the USA (to finance the conflict in the Middle East), by stocks of Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and Trading with the BRICS. Through this Agreement, Brazil would assume the responsibility of producing more steel. A major part of stocks of steel and oil from BRICS would be sold to the Middle East, and then given a percentage to the USA to account for the financial loss during the times that the USA financed their conflict by selling weapons and having not enough oil in retribution (because the Middle East wanted Agribusiness and cattle instead).
The percentage of stocks given to the USA, and how many installments this financial settlement should last may by calcullated by mathematicians and economists of the USA-Japan-Germany-Russia together, not to harm any of the parts and to overflow goods and business both for the BRICS, Middle East and the USA (NATO).
The USA is not responsible for selling the weapons.
The USA have been demanded for goods of consumption since the end of the Great War. Though they are rich and powerful, they couldn't suffice for all the demand, and a culture of "terror for goods" have been generated, which extremist countries threat the USA in exchange for goods. The USA cannot force or indicate other countries to Trade with terrorists, that's unethical and imperialist. The Vietnam war demanded more weapons from the USA and this new market was fomented by the Gulf war until nowadays. This vicious circle has become a niche of Economy in the Middle East, however it is not possible to settle Trade Agreements on weapons, that are meant for killing and are not commercially sustainable. Opposed to what many may think, the Middle East don't want to continue to be inserted in this Economy either. They show signals of that by putting fire on oil reffinaries (the oil is the payment for the weapons). Still, they continue to threat with the production of enriched uranium, because they depend onto this economy nich to have the Goods they need.
If they would Trade with the BRICS for their goods by buying stocks of Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and by Trading the lowest tax rates, balanced scale for equivalent purchases, preference on oil commerce with high interest on the new pumps around the world (for example, building Texaco and Esso gas stations around the world by using Petrobras stocks that was sold to the Middle East) etc, the USA could one day be restituted from the financial loss they have been suffering by providing weapons under major threats and getting nothing in retribution during the Gulf War, The Iraq, The Afghanistan, The Iran and Syria. Besides, Russia - the moderator with whom the Middle East negotiates for their weapons' purchase - is a part of the BRICS and could make the calcullus along with USA-Japan-Germany (Germany and Japan as neutral participants, representing Economic Groups in Europe and Asia respectivelly).
I understand that China is part of the BRICS as well. But considering that through the conflicts in the Middle East only China wins from the profit of the Commerce of weapons (USA don't get the oil and China is Russia's partner because of the natural gas company, among other things). If Brazil and Mercosur are uplifted by giving more of our potential to our new partners through BRICS, only gain is provided by more steel production and other signals of Progress.
3) The Middle East would be facing glimpses of hope, however no money to invest in the Agreement for the BRICS. The truth is that the U.S. may be getting 'some' profit from the commerce of weapons with the Middle East, otherwise they wouldn't agree to produce the weapons (there is a cost to production). Still, this profit does not compensate for the demand the U.S. have.
The profit the USA have for such weapons come from an investor: Russia is the moderator that decides the amount of guns to be sent to the Middle East. And China is Russia's partner in the natural gas company. We have reasons to believe that this investment might be coming from China, upon benefit on the profit margin on the purchase and re-selling.
Thus, if the BRICS is called to offer products to the Middle East by means of stocks of Agribusiness/Commodities/Cattle/Oil for consumption and Trade, China is to use the money they apply on weapons, to support Brazil, India and South Africa instead, on investments in the industry, to supply the Middle East with their needs for consumption, reconstruction of economy and the needs of their commercial partners. This would be a bi-lateral Agreement, because in this settlement, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) would use the money China is now using for guns for investment instead, within the BRICS, with a margin of profit allowed to return to Chinese economy. That's because China participates in both Economic Groups and could flex the money. The decision would also benefit Canadá, Philipines and Australia (APEC) with the injection of figures and implementation of more jobs in those countries.
Ordem e Progresso - Order and Progress
Brazil's flag
Thais Moraes
Answering the evidence on the internet that said that North Korea had built missiles with money stolen from bitcoins by hackers, this evening news announced that 2 mi bitcoins had been stolen from North Korea (tv Cultura/Brazil).
The Leader is probably provoking our political scientists, by meaning that the 2 mi bitcoin subtracted from their accounts would be the amount to be paid for the agreements once discussed upon a possible denuclearization proposal in exchange of stocks in the TISEA.
First of all, the bitcoins are a virtual currency, not up to Trade neither in the official or illegal International market of massive Goods. The bitcoins are for personal use and for some transactions of small companies only, serving as a "stock market of currencies in little transactions".
Second of all, the sustainable possibilities for North Korea -
(these are just some panorams that could be set for them), wouldn't and couldn't be paid off with bitcoins, this is just laughable.
The weapons of mass destruction North Korea have are a symbol of them holding technology, and by accepting denuclearization under observation of inspectors from abroad, their missiles would be taken away to be disposed somewhere safe (as the Arctic), and in exchange the North Korea would get stocks on Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and Trading, on counterpart to being inserted into a productive means of commercial demand up to their culture.
This Agreement could be the kick-off for another Agreement, which would substitute the demand of weapons bought by the Middle East from the USA (to finance the conflict in the Middle East), by stocks of Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and Trading with the BRICS. Through this Agreement, Brazil would assume the responsibility of producing more steel. A major part of stocks of steel and oil from BRICS would be sold to the Middle East, and then given a percentage to the USA to account for the financial loss during the times that the USA financed their conflict by selling weapons and having not enough oil in retribution (because the Middle East wanted Agribusiness and cattle instead).
The percentage of stocks given to the USA, and how many installments this financial settlement should last may by calcullated by mathematicians and economists of the USA-Japan-Germany-Russia together, not to harm any of the parts and to overflow goods and business both for the BRICS, Middle East and the USA (NATO).
The USA is not responsible for selling the weapons.
The USA have been demanded for goods of consumption since the end of the Great War. Though they are rich and powerful, they couldn't suffice for all the demand, and a culture of "terror for goods" have been generated, which extremist countries threat the USA in exchange for goods. The USA cannot force or indicate other countries to Trade with terrorists, that's unethical and imperialist. The Vietnam war demanded more weapons from the USA and this new market was fomented by the Gulf war until nowadays. This vicious circle has become a niche of Economy in the Middle East, however it is not possible to settle Trade Agreements on weapons, that are meant for killing and are not commercially sustainable. Opposed to what many may think, the Middle East don't want to continue to be inserted in this Economy either. They show signals of that by putting fire on oil reffinaries (the oil is the payment for the weapons). Still, they continue to threat with the production of enriched uranium, because they depend onto this economy nich to have the Goods they need.
If they would Trade with the BRICS for their goods by buying stocks of Agribusiness, cattle, commodities, oil and automobile industry for consume and by Trading the lowest tax rates, balanced scale for equivalent purchases, preference on oil commerce with high interest on the new pumps around the world (for example, building Texaco and Esso gas stations around the world by using Petrobras stocks that was sold to the Middle East) etc, the USA could one day be restituted from the financial loss they have been suffering by providing weapons under major threats and getting nothing in retribution during the Gulf War, The Iraq, The Afghanistan, The Iran and Syria. Besides, Russia - the moderator with whom the Middle East negotiates for their weapons' purchase - is a part of the BRICS and could make the calcullus along with USA-Japan-Germany (Germany and Japan as neutral participants, representing Economic Groups in Europe and Asia respectivelly).
I understand that China is part of the BRICS as well. But considering that through the conflicts in the Middle East only China wins from the profit of the Commerce of weapons (USA don't get the oil and China is Russia's partner because of the natural gas company, among other things). If Brazil and Mercosur are uplifted by giving more of our potential to our new partners through BRICS, only gain is provided by more steel production and other signals of Progress.
3) The Middle East would be facing glimpses of hope, however no money to invest in the Agreement for the BRICS. The truth is that the U.S. may be getting 'some' profit from the commerce of weapons with the Middle East, otherwise they wouldn't agree to produce the weapons (there is a cost to production). Still, this profit does not compensate for the demand the U.S. have.
The profit the USA have for such weapons come from an investor: Russia is the moderator that decides the amount of guns to be sent to the Middle East. And China is Russia's partner in the natural gas company. We have reasons to believe that this investment might be coming from China, upon benefit on the profit margin on the purchase and re-selling.
Thus, if the BRICS is called to offer products to the Middle East by means of stocks of Agribusiness/Commodities/Cattle/Oil for consumption and Trade, China is to use the money they apply on weapons, to support Brazil, India and South Africa instead, on investments in the industry, to supply the Middle East with their needs for consumption, reconstruction of economy and the needs of their commercial partners. This would be a bi-lateral Agreement, because in this settlement, APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) would use the money China is now using for guns for investment instead, within the BRICS, with a margin of profit allowed to return to Chinese economy. That's because China participates in both Economic Groups and could flex the money. The decision would also benefit Canadá, Philipines and Australia (APEC) with the injection of figures and implementation of more jobs in those countries.
Ordem e Progresso - Order and Progress
Brazil's flag
Thais Moraes
segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2019
Fake News em favor da Lava-Jato
As assim chamadas "Fake News" são a única forma de denunciar os políticos corruptos do Brasil em favor da Lava-Jato.
Os bloggers não temem, não podem temer, não devem temer represália por dolo ao terem sua casa invadida no meio da noite por Mar*** Gabr*** com uma falsa identidade de Xux**** (como Gangue das Loiras), sob o pretexto de que o atual marido da blogger foi marido dela há 30 anos atrás, e que a blogger em questão acusa a parlamentar por Estelionato pelo banco Sicr**** http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/07/nova-filosofia-sicre.html , dentre outros delitos http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/02/o-laranja-e-vitima-no-crime-de-agiotagem.html .
Ao acuar a Gângster no banheiro, a Loira admite que é criminosa mas que por ser parlamentar, caso a blogger a denuncie no blog isto configurará Fake News.
Se a blogger se omitir sob o medo da represália dos Fake News desta parlamentar, não poderá mais dormir, comer, trabalhar em paz.
As Fake News não se enquadram neste blog. As Fake News são ilícitas somente ao divulgar mentiras para fins de benefício próprio.
As Fake News caracterizam crime quando o perjúrio público infere injúria proposital, sem sugerir menção à defesa por leso ou denúncia por dano.
No caso do blog ser investigado, hei de pedir em contrapartida da minha defesa a Acareação entre Xux***, Mar*** Gabr***, Izi*** Rin*** e o banqueiro fundador do banco Sicr***.
Thais Moraes
Os bloggers não temem, não podem temer, não devem temer represália por dolo ao terem sua casa invadida no meio da noite por Mar*** Gabr*** com uma falsa identidade de Xux**** (como Gangue das Loiras), sob o pretexto de que o atual marido da blogger foi marido dela há 30 anos atrás, e que a blogger em questão acusa a parlamentar por Estelionato pelo banco Sicr**** http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/07/nova-filosofia-sicre.html , dentre outros delitos http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/02/o-laranja-e-vitima-no-crime-de-agiotagem.html .
Ao acuar a Gângster no banheiro, a Loira admite que é criminosa mas que por ser parlamentar, caso a blogger a denuncie no blog isto configurará Fake News.
Se a blogger se omitir sob o medo da represália dos Fake News desta parlamentar, não poderá mais dormir, comer, trabalhar em paz.
As Fake News não se enquadram neste blog. As Fake News são ilícitas somente ao divulgar mentiras para fins de benefício próprio.
As Fake News caracterizam crime quando o perjúrio público infere injúria proposital, sem sugerir menção à defesa por leso ou denúncia por dano.
No caso do blog ser investigado, hei de pedir em contrapartida da minha defesa a Acareação entre Xux***, Mar*** Gabr***, Izi*** Rin*** e o banqueiro fundador do banco Sicr***.
Thais Moraes
sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2019
Severe U.S. policy concerning weapons
Mr Trump, the U.S. President has announced today that he will maintain a severe policy for weapon purchase and checking U.S. citizens' background upon selling guns.
That's important beyond safety of the U.S. citizens against attacks and terror, but also whilst demand of production of weapons be under control within the North American territory, so will the demand for weapons sold to the Middle East by the USA be under rule.
Speaking that:
- The USA sells weapons to the Middle East. The USA is not paid with all the oil that should be given in Trade for this transaction, because the Middle East have no goods to support the oil ballast; That is - more weapons are sold than oil is given, because the Middle East don't have products to amend for the quantity of oil they have in their territory, for the sake of Trade.
- Russia is the mediator that decides the amount of weapons that should be sold to the Middle East by the USA. Russia is the mediator since the conflict with Ukraine in 2014, when Russia foresaw, by the amount of weapons Ukraine bought weekly, how long the conflict should last https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/retrospective.html . Ever since, Russia is the mediator that decides how much money is spent in weapons from U.S.
- China is the major Natural Gas Partner with Russia, among other interests. China gets indirectly benefited from Russian decisions upon their mediation on the weapons sold to the Middle East by the U.S.; Such profit never outreach U.S., because even if the Middle East gave all oil they had, they would never have their retribution of Agrobusiness and Commodities they need, to suffice for Trade Agreements of goods the Middle East don't have
- If there is a control of the demand of the weapons sold, and produced within the U.S. territory, there will be a control upon the amount of weapons available in the market for international demand.
- the surplus amount of guns and weapons produced in the U.S. that should be sold to the Middle East, is sent to South America by the arm traffickingand enters Brazil in the borders of Bolivia and Colombia, supporting a true war in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
(It recalls back to the 1920's, a Portuguese artist who lived in Brazil was really famous and presented herself with an enormous banana crown. The Americans thought this was a Market Campaign and negotiated Bananas from Brazil with her. They paid her by buying her concerts, but she couldn't comply with what she had negotiated with them: she couldn't explain to the Brazilian Colonels about Trade, the Colonels said that the Brazilian bananas had nothing to do with her concerts. The Americans became really disappointed with Brazilians, who hadn't kept their word. Some people say that this is the reason why the President Getúlio Vargas, who was very popular among Brazilian citizens at that time, killed himself. Others say, that he was killed, because of Brazil's unefficiency to attend the Agreement the U.S. made with the singer. Ten years later, Brazil entered a Financial Fund for building the new Capital, and a city in the North East called Recife, along with oil speculation and automobile industry. Brazil assumed a slongan as: "Yes, we have Bananas!" The singer is alive until the present day, and continues to distress society under alias of young women - https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/08/quando-falsidade-ideologica-configura.html
Ever since this incident, and due to Brazil's hardship to comply with our commitments, the investors don't see potential in our industry, because we have a bad reputation and corruption. Nevertheless:
- Brazil can Trade oil from Petrobras usines with the U.S. This way, the U.S. wouldn't have to depend so much in the Middle East oil.
- Brazil can Trade Commodities and Agrobusiness with the Middle East. The Middle East could sell products such as fertilizers to Brazil, and buy stocks from Brazilian oil, Agro-products and Commodities. The Middle East would then Trade our stocks with their partners. https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/07/naval-battle.html
- We have potential for industry, Trade and Comex. We have workforce and Trade Partners.
What happened in the 20's was part of misunderstandings of bad taste. Neither one of the countries knew how to dwell with business properly. The U.S. has shown us, by having our President Jair Bolsonaro in for talks, that Brazil can be a good Partner.
Some people say there is a new Dictatorship upcoming in Brazil. Really, it is an example of Cold War and the world is tense. The tension during the Space Race time was felt on our shoulders, though the tension these days is felt on our faces, napes and foreheads. I don't think authoritarism should be a problem for us, Brazilians. We must worry most about our Order, heading to our Progress. And always find means to give loud and soft laughters.
Thais Moraes
That's important beyond safety of the U.S. citizens against attacks and terror, but also whilst demand of production of weapons be under control within the North American territory, so will the demand for weapons sold to the Middle East by the USA be under rule.
Speaking that:
- The USA sells weapons to the Middle East. The USA is not paid with all the oil that should be given in Trade for this transaction, because the Middle East have no goods to support the oil ballast; That is - more weapons are sold than oil is given, because the Middle East don't have products to amend for the quantity of oil they have in their territory, for the sake of Trade.
- Russia is the mediator that decides the amount of weapons that should be sold to the Middle East by the USA. Russia is the mediator since the conflict with Ukraine in 2014, when Russia foresaw, by the amount of weapons Ukraine bought weekly, how long the conflict should last https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/retrospective.html . Ever since, Russia is the mediator that decides how much money is spent in weapons from U.S.
- China is the major Natural Gas Partner with Russia, among other interests. China gets indirectly benefited from Russian decisions upon their mediation on the weapons sold to the Middle East by the U.S.; Such profit never outreach U.S., because even if the Middle East gave all oil they had, they would never have their retribution of Agrobusiness and Commodities they need, to suffice for Trade Agreements of goods the Middle East don't have
- If there is a control of the demand of the weapons sold, and produced within the U.S. territory, there will be a control upon the amount of weapons available in the market for international demand.
- the surplus amount of guns and weapons produced in the U.S. that should be sold to the Middle East, is sent to South America by the arm traffickingand enters Brazil in the borders of Bolivia and Colombia, supporting a true war in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
(It recalls back to the 1920's, a Portuguese artist who lived in Brazil was really famous and presented herself with an enormous banana crown. The Americans thought this was a Market Campaign and negotiated Bananas from Brazil with her. They paid her by buying her concerts, but she couldn't comply with what she had negotiated with them: she couldn't explain to the Brazilian Colonels about Trade, the Colonels said that the Brazilian bananas had nothing to do with her concerts. The Americans became really disappointed with Brazilians, who hadn't kept their word. Some people say that this is the reason why the President Getúlio Vargas, who was very popular among Brazilian citizens at that time, killed himself. Others say, that he was killed, because of Brazil's unefficiency to attend the Agreement the U.S. made with the singer. Ten years later, Brazil entered a Financial Fund for building the new Capital, and a city in the North East called Recife, along with oil speculation and automobile industry. Brazil assumed a slongan as: "Yes, we have Bananas!" The singer is alive until the present day, and continues to distress society under alias of young women - https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/08/quando-falsidade-ideologica-configura.html
Ever since this incident, and due to Brazil's hardship to comply with our commitments, the investors don't see potential in our industry, because we have a bad reputation and corruption. Nevertheless:
- Brazil can Trade oil from Petrobras usines with the U.S. This way, the U.S. wouldn't have to depend so much in the Middle East oil.
- Brazil can Trade Commodities and Agrobusiness with the Middle East. The Middle East could sell products such as fertilizers to Brazil, and buy stocks from Brazilian oil, Agro-products and Commodities. The Middle East would then Trade our stocks with their partners. https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/07/naval-battle.html
- We have potential for industry, Trade and Comex. We have workforce and Trade Partners.
What happened in the 20's was part of misunderstandings of bad taste. Neither one of the countries knew how to dwell with business properly. The U.S. has shown us, by having our President Jair Bolsonaro in for talks, that Brazil can be a good Partner.
Some people say there is a new Dictatorship upcoming in Brazil. Really, it is an example of Cold War and the world is tense. The tension during the Space Race time was felt on our shoulders, though the tension these days is felt on our faces, napes and foreheads. I don't think authoritarism should be a problem for us, Brazilians. We must worry most about our Order, heading to our Progress. And always find means to give loud and soft laughters.
Thais Moraes
Crime configura interceptação de cheques através de extorsão por meio de prostituição.
Esse crime normalmente aborda homens freelance.
Alguns homens fazem trabalhos como freelance, principalmente para o meio artístico, e recebem altos pagamentos em forma de cheques vindos de seus clientes, de outras cidades.
As empresas que fazem o repasse deste cheque atuam com lavagem de dinheiro, e enviam uma suposta "secretária" para pagar o homem, ou simplesmente acompanhá-lo ao pagamento.
Neste envelope normalmente há dois cheques, um deste está sem o nominal, pois é destinado ao parceiro do artista, caso tenha sido um trabalho conjunto.
Sabendo disso, a empresa pagadora entrega o envelope à mulher que o acompanha. Ela intercepta o envelope e diz que somente entregará mediante à relação sexual, e às vezes expõe o homem à uso de drogas. Depois, ela explica que o pagamento dela pelo sexo e pelo acompanhamento (que o homem nem requisitou), é o cheque sem nominal (no caso, se o artista não tiver parceiro no trabalho, ambos os cheques são dele, ele não teria que dividir o pagamento com ninguém).
Este crime configura interceptação de cheques através de extorsão por meio de prostituição com agravante de narcotráfico.
A empresa Telech**** pode estar sob suspeita deste crime.
Há, no entanto, a possibilidade de estas mulheres trabalharem por conta própria, em uma organização criminosa de interceptação de cheques através de extorsão por meio de prostituição.
Thais Moraes
Alguns homens fazem trabalhos como freelance, principalmente para o meio artístico, e recebem altos pagamentos em forma de cheques vindos de seus clientes, de outras cidades.
As empresas que fazem o repasse deste cheque atuam com lavagem de dinheiro, e enviam uma suposta "secretária" para pagar o homem, ou simplesmente acompanhá-lo ao pagamento.
Neste envelope normalmente há dois cheques, um deste está sem o nominal, pois é destinado ao parceiro do artista, caso tenha sido um trabalho conjunto.
Sabendo disso, a empresa pagadora entrega o envelope à mulher que o acompanha. Ela intercepta o envelope e diz que somente entregará mediante à relação sexual, e às vezes expõe o homem à uso de drogas. Depois, ela explica que o pagamento dela pelo sexo e pelo acompanhamento (que o homem nem requisitou), é o cheque sem nominal (no caso, se o artista não tiver parceiro no trabalho, ambos os cheques são dele, ele não teria que dividir o pagamento com ninguém).
Este crime configura interceptação de cheques através de extorsão por meio de prostituição com agravante de narcotráfico.
A empresa Telech**** pode estar sob suspeita deste crime.
Há, no entanto, a possibilidade de estas mulheres trabalharem por conta própria, em uma organização criminosa de interceptação de cheques através de extorsão por meio de prostituição.
Thais Moraes
terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2019
Trade China USA
O embate entre China e EUA em relação à Comércio, Moeda e Mísseis tem sido frequente.
O assunto é sem previsão de limite.
Devido às altas taxas de impostos no aço Chinês vendido aos EUA, o U.S. aumentou os impostos de produtos manufaturados vendidos à China.
Nisso, o Brasil pode se beneficiar, ao receber incentivo econômico para a demanda Norte Americana pelo aço.
No entanto, devido às características que envolvem a circunstâncias, parecida a uma "Guerra Fria", remetendo ao passado, nos anos 70, quando a Guerra Fria aconteceu de fato, o Brasil simultaneamente entrou em uma Ditadura Militar.
Não devo aqui incitar a ideia, que vem sendo defendida, de que esta Ditadura se instala neste momento no Brasil, devido ao fato de nosso Presidente ser Militar. Ainda assim, não deixo de observar que tem havido uma limitação da informação veiculada nos meios de comunicação de massa. Concluindo-se que, quando o mundo pára em dificuldades para Comercializar os Acordos existentes devido à demanda ou logística, o mercado de notícias deixa de ter conteúdo e fica bloqueado em uma sistemática de cenas repetidas, retratando o mesmo campo de guerra.
P.S.: ao assistir a candidata pela última eleição, M*** S***, no programa desta noite, e ao lembrar de sua outra ideologia como Pe*** Ta*** Cav***, estelionatária do B.B. dentre codinomes famosos, esteja dito caso tente candidatura novamente, peço Acareação entre três de suas diversas personalidades, devido à incompatibilidade entre seus atos civis e sua proposição política.
Thais Moraes
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