quinta-feira, 25 de abril de 2019

7 things North Koreans might want to do business with Brazil (in my opinion) which are extremaly cheap

Good evening Mr and Mrs,

The reason why I've chosen the embassy of Germany in Armenia to speak to at the moment, is that a considerable amount of Armenians came to build a community in São Paulo - Brazil, in the 70's. They had money to invest, but the South Koreans took upon their area of acting business, because they were expading around the world during at the same time, also arrived here. So I think nothing would be more fair than giving the Armenians the shares and negotiation of Comex of the cheap products produced in Brazil (of many kinds, from handcrafts to the ones I want to present as basic for the well being and quality of life - below)

Armenians in São Paulo could find a place to deal Middle East business with the Jewish in the city, so to perform the bridge between Muslims' business with the Jews. This is another reason why I've chosen your embassy to contact, because I know that after the ungrace of the Holocaust, Germany has protected business that the Jews from Jerusalem could have in France - and from Europe to around the world.


These are 9 products which can make a difference in the quality of well being of a society.

I thought maybe North Korea (and South Korea too) would want, being them so cheap to buy.

The safety razor are for cleaning the back of the ear for women as well as shaving legs and under the arms, if they would want to. In the back of the ear, it is possible to put some lotion or perfume after shaving it, if wanted, so to avoid lice and also, this helps avoiding mean terrorists to hypnotizing us on the bus and on the subway, while they put cigars and pipes of drugs on the back of our ears.

- Edel Safety Razor Solingen (old fashioned, with single razors to place at a time)- Itapema, Indústria Brasileira, 2 reais at retail (0,70U$)
- Fashion Liquid Soap for Women (Sabonete Líquido Feminino) - Terra Cosméticos, Indústria Brasileira, 6 reais at retail (2,00U$)
- Fashion Shark Cartilage (Cartílago Tiburón, Crema para Masaje /Massage Cream, Ação Refrescante - Contains arnica extract, Fish Oil and Omega 3, Dermatologically tested and
approved) - Terra Cosméticos, Indústria Brasileira, 8 reais at retail (2,70U$)
- Herbíssimo (Cream Deodorant) - Galati Cosméticos, Ind. Brasileira, 3,80 reais at retail (1,23U$) is cheaper than
- Deodorant Powder (Polvilho Antiseptic Granado) - Casa Granado S.A., Ind. Brasileira, 10 reais at retail (3,33U$) but this one lasts longer than the previous one.
- Hair Gel Silver Line Professional System Cimento & Cola (Cement and Glue) / Galati Cosméticos Indústria Brasileira 9 reais at retail (3,00U$)
- the razor blades I found at the retail store in São Paulo was Lord co. www.lordshave.com alex@lordshave.com , Made in Egypt - 5 razor blades cost 1,50 reais at retail, 0,30U$ each 5 blades (0,06U$ each blade)
- Lard (hog) - for cooking (Seara and Aurora are both Indústria Brasileira and they range for 10 Brazilian Reais per kilo at retail - 3,33U$/kilo)
It could be good business for all.

PS> 8° and most important: - Good Sandal (or Wodden) combs, handmade or manufactured, will last for over 10 years without breaking or holding lice.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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