segunda-feira, 16 de outubro de 2017


ESSA É PARA QUEM ESTÁ SABENDO O QUE SÃO GIPS desconsidere abaixo se achar o link acima desinteressante

Affirmative would be to assume that North Korea wants its worth. They might not want the high consumption of products, because it is a small country and they wouldn't have space for all the residue disposal. But they have the right to eat.

Capitalism has stated that if one country wants food they need to have consumption of manufactured goods in retribution.
North Korea doesn't want that. They just want money to buy food. But the money they receive as grant from South Korea, China and USA is not enough to pay for the revenue of the food. Food is the most expensive thing in the world. Brazilians as me don't undertsand that because we have so plenty. And South Koreans, who have access to the media don't understand howcome we waste so much food, whereas they are blackmailed by North Koreans who have none. The weapons North Koreans create are much cheaper for them.

I once saw a video of images from North Korea made with the permission of their government: a kid was given a banana as a snack and he didn't know how to peal it, unfamiliar with the fruit. Then he was given a pack of peanuts and it was very difficult to open, as saying: this is all you are entitled to have, and it is difficult to open. It is a little and it is limited too, don't take it for granted okay? Why do some people have the right to have so much food and others have technology - and nothing else?

Some say North Koreans can already speak English (most Brazilians can't speak a second language and do waste food and water as a joke) so it is time we find them fit in some part of world's economy. As they don't want to consume manufactured goods, and they are supported by South Korea, which company "Samsung" works with GIPS (identity). GIPS purpose in cities is to circulate to heat the economy, then it could be possible that a nich would be created from the stocks of timber industry of reforestation of delimited areas. The profit of the paper produced by these areas and its reclycling must be destined to North Korea in a way of advertising in Billboards and packaging, once GIPS circulate to see advertising on the streets and in paper/plastic bags and GIPS would be their investment (

As North Korea doesn't want to consume manufactured goods and products, this advertising can be done in countries that have SAMSUNG GIPS as South Korea, that would give the profit of this revenue to North Korea in exchange to the techonology they developed with chemical experiments to build ships with vacuum and chemical powder to desintegrate plastic and glass residues, as well as organic garbage. These ships could be anchored at the Korean bay and they could charge from India and China to desingtegrate their garbage.

If Brazil allows a territory dead by minning as Serra Pelada area to be reforestated for Timber Industry purpose, it is possible to be contributed with a participation in the development of fans for ventilation of the space of disposal of some of North Korean's arms. This type of ventilation fans are already used in the underground of India where al the cables of the internet are grounded and it is very heated. This work of development of motors and engines was also Brazilian niche during the 70's and 80's. It started with developing motor prototypes that would be used for helicopters of the Army of India and Israel during the cold war. The fortification of these armies for pacifical protection means supported the Spacial Race that gave time for Japan to reestructre economicaly, biologically and genetically. And they did a wonderful job, because they are friends with everybody and they leave their inner problems inside their own country. They are so friendly that even after having suffered the attacks in the second world War they might become now USA's cooperation against North Korea. I just truly hope that none of this will be necessary in case it's given appropriate economical support thrugh development of niche to North Korea as state above.

Caraca uhn, If things were just that easy! Well, it is not even a quarter as it seems.



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