terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2018

allow Seeds for North Korea

It is important to point out that the North Korean Leader, President Kim Jong-il has invited journalists from over 12 nations to visit the desert mountains where he has allowed the destruction of some of their weapons of mass destruction. I believe that this invitation was concomitant to the visit of the North American President, Mr Trump to South Korea, regarding the argument that Mr Kim Jong-il does have a plan for denuclearization of the country, and whatsmore, there is a reason for North Korea to be nuclearized. For long decades, or even centuries, The Koreas have worked with genetic engeneering of birds and insects, making beautiful things, and also dangerous biological weapons. Some chemical weapons have been developed by them as well, such as the one that killed Kim Jong-il's brother last year.

But what is important to rememeber is that Mr Jong-il is putting an effort for making amends, and the reason is that They are aware that some fruit and vegetables are not able to be transported all the way onto North Korea from South America, for example - they would spoil, or that's just too expensive for them. But They have proved through their experiments (the nuclear weapons are just a symbol of that) that they have enough scientific knowledge to develop genetic engineered/transgenics vegetables/fruit in laboratory for their people, if they've just had the investments for seeds and the permission of the appropriate World Organizations, if that's the case. Later on, they would be a positive asset for the Pharmaceutical Industry, if just leaded onto the correct direction.

And also - vacuum capsules for ships, in order to desintegrate plastic, metal and other non-organic residues could be carefully developed from the technology they've created with the inspection of South Korea which has invested in researches in the Outter-Space techonology. The USA is a very important presence in this supposedly project too and now we must decide in this year's World Cup the role of Russia in whatever plan there is for the third decade of the 3rd millenium, if those ships for instance. https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com.br/2017/01/brics-industria-farmaceutica-e-sistema.html


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