sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2018

Barnes & Nobles, Livraria Cultura e Tique-Taque

Sobre terceirização de Post Pago para influencers, impulsionamento de editores para a publicação dos livros dos bloggers e vloggers sem ônus, expansão para palestras pelo mundo com reversão de parte dos rendimentos para a construção de hospitais, escolas, creches, asilos e orfanatos semi-privados.

I truly believe that São Paulo city is in need of editors to outburst the potential lives of writers, fomenting thus a market for lectures around the world, which profit would be a percentage for money to be invested in hospitals and other social iniciatives in Brazil.

The editors expose the writer's private life and create a wish from the community to know what this person thinks through books.

With the popularization of Youtubbers and Bloggers, the demand for writers has grown. But we still don't have the editors. Well, not until now.

A new company has approached our country: Tique-Taque. They allow the possibility of clock-in your daily work demand from anywhere in the city and - why not - outsourcing the Paid Posting (ads from sponsors of the influencers) in our blogs and vlogs, by associating our images in the content we publish, to the products we may consume at home and in the city, along with a partnership in the companies of "promoters", the "detective business in SP", that receive fund from the government for organizing the logistics and evacuation of traffic, in many types of city actions. The Tique-Taque would work as a "funding bank" to finance and administrate the finances that each "detective co." manages within the casting of the city.

As for the agents at Tique-Taque, who would manage both the data base of influencers, bloggers, vloggers, musicians, models, actors and actresses as well as the data base of the sponsors, matching each one with their needs, as an outsourcing of Paid Posting (ads), or an "agency of sponsors and editors" for bloggers, with the purpose of publishing books, booking tv enterviews and delivering lectures all around the world, saving up the money for semi-private hospitals, shelters and children day cares, aiming for new stories to be told from people who really have something so say: patients, elders and teachers. This way, the books would be published in larger scale without the fininacial onus to the writer.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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