The "On Tech" column by Shira Ovide yesterday presented us with the TikTok app.
I had recently been talking about "" though.
It sounds similar, but they ain´t the same - the "" device that I suggested as an alternative for paying for freelancing jobs (sponsored musicians, writers, athletes; but especially those of "city extras" - occupying the city facilities = each category registered by areas), by clocking in and off duty wherever in the world.
The Chinese app "tiktok" offers videos: a good excuse to be out in the city, occupying it. That accentuates the need for a regular system of payment to those jobs, be it a public or private sponsor, the profit is to pay for the gigs, and to reimburse for the usage of alias (GIP), provided by Chinese satellites, sometimes used by "city extras" - those "alias" were proceedings in São Paulo, a little before the pandemic´s quarantine.
Thus the importance of considering, clocking in systems.
Also bringing forward new jobs for IT, logistics programmers and accountants, in all cities that would adopt the device, so to enable the clocking in and off duty wherever in the world.
The popularization of the app "tiktok" should now project the implementation of the clocking system worldwide.
I count on you!
Thaís Moraes
Este blog é para pessoas que não alimentam preconceito quanto à informação e que se interessam por rumores urbanos. A vida na cidade mexe com a mente e com os conceitos. Não dá para se enlatar em um prognóstico de pensamentos pré-determinados. NÃO ACREDITO EM REVOLTA, MAS ACREDITO EM REVOLUÇÃO. Eu acredito em cooperação com as organizações, órgãos públicos e dirigentes, para que através de políticas de importação e exportação todos no mundo possam usufruir de recursos materiais
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