quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2020

What is the real benefit for a person to choose using nanotechnology (alias)?

What is the real benefit for a person to choose using nanotechnology (alias)?

People may think they will be able to speak other langauges, or have a graduation diploma, but real businesses and deals are not possible to be re-afirmed. People's real skills are not at use and such skills are necessaary at any negotiation. Conclusion: the person under alias is nothing but a "puppet". They fool well, but actually, they lack skills of debate and decision making, because the maturity of regular Education and productive like is not part of the GIP = Gadget Identity Point (chip)

Thus, economy that turns mostly 'round the usage of nanotechnology is weak and shallow. 

Countries involoved with this Trade Balance may see monetary benefits, but the economy itself collapses.

So, what is the purpose and usage of nanotechnology in the economy?

Commuting was a field that nanotechnology turned to: the flow of cars in the traffic, buses, subway and money injected in daily sales in the city. The logistics that apply where each person would circulate, and avoiding them to be at the same place within a very short space of time (causing a "freezing effect" in the block - same people, same faces, same places, everyday, no purpose: they get confused and "freeze"),  is the most important need of nanotechnology and its management (assistance and logistics) at the commuting process of a city.

Nothing is by chance.

Even though I believe that a new Trade Balance will be raised between China and Brazil, building Community Colleges in inner Brazil, and bringing High-tech gadgets to our Comex in exchange of researches that concern Brazil's Bothanics and Methereology, I think that the nanotechnology in São Paulo will still exist. It has never been dangerous to undergo, as long as management and assistance is provided. Brazil's Trade Balance with their nanotechnology partners was jeopardized as well when the suspension of nanotechnology occured.

Nanotechnology helps cities promote new artists and writers, their work, and brings venture capitalists to the city, besides injecting amounts in the market everyday. There is no purpose for a city such as São Paulo to exist if not for such dynamics, advertising, citylights and urban life. Still, the purpose that propulses the usage of Nanotechnology needs to be pacific and safe.

Before I finish, I want to make an analogy between the Robot Sonny, and the millions of people who undergo nanotechnology. I am a fan of Will Smith, and the movie "I, Robot". 'Sonny' was a sort of a human' DNA reproducted Robot. He resisted management from 'Viki', a centered computer. One day, Viki turns against humans to overprotect them. So, Will Smith injects nanites to neutralize her control.....Nanites, that neutralize the effect of nanotechnology maybe?

Funny, when all of which happened, the world turned to biotechnology, in order to transform the chaos into hope. When mankind thought we had the strongest genes, something within this new generation of DNA modifiers - nanotechnology - showed we still need to study ourselves and nature better. This matter of study is the diversity of Brazil's caatinga, where new Universities may study Bothanics and Pharmacology. 

All this, as well as my previous posts are nothing but Facts and Philosophy. I may be wrong. 

I make researhes, I observe a lot, I compile knowledge from books and articles I've read. I get many things right, and I wonder a little. I sound harsh on people and Institutions sometimes. I am just a person. I never wanted to study jornalism, not to have to render satisfaction. I have always made myself available to debate my ideas, in English or Portuguese classes, but none of you ever wanted to query.

Don't believe and blame everything you read. Use your judgement, seek Lord Almighty and be happy.

P.S.: I have another little tale for you: uhm...."I, Robot" in real life were the disc automatic vacuum cleaners. Those are really called "iRobot", you may search the internet. They pushed against the door and didn't allow people out (this was the humanoid Robots crisis commanded by 'Viki' in the movies). People then started buying cats to allow the machines to open the door.....Like the Amazon tv commercial with the "iRobot" vacuum cleaner and the cat. 

Or maybe, the "invisible Friends", with the old KKK technique from 19th century (the unseen), were joining our homes undergoing an alias, which scripts enabled such "technique" - (the KKK, Illuminati, etc.....)? And then, the "iRobot" vacuum cleaners were created to show the "Blondies' Gang" (as we call this technique in São Paulo) their way out? In the Amazon comercial, one started hunting the other.....lol!

(obs.: - "cookies" are the little pieces of information that the computers adopt as a back-up for next access.

- nanotechnology is the way "chips" or "alias" are mentioned currently. It recurs to the micro technological information input the human being (or animal) to change features such as: appearance, voice, speech, wishes, and more

- I call logistics the work of assistance to change all regarding appearance and the sequence that the chips are mounted

- I call "scripts" the so-called 'Input' factors of the alias/chip, which is responsible for reactions, talk, response to invitations and of which is considered as "free will" in a plain human

- I call "Caput", all the appearance change that the physical feature of the person under alias may suffer)


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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