segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020

P.S.: Brexit, Jamal Kashoggi and Greece vs Turkey

 P.S>(The reason why Jamal Kashoggi was killed in Turkey is also a matter of discussion, if considering a possibility for a new Economical block in the Middle East.....-  The countries that monopolize oil in the Middle East moving Turkey against Syria, at the moment USA withdrew their troops from that area, may have seemed as an agressive way to assure that the war would continue, and that they would continue to have their Trade through the ammunition purchase. The Turkish conflict against the Kurdish happened three months after of the death of Jamal Kashoggi: -  

What the news say about the current war Turkey vs Greece, is not the actual outcome.

The says that Greece and Turkey have been competing over gas on the Eastern Mediterranean. My insights come to mind:

In the 50's, the USA wanted to sell cars and oil to China. Mao didn't have a revenue for that, so he mapped his country for bicycles. Along with the construction of Beijing, pipes were installed by foreign countries along the electricity facilities. Contaminated gas was injected in those pipes. China queried Russia, and both Communist countries made a deal: Russia provides natural gas to China's pipes and in exchange China gives a percentage of profit and products from Silk Route (goods from Middle East and Japan that China sells to Europe) - I believe this is the "gas on the Eastern Mediterranean" the international media is talking about.

Being Greece a Catholic Ortodox, and filled with hangs with the church in Russia - China's commercial partner - and being Turkey an strategic null move to the powerful countries in the Middle East, I believe as soon as the current conflict between Greece and Turkey has an end (Greece willing to gain percentage to Russia and to EU from oil after the Brexit and Turkey wishing to have part in a tangible Agreement), the two countries that now crave a naval battle, will bring along with the outcome of figures for a new Trade Agreement (the UN brings together: United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Lebanon at one side and Jordan and Israel at the other side in two packs of Agreements that will diminish the supply of ammunition to Middle East, and organize distribution of oil in Europe, China, India, Japan and USA, in exchange of food from South America (Brazil) to the world as it is) and the decision if having Turkey as a part of this Agreement is safe, or if the opposite gives vulnerability to the other Middle East countries to use Turkey at their own benefit at a new conflict, whenever they feel commercially unassisted.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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