sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2020

Palanque - Plenário Cultural

Eu desejo o oposto da Ditadura Militar e do AI-5:

Imagino uma sociedade em que artistas (à princípio atores e atrizes) exponham seus pontos de vista, em duplas ou grupos de até 5 membros, em um palanque, mediante a uma pauta apresentada de sobreaviso, sobre sociedade, comunidade, religião, política, economia, Direito, Leis, Tecnologia e Casos Policiais atuais.

Aconteceria à cada 60 dias, revezando entre SP e RJ capitais.

O tema de cada grupo seria agendado, alguns assuntos deveriam ser re-formulados junto às diretrizes apresentadas, das 10 da manhã às 22hs, com intervalos de microfone aberto para público por 45 minutos.

O público seria constituído de políticos, imprensa, filósofos e bloggers convidados, e algumas vagas para inscritos.

Seria vendido comida de food-trucks gourmet e dois-três músicos/bandas apresentariam duas músicas, com direito a 3 minutos de palavra no microfone. Apenas as apresentações musicais e as manifestações dos músicos seriam transmitidas pelos bloggeiros em tempo real.

O vídeo abaixo é auto-explicativo. Por favor, assista e comente:

AVISO: Eu não ficaria chateada caso não seja convidada.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2020

O desfecho da questão Odebretch

Eu ouvi certo, ou à partir de Julho as Instituições Financeiras estarão observando e fiscalizando atividades assim chamadas "atípicas" de cada cidadão, para encaminhamento ao COAF?

Não faz sentido.

A atitude é contraditória - eis que o banco entrega seu próprio cliente.

E também de cunho Comunista, que sugere indignidade em subir posições sociais. Há de se observar países como os EUA, que é capitalista, e evita aplicação de valores em paraísos fiscais. O dinheiro ganho por um cidadão Norte-Americano, independente do trabalho exercido, é prezado nas Instituições Financeiras dos U.S., desde que pague impostos e consuma produtos N. Americanos.

A medida em questão promove Paraísos Fiscais, pune o pobre que muitas vezes é free-lancer e MEI (como pedreiro, eletricista, DJ, ator), e consegue trabalhos significativos, cujo pagamento tem valor atípico do normal, mas esporadicamente.

O Parlamentar quem sugeriu esta medida não entende nada sobre o Brasil.

E sobre a questão das obras superfaturadas de Ma**** Si**** e a quadrilha de seus parentes por parte de pai, os Cav***** - se trata da investigação da Odebretch. A origem do dinheiro são contas do Conselho Tutelar, que tinham o objetivo de serem investidas no BNDES para empregos na iniciativa privada, privilegiando as crianças das contas em questão (e também toda a sua geração). A indenização da Odebretch pelas obras superfaturadas, desnecessárias e sem término (às quais a novela da Globo às 21hs menciona), deve portanto, ser direcionada ao BNDES e investida imediatamente em empresas no eixo SP/RJ.

Está na hora também de ouvir o que Cabral, Garotinho e Paulo Maluf tem a dizer.

E espero assistir ao Jornal em breve com uma resolução que retroceda a notícia de fiscalização das movimentações dos valores nas contas dos cidadãos. Essa medida caracteriza quebra de sigilo bancário e é Anti-constitucional.


Thaís de Moraes

Pergunta ao Professor Frazão

Professor - os elétrons sobrecarregam o corpo humano? emitir cátions é algo desfavorável, pois isso sobrecarrega em elétrons? é melhor balancear, emitindo ânions (ainda porque quando ânions se combinam, formam cátions. e se outros ânions forem emitidos, os cátions se tornarão ânions, ou seja, energia anulada/negativa) Caso afirmativo, a melhor forma de refletir/meditar, é na emissão de ânions por todos os polos do corpo. Mas me deram o nome de Tara - estrela, o que caracteriza cátions fortes. Seria essa minha dificuldade para dormir? Seria essa a forte necessidade para minha meditação e emissão de íons que equalizem o estigma Tara?



GREEN POLYMERS - Recycling is the New Economical niche

The whole world is onto the Amazon.

They say the Amazon is the lungs of the planet. But it has been proved that whatever plants you have, they produce oxygen during the day, but at night, they steal some of the oxygen they've produced - Thus, the real interest of the Amazon Fund and such NGO's are the minning, the researches onto active principles for pharmacology and pasture for cattle. All of these, are international interest.

Until we find a new economically sustainable niche for the world, the extractivism will continue to rule over Progress.

My bet is certainly for recycling. It is necessary to make recycling be value for money.

Please read:

If possible to recycle plastic residue inside ships, possibly reducing the residues into micro particles, which could be prime-matter for creating all sorts of products - from towels to jackets, from furniture to shoes, from toilets to brooms - then, every single appliance of usage would be certainly recycled from micro-particles that would create new appliances.

The current market for appliances and tools as they are, must remain in the civilized world today, rather the market would collapse. But the expectations are for a future of 3D printers homes in African villages, Sertão in Brazil,  Riverside in Brazil, Central America, etc, places that suffer without safe homes. As soon as villages are improved with cheap and safe houses, possibly built with the 3D printers - - new cities will upcome and these communities could be a special market for the appliances and tools made from recycled plastic micro-particles. These tools built out of recycled micro particles could too be built from 3d printers.
Also, their new cities would need to be economically sustained. I believe that besides stocks on systems such as Crane Wasp, a Trade could be stablished by the commerce of all kinds of gadgets and devices developed since the 1970's.
Many of those gadgets haven't been patented. By selling those patents to Arabs (who seek basic needs as they enroll in war in retribution of commodities and Agro), the new Economies would work for the Arabs, selling gadgets among themselves/BRICS (outcome of Paraguay War, 1864-1870).

I believe the Earth will remain. Keep America Great! Partido Social Liberal is key!


Thais Moraes

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020

Auxílio Remoto

Divulgar o auxílio remoto.

Nos anos 70, conhecido como COINTELPRO e Mass Surveillance nos EUA, atualmente é a rede de funcionários de uma equipe, ou tutores de uma escola que orientam um ao outro pela linha telefônica no gancho, enquanto trabalham com computador e whatsapp, etc.

Assim como o TeamViewer (programa de orientação remota, em que dois computadores interagem à distância, um interferindo no outro, no caso o auxílio remoto somente comunica voz) com chat no sistema voxy, em que é possível comunicar informações à distância pela interferência dos fios óticos instalados na cidade.

Há de divulgar o auxílio remoto, para que equipes possam manter seus cronogramas ao trabalharem de casa durante a noite em perfeita sincronicidade, como se estivessem no escritório.


Thais Moraes

Atract a paz (Portenglish)

Atract a positividade is um talento to improve.

Atract a paz to myself..

Estou correcting os últimos details de um work, e Deus spoke to be cuidadosa. Eu was com hurry to go through the "lupa", but eu understand que eu must be uma boa pupila and practice o zelo. A attitude ruim de má vontade and mal-criação needs to give space to capricho.

Eu spent a night inteira thinking na colleague chata da company, who "puxa meu tapete". But eu understood, as eu was making a correção, que a colega wouldn't be nem minimamente so desagradável, if a cargo  turbulenta of negativity não existed in me.

Enfim, sometimes nós need to put an end to trabalhos sujos of choices mal-feitas no past. Eu leave o future speak for um present of choices melhores.


THaís Fernanda

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2020

*****CRIMINOLOGIA EM SÃO PAULO com novidades!!!!



1 - feitiçaria - zoofilia (inclusive para
de insetos e pássaros (gangue da "sininho" = mulheres usam falsidade ideológica digital para reduzir as proporções corpóreas, para entrar na casa das vítimas como abutres, ou para fugir da Detenção ato sexual com pessoas em estado semi-animal, como fetiche por dinheiro), gangue das loiras em forma)
2 - interceptação de sistemas digitais/hacking de T.I., emails e celulares 3 - desvio de verbas públicas e privadas através de interceptação de contas bancárias = já denunciado pelo Fantástico como "Funcionário Fantasma" haja visto que as vítimas devolvam o dinheiro para as contas de origem para não constar envolvimento com a apropriação de verba, e que a interceptação seja uma especulação. Isso não explica o remanejamento das diversas contas. No caso de devolução do valor por parte das vítimas, isto é uma forma dela não se envolver com apropriação indébita de valores. Mas no caso do dinheiro ser legitimamente da vítima, e o "Funcionário Fantasma" ter extorquido o dinheiro para seus atos ilegais, basta saber o IP de onde foi feita a transação - 4 - construção de obras desnecessárias e superfaturadas, sem previsão de término 5 - sequestro de vulneráveis mediante à mudança de ideologia com finalidade de extorsão e narcotráfico

best of luck

thaís de moraes

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2020

Digital Catalogue-Shopping Jukebox

This evening at the supermarket.

I had checked the list: oranges, Magic Toasts, Beans....I wanted something else to chew on in front of the tv....but - I didn't want to walk around the sueprmarket to find out what I wanted.

The supermarket's owners like when someone tours around the grocery store, because then we take more things with us.

But my idea was a type of a digital catalogue, working like a jukebox, in strategic places of the store.

With a selection of music and a headset, the client would insert one dollar, choose two songs, and look through the products the supermarket has available, with the directions to reach the chosen product. When the music was over, the client may put another dollar, or leave the machine for the next customer.

Something like this, but imoproved:

The city is sorta backwards, we should aim more tech.


Thaís Moraes

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2020

Emptying my mente

Ao meditar por três segundos, vi minha mãe e três tias debruçadas no berço.

Deve ter foto disso em algum lugar, acho que meu pai segurava a câmera. Devia estar

pensando naquelas jovens mulheres, sem reação diante do bebê. Ele logo tomou

iniciativa e pegou no colo.


A imagem vista de dentro do berço pareceu real em minha lembrança.

Desde então nunca mais consegui expulsar os pensamentos de outras pessoas

interferindo aos meus.



Saiba! - Adriana Calcanhoto

Todo mundo foi neném
Einstein, Freud e Platão, também
Hitler, Bush e Saddam Hussein
Quem tem grana e quem não tem...
Todo mundo teve infância
Maomé já foi criança
Arquimedes, Buda, Galileu
E também você e eu...
Todo mundo teve mêdo
Mesmo que seja segrêdo
Nietzsche e Simone de Beauvoir
Fernandinho Beira-Mar...
Todo mundo vai morrer
Presidente, general ou rei
Anglo-saxão ou muçulmano
Todo e qualquer ser humano...
Todo mundo teve pai
Quem já foi e quem ainda vai
Lao-Tsé, Moisés, Ramsés, Pelé
Gandhi, Mike Tyson, Salomé...
Todo mundo teve mãe
Índios, africanos e alemães
Nero, Che Guevara, Pinochet
E também eu e você
E também eu e você
E também eu e você...
Fonte: Musixmatch


É tão incrível a sensação de ser visto pela primeira, very 1° vez, não?

Acho que alimentamos essa sensação a cada vez que saímos à rua, à cada dia.

E também, as cerimônias de casamento.

Mas ao conviver em casa, temos a impressão de que somos ou embriões, durante o sono;

ou cadáveres, no cotidiano.
Cadáveres desrespeitosos com a morte alheia, uns dos outros com quem se divide o teto, de forma desgostosa pela convivência prolongada, contínua e sem prazo para se extinguir. Gera-se um enjoo pelo ambiente compartilhado....

("Homens de pouca inteligência buscam favores dos semideuses e obtêm frutos que são afinal arrebatados à hora da morte. Na verdade, estes benefícios são concedidos apenas pelo Senhor Supremo. (Pag. 409)"

"O Senhor Supremo disse: "Os sábios não se lamentam nem pelos vivos, nem pelos mortos". (Pág.111)"

- Meditar figuras 11 e 7 do Bhagavad Gita Como Ele É, do Bhaktivedanta Book Trust)

Luv Luv Luv,

Thaís Moraes

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2020

Portenglish - Research Compendium

A cause que eu want to endorse is Portenglish.
For Brazilians aprenderem mais rápido o English. Também for Americans learn o Português mais rápido.
A metodology is at

A fluency is difícil, so eu wanted to promover workshops among teachers. Later on, eu want to buscar students for us to teach this methodology, promovendo a igualdade between English e Portuguese speakers.

My domínio of Portenglish is still below average, apesar eu ser fluente in both Portuguese and English.
Na ausência of people to share Portenglish, I share o idioma in my blog.
Eu não expect ser perfect in order to teach Portenglish. Eu want to jump nas water  profundas e frias of a metodologia nova, e as usual, let it teach me como proceed.

Firstly, Eu want to esclarecer two points very sério:

O Portenglish is not uma língua official, but um syllabus desenvolvido for fluent 
prática e communication com estrangeiros in Brazil, seja for turismo or business.

O Portenglish aims also e principalmente aos estrangeiros (English speakers) que want a aprender Português.

Foi developed em two categories diferente:

- Mescle A1 = nível of English A1, combined com Portuguese.


- Mescle A2 = nível of English A2 combined com Business English e Portuguese.

O goal da development deste syllabus is aimed ao Comércio e ao Trade entre países que comunicam-se em inglês, be it como segunda língua, or como língua official, junto ao Brazil. Não há o goal de substituir o idioma nacional. 
Da mesma forma que English e Português are both ensinados in Brazilian schools, o Portenglish será uma language paralela.

Devo remind você que Japan tem three línguas official de communication, cada uma falada por um layer da Society.
Na verdade, os dialetos de sincretismo cultural são inseridos progressivamente, na medida em que a comunication entre both people ganha espaço no país da língua nativa do povo que lá habita. Official Órgãos do Government must continue a falar o Português nativo por their Parlamentares, de acordo com a Reforma mais atual do nosso idioma.


(Este é um artigo de pesquisa escrito e publicado exclusivamente por Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes (Thai) com Copyright neste site (Recanto das Letras e em meu blog pessoal - Tara Philosophy and Such). Qualquer duplicação, seja oral, digital ou impressa, será considerada como plágio. Minha propriedade intelectual não está à venda, portanto o método de prática deste dialeto será exclusivamente desenvolvido por mim. Para tanto, busco grupos de pessoas para praticar.)

Brazil é escrito e pronunciado da forma estrangeira


PERSONAL PRONOUNS = in Portuguese, com exceção do IT




MODALS = in English, except can e will

Can = pode, podemos
Will = verbo no future em português

PERGUNTAS COM TO BE = Manter a regra no Português, não inverter o verb.

PERGUNTAS COM VERBO NO PRESENTE/PASSADO: Não usar auxiliar, manter regra do Português

(Veja abaixo a lista com key-verbs)

No caso de Eu, Você = manter to be no português
No caso de Tú, Ele, Ela, Vós, Eles, Eles, Vocês = flexionar o Verb to be para o Inglês.

No caso de negação no To Be: o "not" aparecerá sem contração após o is/are/am


- Eu estou fora until Friday.

- Você é from São Paulo mesmo?

- Tú is in the melhor posição for opinar

- Ele/Ela is for o Anti-Crime Pack do Minister Moro

- Vós are off to Jamaica e will deixar your kids com your mom.

- Eles/Elas are aware about os places perigosos pela town

- Vocês are out do escritório?

Devido a ser um idioma de Proficiência A1 e A2, OS PERFECTS deverão ser ignorados no inglês. Este tempo verbal será utilizado em Português.

SIMPLE PRESENT NA AFIRMATIVA mantêm o “s” ao final da palavra, da terceira pessoa









Alguns Phrasal Verbs foram escolhidos para compor o Compêndio do Portenglish.
Devido à sua alta utilização e baixa complexidade, serão mantidos em inglês, com algumas outras palavras-key do idioma English.

Seguem alguns exemplos:


*Act on –
To take action because of something like information received.

A polícia were// ACTING ON a tip// de um informante e// pegou a gang in action.


*Act on –

A medication// somente ACTS ON// tissue infeccionado.


*Act out –
Perform something with actions and gestures..

Eles ACTED OUT// a story on stage.


*Act out
Express an emotion in your behaviour.

Their raiva is// ACTED OUT //in their attitude// antisocial.


*Act up
Behave badly or strangely.

My computer's //ACTING UP; //eu think ele pode// ter um virus.


*Act upon
To take action because of something like information received.

A police were// ACTING UPON //uma pista.


*Act upon

A enzyme// ACTS UPON //certas proteins.


*Add up
to Have a certain result.

Atraso of trains// are ficando piores e// com as tickets caras,// it ADDS UP TO misery //for os passageiros.


*Add up
to Come to a certain amount or figure.

O cost total// ADDS UP TO// muitos million Euros.



*Answer for
Speak on behalf of someone or from knowing them.

Eu can ANSWER FOR// my parceiro// because eu sei //his posicionamento// neste assunto.


*Ask about
Ask how someone is doing, especially professionally and in terms of health.

Ele ASKED ABOUT //my pai.


*Ask after
Enquire about someone's health, how life is going.

Jenny ligou mais cedo e// ASKED AFTER você, so// eu disse her// que você were bem.


*Ask for
Request to have or be given.

Eu ASKED FOR //the menu.


*Ask in
To invite somebody into your house.

'Jon's na porta.' //'ASK him IN.'


*Ask out
To invite someone for a date.

Ele queria to// ASK her OUT// mas era too tímido.


Back away Retreat or go backwards.

The multidão //BACKED AWAY when //the
man puxou a faca.


Back down Retract or withdraw your position or
proposal in an argument.

Ela recusou// to BACK DOWN e// was


Back off Retreat.

The police falou// aos protestantes to// BACK


Back out Fail to keep an arrangement or promise.

Ele BACKED OUT// dois days antes do//
holiday so// nós demos o ticket// to his sister


Back out of Fail to keep an agreement, arrangement.

Ela BACKED OUT// OF do acordo// no last minuto.


Back up Make a copy of computer data.

Você should sempre //BACK UP
files// e documents importantes


Back up Support.

The rest da staff//  BACKED her UP//
when ela reclamou das condições de working


Be down Be depressed.

Ele tem estado DOWN //desde que his partner// o deixou


Be down Be reduced or less.

Os lucros da firm //ARE DOWN by ten
Percent// esta quinzena.


Be down on Have negative feelings toward someone.

Após a discussão,// James is DOWN// ON
his boss.


Be down with Be ill.

Gul is DOWN //COM uma alergia e// ele is off
Work// today.


Be fed up Be bored, upset or sick of something.

Eu estou FED UP// of his reclamações.


Be in Be at home or at work.

Eles ARE never// IN;// eu sempre get// their ligações.


Be off Depart, leave.

Eles estão OFF// home;// it still is// cinco o'clock.


Be on Be functioning (of machines).

O computador IS// ON.


Be on Take place.

O show IS ON// for os next// três meses.


Be on Take medication or drugs, especially when
they affect the person badly.

Ele IS ON //anti-depressivos e é very// difícil to please him.


Be out Be absent from a place.

Ela IS OUT// on uma visita for hoje.


Be out of Have no more left.

Nós are OUT OF coffee// então eu tenho to go
e// get um pacote.


Be up Be out of bed.

Ela is not UP// yet.


Be up Have increased or risen.

Os lucros da //company ARE UP// by quinze


Be up When the time for something finishes or

Time's UP,// please termine// your drinks e saia.


Be up for Be enthusiastic about an upcoming event.

Você are UP FOR// escalar o// Mt.


Be up to Be good enough.

Ele is not UP// TO the job;// get outra pessoa


Bear with Be patient.

Please BEAR // comigo um moment // while
Eu termino esse email.


Big up Exaggerate the importance.

Ele BIG// himself UP// o tempo todo.


Black out Fall unconscious.

Ele BLACKED OUT // e caiu // no


Black out Lose light.

Tudo BLACKED OUT // when a energia elétrica // falhou


Blow away Impress greatly.

 Her primeira novel // BLEW me AWAY.


Blow away
When the wind moves something from a

A bandeira // BLEW AWAY na tempestade; // nós teremos
to buy // uma nova


Blow down When the wind forces something to fall.

A tree was // BLOWN DOWN // na tempestade.


Blow out Extinguish candles, matches, etc..

Ela BLEW as candles OUT // on her
cake de aniversário.


Book in Check in at a hotel.

Nós took a taxi // do airport ao
hotel // e BOOKED IN.


Book into Check in at a hotel.

Nós BOOKED INTO // o primeiro hotel // nós
could find.


Boss around Use excessive authority to control people.
Ele BOSSES // everyone AROUND.


Break down Start crying.

Ele BROKE DOWN  // em um deep choro.


Break down Stop working.

My carro // está BROKEN DOWN, so // eu vim by


Break in Go into a building to steal something.

Os ladrões // BROKE IN // e stole uma TV // e um video.


Break in Interrupt something.

Eu estou sorry // to BREAK IN // on your
Conversa, // mas há um problem.


Break off Break a piece from something.

Ela BROKE OFF/// a square of chocolate //
e deu // ao her dog.


Break off End a relationship.

Ela BROKE OFF // their noivado


Break through Pass a barrier or obstacle.

A multidão // BROKE THROUGH as barreiras da police // e attacked os hunters.


Break up Break into many pieces.

O plate // BROKE UP //when foi derrubado // no floor.


Break up Close an educational institution for the holidays.

Schools BREAK UP // no final de June // for férias de summer.


Break up Finish a relationship.

Eles // estavam saindo // for alguns anos // before eles // BROKE UP.


Bring along
Bring someone or something to certain

Você can BRING // your friends ALONG // se você like.


Bring back Cause someone to remember.

Visitar my // velha escola // BROUGHT BACK memórias // of when eu was <//> an aluno lá.


Bring back Return.

Ele took// a calculadora home yesterday // e não BROUGHT ela BACK// yet.


Bring up Mention.

Eles não BRING// o assunto UP// na


Bring up Raise a child.

Meus pais// BROUGHT me UP// duramente.


Call off
To cancel something.

“O picnic was called off // because da rain.”


Cheer on
To support someone by giving them words of encouragement. This phrasal verb can be separated by the name or pronoun of the person/people being cheered on).

“Apesar de Samantha was  //at last place,// her brother cheered her on//durante toda a competition.”


Cheer up
This phrase can either be used as a phrase of encouragement said to someone who seems sad (just saying “cheer up!” to them), or it can mean to try to make someone happier.

“Andrew was tendo// um day ruim, so // his namorada cheered him up // by taking him out // ao shopping mall.”


Come up (with something)
To think of an idea.

“Eu came up com // essa idea for a TV show // about a mulher morando // com her best friend e a filha dela//. Eu chamo este programa de //‘Two and a Half Women.’”


Come up
To bring up a topic, or when something happens unexpectedly.

To bring up a topic: “Eu wanted to tell her // que eu got um job novo // mas a chance never came up.//”

Unexpected occurrence: “Eu ia to meet // my friends for dinner,// mas algo came up so // eu tive to cancel.”


Come in
To enter.

“‘Come in, // a door is aberta!’// a grandmother disse ao wolf.”


Come across
To meet or find by chance.

“Eu was limpando o sótão // e eu came across // my high school uniform./// Você believe // ele still fits?”


Come forward
To volunteer information about something, like a crime.

“A police are // motivando people a // come forward qualquer information // about a girl // that was sequestrada.”


Cut (it) out
This phrase has the same meaning as saying “Stop it.”

“Hey,// cut it out!// Eu was watching //a novela, so// stop mudar o// channel!”


Cut in
To interrupt someone when they are speaking.

“Eu was indo ask// a menina on a date,// mas her friend cut in// e eu lost a chance.”


Drop by/in
To stop by for a visit, for a short time.

“Andrew is such// um namorado legal,// when ele ficou sabendo // his namorada estava com cold // ele dropped by //to bring her// sopa.”


Drop off
To leave something or someone in their destination.

“Eu can give uma // carona a você e // drop você off // no seu work.”


Fall apart
This phrase means “to break into pieces,” but it can be used to talk about things that are not physical, like a marriage or a person.

“Eles tentaram // salvar their casamento// indo to therapy //but in the end //eles fell apart// anyway.”


Fall down
To drop to the ground, usually by accident.

“My friend escorregou // na casca de banana // e fell down.// Eu pensei que isso// only acontecia //in cartoons!//”


Fill up
To become completely full.

“Please,// fill up o form// e assine//”


Get away
To escape.

“Hurry, //você pegou //os boletins already.// Let’s //get away!”


Get around
To solve a problem by avoiding the main issue. This phrase can also be used very informally to refer to someone who has many sexual partners. As you can imagine, it’s not very nice to say that someone “gets around”!

“Some people // sabem all formas diferentes // to get around //impostos”


Get along (with)
To have a friendly relationship with someone.

“Some people are// surpresos que //eu get along//com my  sogra//really well!”


Get up
To stand up, or to wake up.

“Eu tenho tanto trouble// getting up in the morning// que eu tenho que// acertar três alarms.”


Get back to
To return to someone or something. This phrase is often used to say that you will return with an answer to a question or a request at a later time.

“O coworker do Derek// wasn’t sure que horas// a meeting was, so// ele disse que ele get back com as resposta.”


Get back at
To get revenge on someone.

“Her ex-marido// took her house //so// ela got back //at him //levando his dogs.”

Give out
To distribute:
 “Ele tem// muitos contacts// because ele// gives out his// business card //a todos.”


Give in
To surrender, especially in a fight or argument.

“A mother do Ben// gave in //e let him ficar// until tarde //com his friends.”


Give away
To hand things out for free.

“When o // cat da Linda // deu cria, ela// gave them all away to bons homes.”


Give up
To stop trying, surrender.

“Depois de//duas weeks// tentando to// build// my própria table,// eu gave up //e// just comprei uma”


Go out (with)
To go on a date with someone.

“Sarah was so happy// when Peter finalmente// chamou her// to go out// with him!”


Go ahead
To go in front of someone, or to give permission to do or say something.

Go ahead,// explain to me //porque tem um car// no my telhado.”


Grow up
To grow up, sometimes used to tell someone to stop acting childish.

“Some people// dizem que //Steve precisa// grow up, but// ele love agir //como uma child.”


Grow apart
To get distant from someone, like a friend.

“When my friend// se mudou to// another país,// eu tentei manter// contato with her,// mas nós// pouco a pouco// grew apart.”


Hang on
To keep something.

“When todos were// sendo fired,// Paul conseguiu// hang on to// his job.”


Hang out
To spend time with someone, casually.

“My friends e eu// gostávamos de// hang out no park// depois da school.”


Hang up
To end a call on the phone, especially if it’s before the other person is ready.

“Eu was// no middle da sentença,//e ele hung up// on me! //How rude.”


Hold on

“Você deve// hold on to //your hat,//está ventando //lá fora!”


Hold back
To stop yourself from doing or saying something.

“Amy  tem // uma voice maravilhosa// mas sempre que //ela is singing// in public //ela feel tímida/ e holds back.”


Look up
To check the meaning of something—can be separated by the item being looked up.

Se você não sabe// o meaning de uma word,// você should look it up// no dictionary.”


Look out
To watch out for something.

Look out,//uma baseball vai//te atingir//!”


Pay back
To give someone back money that you owe them—can be separated by the person getting paid back.

“Thanks for// getting me lunch// when eu esqueci// my wallet// na home! //Eu pay você back//amanhã.”


Pay for
This phrase can either mean to give someone money for a particular purpose (like paying for a new car), or to suffer because of something you did.

“Ele vai pay //for all os problems//ele me causou//se atrasando today!”


Put out
This phrase can mean to extinguish a fire, or to irritate someone by asking them for a favor. (In the case of annoying someone, can be separated by the person getting annoyed.) Be aware that in very informal slang, this phrase has a more offensive meaning.

“Os bombeiros conseguiram// put out o fogo//antes de atingir// other houses.”

Put on
To get your clothes or makeup on.

“Todas mornings// ela puts on// her dress,// batom, shoes// e hat—//nesta order

Take off
This phrase can mean to remove clothing, or to leave for a journey (e.g. planes take off when they begin their flights).

“Ela was very happy// when ela finally// got home e// took off her// shoes. Eles were apertados //all day!”

Take out
To remove something, like from a pocket or a bag. This phrase can also mean to take someone on a date. It can be separated by the item or person being taken out.

“As crianças sat//nas their desks//e took out //their pens and paper.”

“Ele took her out// ao most caro restaurant//na city.”


Turn on/off
To switch a machine or light on or off.

Turn off a luz,// Eu estou tentando //to sleep!”

Turn around
To move so that you’re facing the opposite direction.

“Sally was about// to get no plane,// mas she turned around when//alguém called her name.”

Turn up
When something that was lost is found unexpectedly.

“Tudo que eu  lose// sempre turns up//embaixo do couch.// É o favorite place do my cat”


Work out
To exercise.

“Eu tento to work out//todas mornings,// by repetidamente levantar//uma big donut// to my mouth.”

Work (something) out
To come up with a solution or a compromise with someone.

“Não worry,// Eu estou sure// nós podemos work it out so//que todos are happy.”

MOST COMMON PHRASES IN ENGLISH = Aprender as frases mais comuns em English e sempre usá-las no idioma inglês (na aula você receberá o significado de cada uma delas e praticará em diálogos)

001. Are you sure…?
002. Are you used to? / I used to…
003. As far as…
004. As far as… (is) (am) (are) concerned,…
005. Be careful with…
006. But this doesn’t mean that…
007. By the way…
008. Compared to…
009. Did you use to…
010. Don’t ever…
011. Do you agree…?
012. Do you carry this in…?
013. Do you have… available?
014. Do you mind…?
015. Do you feel like…?
016. Shouldn’t we…?
017. Have you ever…?
018. Not…until…
019. He is as… as…
020. He is either…or…
021. He is so… that…
022. He is not only… but also…
023. Help yourself to…
024. How about…?
025. How come…?
026. How dare you…!
027. How do you like…?
028. How long does it take…?
029. How often…?
030. I bet…
031. I can hardly believe that…
032. I can’t help…
033. I can’t say…
034. I cannot wait to…
035. I dare say…
036. I’d like you to…
037. I’d hate for you to…
038. If it hadn’t been for…
039. If there is one thing that… me, it’s…
040. I have no idea…
041. I have got to…
042…. as… as possible
043. I’ll let you know…
044. I’d be grateful…
045. I’m afraid…
046. I’m calling to…
047. I’m looking forward to…
048. I’m not really happy with…
049. I’m thinking about…
050. I really go for…
051. It is… that…
052. It’s too bad that…
053. It’s my fault for…
054. It’s not that… but…
055. It’s on the tip of my tongue.
056. It’s said that…
057. It’s up to…
058. It’s your turn…
059. It may surprise you, but…
060. I have been…
061. I’ve had enough of…
062. I wonder if…?
063. I would rather… than…
064. No matter what…
065. No wonder…
066. Now that I (come to) think about it,…
067. Once you…
068. … only to find…
069. On one hand…on the other hand…
070. See that…
071. Speaking of…
072. Thanks to…
073. Thank you for…
074. The first thing I’m going to do when… is…
075. The more…the more…
076. There is nothing as…as…
077. There is nothing I like better than…
078. We’d be better off without…
079. We’d better…
080. We may as well…
081. What becomes of…?
082. What can I do for…?
083. What do you mean by…?
084. …what-do-you-call-it (what·cha·ma·call·it)
085. What do you say…?
086. What… for…
087. What if…?
088. What I’m trying to say is…
089. What’s the matter with…?
090. What would you do if…?
091. What’s the use of…?
092. What’s your favorite…?
093. Where can I…?
094. Where there is… there is…
095. Whether or not…
096. Why not…?
097. Would you care for …?
098. You are not to…
099. You can never… too…
100. You only have to…in order to…

KEY-VERBS IN ENGLISH = = Aprender as palavras-chave em English e sempre usá-los no idioma inglês (na aula você receberá o significado de cada uma delas e praticará em diálogos)


CONNECTORS = must ser mantidos in English. = Aprender os conectors mais comuns em English. À partir de agora, usá-los sempre no idioma inglês (na aula você receberá o significado de cada uma delas e praticará em diálogos)

Direction & Place
§  Here
§  There
§  Over there
§  Beyond
§  Under
§  To the left
§  In the distance
§  Opposite

§  Especially
§  Also
§  In addition
§  Indeed
§  Of course
§  Certainly
§  Above all

Time & Sequence
§  Later
§  After
§  Before
§  Then
§  Next
§  Soon
§  Finally
§  First, second…

§  As …as
§  Like
§  Unless
§  Despite this
§  By the way

§  But
§  However
§  Unlike
§  While
§  Yet

§  Such as
§  In this case
§  For instance
§  For example

Cause and Effect
§  So
§  Because
§  Thus
§  Hence
§  Due to
§  As a result
§  Consequently
§  For

§  As well as
§  and then
§  And
§  To
§  Also
§  In addition to
§  Not only – but also
§  Or

PREPOSITIONS must ser mantidos in English. = = Aprender as preposições mais comuns em English. À partir de agora, sempre usá-las no idioma inglês (na aula você receberá o significado de cada uma delas e praticará em diálogos)

·         on
§  days of the week
§  on Monday
·         in
§  months / seasons
§  time of day
§  year
§  after a certain period of time (when?)
§  in August / in winter
§  in the morning
§  in 2006
§  in an hour
·         at
§  for night
§  for weekend
§  a certain point of time (when?)
§  at night
§  at the weekend
§  at half past nine
·         since
§  from a certain point of time (past till now)
§  since 1980
·         for
§  over a certain period of time (past till now)
§  for 2 years
·         ago
§  a certain time in the past
§  2 years ago
·         before
§  earlier than a certain point of time
§  before 2004
·         to
§  telling the time
§  ten to six (5:50)
·         past
§  telling the time
§  ten past six (6:10)
·         to / till / until
§  marking the beginning and end of a period of time
§  from Monday to/till Friday
·         till / until
§  in the sense of how long something is going to last
§  He is on holiday until Friday.
·         by
§  in the sense of at the latest
§  up to a certain time
§  I will be back by 6 o’clock.
§  By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.

EXPRESSIONS = = Aprender as expressões mais comuns em English. À partir de agora, usá-las no idioma inglês (na aula você receberá o significado de cada uma delas e praticará em diálogos)

Shut up
Stay away
Be it

A, AN, THE = Serão utilizados em Português: um, uma, o, as

termos de business English contextualizados a momentos-chave de discussão de negócios (Portenglish). I have four examples:

The Word1 is: RISK
There are four things we must consider whilst Risk a probability:

Aceitação, Atenuação, Transferência, Evitamento

1 - Nós aceitamos essa opção, uma vez que não há outra solução, mas somente usaremos para low-impact risks que tem low probabilidade de ocorrer. 

2 – Vamos usar mitigation para reduzir tanto a similaridade quanto o level de impact de um risk, e é usado para risks que são prováveis de ocorrer, mas que também são prováveis de ser low-impact.

3 - Esse method refere-se a transferring risk a outra party (for example, o ato de comprar seguro transfere o risk ao provider da insurance). Essa responsividade é comum para risks que tem um impacto negative alto mas baixa probabilidade de ocorrer.

4 –  Avoiding risks é ideal, e especialmente importante se o risk é alto impact e possível de ocorrer. Táticas de avoidance dever requerer maior investimento (para desenvolver estratégias alternatiavs), mas esse custo adicional e esforço é apropriado para alto-impacto, alta-probabilidade e negative risks.


Michelle: Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How 1. __________ I help?
Male: Yes, can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please?
Michelle: Who’s 2. ________ please?
Male: It’s Richard Davies 3. ________ .
Michelle: Certainly. Please 4. ________ and I’ll 5. ________ you through.
Male: Thank you.
Michelle: Hello, marketing. How 6. ________ I help?
Male: 7. ________ I speak to Jason Roberts please?
Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?
Male: My name’s Mike Andrews.
Michelle: 8. ________ a second - I’ll see if he’s 9. ________ . Hello, Jason, I’ve got
Mike Andrews on the phone for you ... OK - I’ll put him through.
10. ________ on a moment, I’m just putting you through.



Jumbled Text
The lines in the following telephone conversation are in the wrong order. Rearrange them, then listen to
Talking Business: Telephone: Messages and check your answers.
1 Claire: Or can I take a message?
2 Female: Actually, would you mind? Could you tell him that Jennifer McAndrews called and that
I’m in the office all day if he could call me back.
3 Claire: Goodbye!
4 Female: Yes, it’s 5556872.
5 Claire: In about an hour. Can you call back later?
6 Female: Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please?
7 Claire: Can I take your number, please?
8 Female: No I need to talk to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he be out of the meeting?
9 Claire: Hello, finance department
10 Female: Okay, I’ll do that.
11 Claire: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I help?
12 Female: Thanks very much for your help, bye!
13 Claire: 5556872. Okay, I’ll make sure he gets the message.


Clip 1:

Sarah: Right then, Alex, let’s get down to business. On the agenda today for our public relations meeting are the research project, the launch of the website, the timeline for press releases, and the secretary of the year award. Are you quite happy with those points?

Alex: Yeah, that’s fine. If you could go through them in order, that’d be great.

Clip 2:
Alex: Okay everybody, thanks for coming. Let's keep this meeting fairly brief, really just a couple of things on the agenda. First of all, as you can see, the news on the book re-launch; and secondly, the office move; and finally, we'll have a little bit of time for any other business.


(1) Facilitate
To facilitate means to make things easier and help them run more smoothly. A facilitator is the person whose job is to facilitate.

Sample sentence: “The course facilitator is there to provide guidance and encouragement for the group to find out the answers for themselves.”

(2) Coordinate
The verb to coordinate means to arrange for two or more parties (people or groups) to work together. The person who coordinates tasks or activities is known as a coordinator.

Sample sentence: “We need someone to coordinate the conference call with our business partners in Europe and Asia.”

(3) Prioritize
To prioritize means to deal with things in their order of importance or urgency. Things that are more important are given a higher priority so they get done before the less important things.

Sample sentence: “I have eight emails waiting in my inbox. Let me prioritize which ones I should answer first.”

(4) Schedule
The verb to schedule means to plan for an event (such as meetings, conference calls and deliveries) to take place at a certain time and place.

Sample sentence: “Peter’s stuck in a traffic jam. We may run into scheduling problems if we can’t confirm what time he’ll be at the office for the meeting.”

(5) Process
The verb to process means to put something through a series of actions to achieve a certain result. The noun processing describes the series of actions and steps needed to produce a certain result.

Sample sentence: “You may submit your business loan application today. Processing usually takes up to two to three weeks.”

(6) Motivate
The verb to motivate means to provide a good reason for doing something, or to encourage someone to work harder.

Sample sentence: “George doesn’t seem to be putting in much effort lately. It’s time his sales manager steps in and motivates him to meet his quota.”

(7) Collaborate
The verb to collaborate means to work together with another person or group to achieve a common goal.

Sample sentence: “Higher management wants us to collaborate with our partners in Britain to develop a better product.”

(8) Supervise
The verb to supervise means to direct and be in charge of someone or something. The adjective supervisory is used to describe the quality of someone who’s in charge.

Sample sentence: “The contractor will be in later to supervise the office remodeling.”

(9) Document
You might already know that the noun document refers to a paper or computer file. The noun documentation refers to the creation of records or files.

Sample sentence: “I think you should read the document carefully before signing it.”

(10) Budget
The verb to budget means to make a plan for the amount of money to spend on something. The word budget can also be used as a noun to mean the amount of money that’s made available for spending.

Sample sentence: “If you’re organizing a year-end office party, you’ll have to work out a budget for it.”

(11) Negotiate
The verb to negotiate means to formally discuss something and come to an agreement. The noun negotiation refers to the formal discussion to arrive at a decision that all parties agree to.

Sample sentence: “After a week of negotiation, we still can’t agree on the terms of the contract.”

(12) Implement
The verb to implement means to effectively start using or enforcing an action or plan. You might implement a set of measures or rules, for instance.

Sample sentence: “We’re now ready to implement security measures that we hope will make this office building a safer place for our employees.”

(13) Communicate
You’ve probably heard of the verb to communicate, which means to pass on information to someone. The noun communication refers to the act of expressing or exchanging information.

Sample sentence: “Due to the lack of communication, we don’t have all the facts we need.”

(14) Recruit
The verb to recruit means to find suitable people to work for your company.

Sample sentence: “After securing this deal, we had to recruit more managers to head the projects.”

(15) Authorize
The verb to authorize means to give approval or permission to someone to do something. Authorization, or the act of giving approval, is commonly given in the form of a signature.

Sample sentence: “I’ll have to get my supervisor to authorize this check before I send it to you.”

(16) Merchandise
The noun merchandise simply refers to the products or goods that are bought and sold by your company.

Sample sentence: “This year, there has been an increase in our imports of foreign merchandise.”

(17) Inventory
The noun inventory refers to the items or products you have in stock.

Sample sentence: “The year end is the time when we check our stock and update our inventory lists.”

(18) Turnover
The noun turnover is pretty interesting. It may refer to the amount of money your company receives in sales, or the rate at which your company’s merchandise is sold and replaced by new stock. It could also mean the rate at which staff leave your company and are then replaced by new people.

Sample sentence: “Our total sales turnover this year is higher than the past two years combined. You can all expect a bonus at the end of the year.”

(19) Distribution
The noun distribution refers to the delivery of products or merchandise to your store or business.

Sample sentence: “The new manager takes care of the distribution of our sports and fitness products to other countries.”

(20) Profitability
The noun profitability refers to the profit or amount of money gained from your sales or business.

Sample sentence: “Management would like you to conduct a study of the profitability of expanding our market overseas.”

(21) Adoption
Refers to the uptake of solution by customers in a market. For example, a service that has high user adoption is in high demand among its users. A product/service that has rapid market adoption is experiencing strong customer purchases of the product/service. An example would be the rapid adoption of Apple’s iPhone and iPad.

(22) Adoption Curve
A line graph used to illustrate the adoption trends of a particular solution in a market. A typical adoption curve in technology markets has a long slow ramp at the start — adoption begins with a few early adopters and, if successful, progresses through the stages of mainstream adoption, market saturation, and market decline.

(23) Advanced User
User with relevant technical knowledge or expertise in the field of application of a system. An Advanced User can contribute, in cooperation with the designer, to the formulation of the System Requirements.

(24) Amortization
"Amortization" -- refers to method of allocating the cost of a intangible asset over that assets useful life (e.g. a patent cost spread along the patent output lifetime).

(25) Business Model
The mechanism(s) by which an organisation generates revenue. There is a wide array of business models – some examples include monthly subscriptions to services, direct sales to organisations, channel resellers, technology licensing, etc. The choice of business model is critical to success in capturing the business opportunity. An organisation can have more than one business model to achieve its objectives.

(26) Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)
Refers to funds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as equipment, property, industrial buildings etc.

2)KEY (original conversation from Talking Business: Telephone: Messages)

9 Claire: Hello, finance department
6 Female: Hello, can I speak to Adrian Hopwood, please?
11 Claire: I’m afraid he’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I help?
8 Female: No I need to talk to Mr Hopwood, I think. What time will he be out of the meeting?
5 Claire: In about an hour. Can you call back later?
10 Female: Okay, I’ll do that.
1 Claire: Or can I take a message?
2 Female: Actually, would you mind? Could you tell him that Jennifer McAndrews called and that
I’m in the office all day if he could call me back.
7 Claire: Can I take your number, please?
4 Female: Yes, it’s 5556872.
13 Claire: 5556872. Okay, I’ll make sure he gets the message.
12 Female: Thanks very much for your help, bye!
3 Claire: Goodbye!

To share ideas and form groups for Portenglish lessons, contact me at: - 4 students minimum


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes