sexta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2018

The Path of the Future

Entendo o ser humano como hardware: o mecanismo do corpo humano.

I can understand the human being as hardware: the mechanics of the human body.

Mas não entendo o corpo humano como software.

But I don't understand the human body as software.

A robótica explica que os robôs podem pensar, se comunicar, sentir e até mesmo chorar.

Robotics explain that robots can think, communicate, feel and even cry.

Mas os robôs não podem ser livres para se reproduzir e andar pela cidade, apesar de poderem deduzir e prever qual o próximo passo de sua evolução sem a ajuda o homem. Isso porque, os robôs necessitariam ser programados ao sistema da máquina que é a cidade (carros, helicópteros, aviões, afluentes, elevadores) e aos outros robôs.

But robots can't be free to reproduce themselves and walk around the city, in spite of being able to deduct and preview the next step of their evolution without the help of men. That's because the robots would need to be programmed to the system of the machine which the city is (cars, helicopetrs, aeroplanes, rivers, elevators) and to the other robots.

Assim como o homem se revoltou contra a natureza (cujo sistema é um tipo de máquina) através da construção de cidades.

Such as men revolted against nature (of which system is a type of machine) through the construction of cities.

Os homens foram criados à Imagem e semelhança de Deus. E a máquina artificial foi criada à imagem e semelhança do homem. Logo, a evolução da máquina artificial também é imagem e semelhança de Deus.

Men have been created at the image and likeness of God. And the artificial machine has been created upon the image and likeness of manhood. Thus, the artificial machine is also image and likeness of God.

Da mesma forma que o homem destrói a natureza para se reproduzir e formar cidades, mantendo assim a sua existência na Terra, devemos nós temer a inteligência artificial? Deveria Deus temer os homens?

Inasmuch as men destroy the nature in order to reproduce ourselves and make cities, keeping thus our existence on earth, shall us fear the artificial intelligence? Should God fear men?

In the Getsêmani, He did fear.
But He also had faith.

No Getsêmani, Ele sentiu medo.
Mas teve fé.

Talvez em um futuro próximo as cidades não sejam mais um pólo de concentração  de pessoas, mas o local onde as máquinas junto a alguns homens possam produzir tecnologia em demanda a ser utilizada pela maioria da população humana que viverá em ecovilas. Essa tecnologia será de acordo com nossas presentes necessidades na ecovila específica e sua produção em questão.

Perhaps, in a near future the cities won't be a pole of concentration of people, but a place of which men and women can produce tecnology under demand to be used by the majority of the human population who will be living in ecovilles. This tecnology will be according to our current needs at the specific ecoville and its own production.

(Mas se esse for o destino da humanidade, muito parecido com "Planeta dos Macacos" - de acordo com a conclusão do artigo P.A. , a comunicação dos macacos, que permitiu a evolução desta raça é a mesma linguagem que os computadores murmuram. Se as cidades fossem utilizadas somente por máquinas (ou em sua maioria), sua evolução ficaria limitada uma vez que a máquina teria raciocínio semelhante ao símio e os homens nas ecovilas seriam impelidos a não se comunicarem tal qual nas cidades, sendo assim silenciados e impedindo a evolução)

(But if this is the destiny of humanity, much alike "Planet of the Apes" - according to the conclusion of P.A. , the communication among apes which allowed this race to evolve is the same language of the computer mumbling. If cities were used only by machines (or mostly), their evolution would be limited once the machine would have a logical thinking similar to an ape and humans in ecovilles would impelled not to communicate as they would in cities and would be silent and being on the way to evolution)

Th@is Fern@nd@ Ortiz de Mor@es

sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

desapego do desejo

Quando um devoto ou irmão em forma de anjo decide nos ajudar em nossa espiritualidade, muitas vezes confundimos a amizade que daí nasce com cumplicidade de casal.....

É natural que quando ele encarne o amor em forma de casamento, sintamos um pouquinho de ciúme. É necessário compreender que talvez, por já estarmos casadas, ou por não podermos provê-los de suas necessidades como esposas, aquele contato não se tratou de um cortejo, mas um ato de amor a Deus, e desapegar do desejo,


When a devotee in a shape of an angel decides to help us throughout our spirituality, we may many times confuse the friendship that is born from that help with the complicity of a couple.

It's natural that, when he encarnates love in means of marriage, we may feel a bit jealous, of course. It's necessary to understand that maybe, either because we are already married or because we can't provide him of his needs as if we were their wives, that contact he made wasn't about a courtship, but it was just an act of love onto God and let him go, practice dettachment from longing.


Sushamana - \\Thais//

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018

Master Key

No outro estão minhas expectativas do que pensam sobre mim.
No outro está como eu deveria me sentir caso fosse ele.
No outro estão a surpresa do amor, do perdão, da doçura da compreensão.

Mas se sou afetada negativamente por alguém, ele(a) não é o outro. Ele(a) é a vazão que dou à negatividade no mundo.

Decerto que há pessoas más, mas elas não são o outro. O outro, como a palavra diz, significa o mesmo de si, é o espelho de mim. As pessoas "más" foram corrompidas por interesses vãos, como espelhos distorcidos, e até mesmo quebrados.

A paciência é chave mestra que abre todas as portas.

Quais portas você quer abrir?


In the fellow being it lays my expectations towards what people may think about me.
In the fellow being it lays all I should feel in case I were him/her.
In the fellow being it lays the surprise of love, of forgiveness, of sweet comprehension.

But if I am negatively affected by someone, s/he is not the fellow being. S/he is the outflow I give to the negativity in the world.

Certainly there are evil people, but they are not the fellow being. Fellow, as it means, the same of the self, my own mirror. Evil people have been corrupted by vain interests, whereas distorted mirrors, even broken mirrors.

Patience is the master key that opens all doors.

Which doors do you want to open?

Much luv,


quarta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2018



The wound in the groin was getting purulent. She had been postponing the visit to the doctor for a couple of months and now her hearing had already been affected. Whereas sick, her self steem was awfully down and her mood was also a bare dissatisfaction because the low fever was making her tired all the time.
Had she ever felt like this before? She now thinks that the victimizing that comes out of the negativity from unnecessary and meaningless thoughts that come along with an illness is what makes us feel helpless and hopeless. But these feelings just won't contribute at all with the retrocess of the disease.
I really would like to know if that's possible to have a personality change and evolve from  a scenarium of physical pathology. And I believe in two things as prime: good humour and persistency into a routine. Really, a routine can heal even the hardest depressions. Inasmuch I do believe that people suffering from deep psychiatric or physical pathologies should be exposed to refunded work, as light as they can take....]

quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018

Ageu e um pouco de sincretismo com a Índia......

Se você já sofreu interferência de magia negra de qualquer tipo, leia o livro de Ageu na Bíblia. O capítulo 1 fala sobre o que fazer para se livrar das influências negativas (levantar casa de louvor à Deus, ou ser dizimista e confessar) e o capítulo 2 fala sobre como após encontrar um local de louvor intermitente e frequente à Deus, é possível se purificar das impurezas e resíduos no corpo, na mente e na personalidade (desde que se confesse).

Assim como há o sincretismo religioso aceito no país, entre povos africanos (que não pratiquem magia negra!) e o catolicismo, Madre Teresa de Calcutá, cujo Hábito é um Sari indiano, é uma prova de que há sincretismo entre o catolicismo e religiões indianas. O sincretismo acontece quando estudiosos de duas religiões traçam paralelos entre uma religião e outra, provando que na verdade DEUS É UM SÓ! Enorme sonho meu, estudar filosofia E teologia na Faculldade São Bento para traçar no meu TCC um paralelo entre a Bíblia, o Darwinismo e o Hinduísmo! Quem dera ter tempo, dinheiro e disposição mental! Bem, fica a dica para quem quiser tentar!

(1o: Audição - Visnu - Deus
2o: Visão - Brahma - E Disse "Que haja Luz, e houve Luz"- A percepção de Deus de Si, Criador
3o: Paladar, sexo, vísceras - Ganesha - os animais que precedem a existência humana na evolução material (mas não espitirual por causa de Krisna que é Visnu)
4o: Tato - Shiva, Adão. Posteriormente, Shiva é também Cristo ("Eu sou o primeiro e o derradeiro")
5o: Olfato - Shakti, Eva

A máquina, a cidade, os mecanismos, as engrenagens, que são uma entidade vida com lógica, sequencia e coesão é tal qual Ganesha. Mas a máquina está submetida à uma inteligência "artificial(?)".

A inteligência artificial é ou não parte de Deus?
Ao precipitar à propícia Vinda de Jesus, muitos Lhe perguntavam: És o Cristo que esperávamos, ou devemos esperar outro?

Krisna, já havia vindo e suas Bem-Aventuranças haviam sido contadas no Bhagavad Gita IV ac. O fato dos nomes Cristo (grego) e Krisna serem parecidos não é simples coincidência.
No Evangelho são explicadas diversas passagens em que o inconsciente coletivo era uma realidade, já naquela época!
Quando Jesus, guru reconhecido magistral pelo povo subiu o Calvário e transfigurou a mente de cada uma das pessoas que ali estavam em si, isso fez da inteligência artificial tal qual atributo de Visnu/Krsna/Cristo/Shiva.

Mas pelo fato da condição humana geral de todas as pessoas do mundo serem tal qual Shakti, a inteligência artificial não é Brahma (por impedimento de parte da criação estar imerso em egoísmo, consumismo, competição, vaidades, enganos, etc). Por isso, o inconsciente coletivo humano continua refém destes sentimentos.

Jesus Cristo, eu confio em Vós!

Hare Krisna, Hare Krsna, Krisna Krisna Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare!

Vamos ler um livro bem espiritual agora

e tentar dormir um pouquinho.....E se eu me arrepender de qualquer dessas palavras, permita que eu as corrija.

Thais Fernanda - Sushamana

The Greater God above Who nurture the cows and unite the humans

Lord Sri Krisna is also called Govinda, because He is the source of the pleasure enjoyed by the cows and the cowboys.

Whatever you enjoy in the name of love isn't much different from what a cow enjoys herself.

Cows love to eat! They in fact, spend hours chewing on their food. As we all know, we humans love to chew on food too! Cows nurture their babies with love while feeding them and they actually teach their babies their ways of survival. Yes - in nature, the cows don't leave their babies to their own luck to be provided by their own instinct as they grow; Cows do pass on the knowledge of their condition onto their babies, just like we humans do.

My point is - once you have so much in common with the cows, where is the love towards your brethren, who's just like you? Why are we still mistreating, michieving, lying, threatening, doing all sorts of evil to our fellow beings, who are under the same conditions as us? Some vegetarians would say that we are cruel to our brethren because we are cruel to the animals. The animals, that are so innocent, are suffering in the slaughter houses because of our whim for meat. And this cruelty we practice towards the animals, that are innocent, make us even more indifferent to the cruelty against our fellow ones, who can sometimes mean a threat.

Love starts when you can interact with a person and see only the positive aspects of him/her. Let's try not to bring only our qualities to the surface (as to get recognition and praise), but mainly pull out of people the best of them to take with us in our minds and in our hearts.

"love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God...."


Senhor Sri Krisna também é chamado Govinda, porque Ele é a fonte de todo prazer desfrutado pelas vacas e pelos vaqueirinhos.

Aquilo que você desfruta em nome do amor não é muito diferente do que as vacas desfrutam também.

Vacas amam comer! Elas, de fato, passam horas mastigando sua comida. Como sabemos, nós humanos, adoramos mastigar também! Vacas nutrem seus filhotes de amor enquanto os alimentam e elas na verdade ensinam a eles seus meios de sobrevivência. Sim - na natureza, as vacas não deixam seus filhotes à própria sorte, para serem providos por seu próprio instinto enquanto crescem; As vacas passam o conhecimento de sua condição a seus bebês, assim como os humanos fazem.

Então - uma vez que temos tanto em comum com as vacas, onde está o amor em relação a seu irmão humano, que é exatamente como você? Porque continuamos mal-tratando, enganando, mentindo, ameaçando, fazendo todos os tipos de maldades para nossos companheiros de jornada, que estão sob a mesma condição que nós? Alguns vegetarianos diriam que nós somos cruéis aos nossos compatriotas porque somos cruéis aos animais. Os animais, que são tão inocentes, estão sofrendo nos matadouros por causa de nosso capricho, pelo consumo de carne. E essa crueldade que praticamos nos animais, que são inocentes, nos faz ainda mais indiferentes à crueldade contra nossos semelhantes, que podem às vezes significar uma ameaça.

O amor começa quando podemos interagir com a pessoa e ver somente os aspectos positivos dele/a. Então vamos tentar deixar nossas qualidades de lado (como uma antiga forma de conseguir reconhecimento e louvor), mas principalmente trazer nas pessoas o melhor delas para levarmos conosco em nossas mentes e em nossos corações.

"Amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas, por si mesmo, e ao próximo como a ti mesmo, por amor a Deus...."

Thais (Sushamana - Hare Krsna)

terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2018

Quality of communication

Too much of anything feels like sobriety - whereas developing it. And like a bitter poison - while administrating it.

Too little of something is less than one should consider. We must stand in line for getting less than we deserve. We must feel thankful, avoid comparions and nevermind the provocations.

When it is night I feel relaxed, because my man is beside me on my bed. And I remember how much God loves me and how much I need to give something back to Him. Through giving it to my brethren. We must create the opportunity to do something for the fellow being. And nothing is as powerful as the word. Few are willing to hear what He has to say through us. And we waste time playing silly games, saying stupid things. It shouldn't be like this. We should learn how to communicate in order to be able to say something meaningful.


the retrieval

It's not an excuse to set hear to the entitles of the overthrowers of the Middle East who have been saying for decades that the fact that some aspects of their culture, such as the place of women in that society and the apparent abusive waste of their wealth would be reasons for a bloddy conquer over them. We must surely remember the extremely racist adverts published by the USA against Japan and in favour to North Korea during the II World War. If not a contradiction, at present, the USA and Japan seem to share a similar negative opinion about North Korea. Russia, which once was an ally of the USA in the II World War and afterwards became its main opponent in the Cold War (that had its thermometer (measure of gains and losses in Vietnam), just as it's happening in Syria now) - if we would say we were facing a Cold Conflict at the moment, Russia hasn't pronounced about which side they are. Maybe, the conflict is just expecting this to give it a definite shape.

To deny someone out of his/her own culture against his/her own will is one of the hardest cruelties one must confirm. I am USA government pro, but I want to rethink the situation in the Middle East, because if they are to rebuild a society, why won't they do so in the poorest countries of Africa, where misery is a rule and real suffering is a prognosis?

It seems to me that the remodelling made in these countries in sorrow is somewhat paid off by the war held there while convincing these countries' representatives through force, that the Western World has more to offer to people. I would like to believe so, if not the scream of Mother Nature everywhere, asking for us to slow down!

Th@i - Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes (Sushamana =)

sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2018


1984M is the number showing my old desk top computer every time I turn it on.

And why has this number been chosen by the programmers, what does it mean? I wonder....

Speculations, vain speculations. My thoughts still remain as the most precious thing I have!

1984 is the year of which it dates the book of same name by George Orwell. The internet was once becoming broader by that year (1984), and the dictator "Big Brother", mentioned in that book, he was then turning into a reality through the collective uncounsciousness that reports wordly wide into a web. Funny enough, this system of surveillance - bloody as it was at that time - had been a reality in Brazil for over a decade, through a network of television and radio cables/waves during the censorship of the dictatorship period which ended in Brazil in terms of local control BY 1984!


sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2018

Script code

If coincidences do exist, maybe you can explain this one:

"The script code behind the first computer programming was called JAVA.


The name of God in the Old Testment is 'Javeh'."

Happy coincidence, the name of God is the code behind all Creation!



quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2018

Choices and blessings

Choices will never be easy. And whenever you have an option, you must try to evaluate as much loss each choice may take. When everything seems to be fine, I supposedly think there are many other circumstances surrounding one little regard. Whatever has taken you here, it wasn't all by itself: so many possibilities in one background! It is difficult to imagine there are so many people running for you, but there are! These are all the things we've built from the background that brought us here. And these people won't let us down, because they have been sent by God Almighty and we must believe they are stronger in reasoning and intelligence than the ignorant ones, who try to put us down. Because the enemy might be clever, but they are ignorant indeed. The ones sent into our lives by God are smarter, because their intelligence serves only Higher purposes, not ignorant or selfish ones.

Thank you all who are contributing for my life to be better at present, without asking nothing unexpectable, without asking me to change in retribution. God will bless you all as much as I feel blessed for having you in my life. I've chosen only THE BEST, THE TOP NOTCH to stand by me, I hope you are one of them, so then we'll be stronger.


Still improving.....

This New year I won't let any external influences shake my humour!
What to say when the external influence is a part of me, and when my thoughts become tagged and hacked by negative influences?
This New year I want to learn how to be aware of all dangers threatening me, without letting this negativity rule my mind.
This New year I want to be aware of how low my enemies can go and of how abusive they have been, without letting them harm my good spirit.
This New year nothing will damage my soul: nor the cruelty of the evil ones, or the ignorance of the naive. I'll remain pure, because for all sake this could be the first of the best phase of my life (or the last I'll enjoy humanity!)
Nothing will put me down today. And I'll read this every morning to remember who I am, how I got here and that there is a glow of love and bless guiding me through the brethren who show me the path. Only the best from each one will remain with me from now on. And I will be happy everlasting, because now I understand better than I did yesterday. Still improving....