sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2019

USA, Impeachment NO, Ukraine

According to Jornal Nacional - Rede Globo São Paulo/Brazil this evening, there was a suspension of U.S. funding on Army for Ukraine in 2016, upon the supposed consideration of a close talk between President Trump and President Zelenski from Ukraine, in exchange for an espionage over Vice President Biden.


- Russia and Ukraine under conflict in 2014:

The Natural Gas Company from Russia sells most of its services to China, thus the profit of their main source of revenue belongs to Eastern Russia. The conflict in 2014 aimed to decide which part from Russia's revenue would suit the Ortodox church Tithe's onto E.U. (Western), as to say which percentage of the Ortodox Tithe belonged to Ukraine and Greece.

The amount of guns that Ukraine was purchasing in an average of two weeks basis was a standard for Russia to observe the amount of money Ukraine could spend as an economy, as well as the percentage to be contributed for their Ortodox Church Tithe.

At that time, the U.S. was still on demand with providing the guns of the conflict (the U.S. is one of the greatest producers of guns in the world).

In 2016, this funding was interrupted, because the conflict had already been suspended; The U.S. produce and sell the guns, but they don't necessarily have a control upon where they will be sold to.

Right after the 2014 conflict happened, the Middle East conflict was intensified, due to the commerce of weapons in the borders of Eastern Europe, by passing through the Middle East.


But we do know that the Middle East have developed an angry and fundamentalist justification for using them, once they feel they are being monetarily supported to receive the weapons.

Some opposing armed groups put fire on oil refineries by means to say that they are not willing to pay for the guns and that they never meant to use them, as for they believe they have been forced to destroy their culture and to become weaker, so to give their oil away. (Brazil has business with the Middle East and the BRICS may be another option for supplying them with Goods and resources, and also giving a percentage margin on stocks speculation on that Agreement, to BRICS' commercial partners, such as U.S. Last month, Brazil completed a deal with Egypt and Saudi Arabia with Potential reach up to R$2bi . That is not so much, but if it is worked properly, this deal may work as the kick off for new Arrangements and Agreements.

Because of the conflict in 2014, Russia has become the moderator of the war in the Middle East, by observing and allowing the entrance of weapons in that area within a period, to avoid full collapse.



I believe that those who support the impeachment of the U.S. President, ignores the fact that it is the smallest unemployment rate in 50 years.

And that he cares mostly about the interest of his own people.

He performs for his country first, and he never plays hypocrit. As I see him, he is transparent as crystal clear.

Much has been said in this blog, about Interpol criminals, such as Moni*** Lew*** = Mad*** = Déb*** Berg*** , and others, and many people have read these all. Some people in the Democrat Party may think that the Republicans don't support the truth Revealed by the possibility of a person in front of you be looking much different underneath that image, an alias, an undercover. The Democrats might be using the idea that they would be better as carrying out the conviction of these type of Interpol Criminals under international Trials. Also, Moni**** Lewin*** is considered to be "their offense", and maybe they think that postponing the complaint for too long would cool it down.

Still, I want to remind that the complaints placed here have been heard, and that a partnership bewteen Intelligence Services, the Interpol and Brazilian Government (where Moni*** Lewi*** = Déb*** Berg*** lives and has committed several international felonies), this partnership has occurred UNDER DONALD TRUMP's PRESIDENCY.

I hope you find means to solve all this without being unjust to this wonderful man.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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