sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2018

Iran's beauty indeed

Won't you be impressed if you hear a Syrian or a Iranian man or woman criticizing the Western clothes or food. Their dressing codes include pure silk, light overflowing fabric smooth to the touch and lovely to the eyes. Their eating habits include an explosion of delicious spices, a delightful combination uniqual to anyhting we might have tasted in our society.

And it is true that not very long ago, let's say until the II World War, the Western society would be interested in purchasing those delicious and precious goods. We can't expect that they would accept the feelings of becoming disposable once the world's values turned into something so cheap that the Middle East argue saying - HOWCOME YOUR TASTE HAS LOWERED TO THE POINT THAT YOU APPRECIATE JUNK AND GARBAGE>>>>

I don't know what else they could offer but their traditional culture, if the Western has a proposal for their commercial demands. But whatever oil they have won't have enough value as long as they can't produce any goods to commerce along with their oil. OIL, works like money, or like gold, in the stock market. It is a representation of the amount of agregated value of goods that a country can produce and sell in counterpart with what they consume. So these countries, such as Syria and Iran, don't understand howcome countries like Norway and Sweeden are so rich, once they don't even have oil and the money that they accumulated over the centuries was through the commerce of the goods that they commercialized during the Mercantilism (since the Vikings) which was bought from the Middle East and sold within Europe.
And now, they are rich, they still benefit from the oil which the Middle East cannot sell fully because they don't have a market for the products that used to pay for the oil as it once was, so they give the Middle East Money which can only buy weapons, because without producing goods that have value for money they aren't entitled to have the basic needs such as all the food, health aids, and conditions that they need.



My God is called Jesus. I've once believed He could be called Krisna because it even rhymes with Christ. I once called Him Baba, Bhrama, Javé, I've called Him many names, but I've never called Him Allah. I've learned since I was very young that Jesus and Allah were thriving a battle, and that Jesus was at the winner side. But considering all this, (even though Jesus said that the land  of Syria would suffer in the future - Luke 10:13-14-15 and Mathews 4:24), I want to believe in "a future after the future", when the Earth is transformed into a paradise, like we don't have to die anymore to reach the Sensation of the Father's presence, or Goloka Vrindavana. I want a life on earth which I don't feel the agony or the affliction anymore. The next step could be very natural and not as traumatic if we were to cope to peace. Because if Jesus and Allah were to fight, I think that I, as a Catholic, to be backstabing the Muslim, not allowing them to sell their goods and washing my hands on their blood, that is, the result of the weapons that are pushed onto them.

Maybe they are the victms indeed and we are pushing our culture and stealing their oil. No news for now.

Just some reflecting.


Thais Fernanda

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