sábado, 14 de março de 2020

COVID-19 e Mers-Cov

Is Coronavirus "new" epidemy called COVID-19 because the new disease outbroke in 2019?

According to https://www.correio24horas.com.br/noticia/nid/coronavirus-foi-identificado-pela-primeira-vez-nos-anos-1960/ , the first case of Coronavirus was in 1960. In 2002, SARS (CoV) was responsible for killing 8,000 in China and since 2004 no other case of that type of SARS has been reported in the world.

In July 2013, cases of SARS (Coronavirus) in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Arab Emirates and Jordan spread to Africa and Europe - Mers-Cov

Riyadh, Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 24.774265, 46.738586.

gps coordinates of 24° 46' 27.3540'' N and 46° 44' 18.9096'' E.

High 115 °F (Jul 12, 2:00 pm)
Low 81 °F (Jul 2, 5:00 am)
Average 99 °F

18% (Jul 31, 6:00 am)
4% (Jul 1, 12:00 pm)

Doha, Qatar
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 25.286106, 51.534817.

gps coordinates of 25° 17' 9.9816'' N and 51° 32' 5.3412'' E.

High 117 °F (Jul 26, 3:00 pm)
Low 88 °F (Jul 1, 12:30 am)
Average 100 °F

89% (Jul 1, 12:30 am)
9% (Jul 19, 1:30 pm)


Dubai, the Emirate of Dubai, the United Arab Emirates
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 25.276987, 55.296249.

gps coordinates of 25° 16' 37.1532'' N and 55° 17' 46.4964'' E.

High 115 °F (Jul 5, 1:00 pm)
Low 88 °F (Jul 18, 6:00 am)
Average 99 °F

84% (Jul 16, 2:00 am)
11% (Jul 27, 4:00 pm)


Amman, Jordan
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 31.963158, 35.930359.

gps coordinates of 31° 57' 47.3688'' N and 35° 55' 49.2924'' E.

High 99 °F (Jul 25, 3:00 pm)
Low 64 °F (Jul 1, 2:00 am)
Average 80 °F

83% (Jul 13, 6:00 am)
8% (Jul 8, 12:00 pm)


In three of these countries, the lowest temperature was 88°F
In Jordan, the lowest temperature was 64°F

the lowest average for the four countries is 90°F


the Mers-Cov is a disease that spreads as a flu, as an influenza. The lowest temperature and humidity may infer.


The most recent cases of Coronavirus provokes a new disease called COVID-19. it outbroke in Hubei, China.

Wuhan, Hubei, China
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 30.583332, 114.283333.

gps coordinates of 30° 34' 59.9952'' N and 114° 16' 59.9988'' E.

High 61 °F (Dec 22, 2:00 pm)
Low 28 °F (Dec 17, 7:00 am)
Average 45 °F

100% (Dec 3, 12:00 am)
19% (Dec 10, 11:00 am)

between the Mers-Cov and the Covid-19, the Coronavirus manifested in 79.000000 furthest considering longitude, 5°N and 59° E farthest considering gps

coordinates, 90°F/45°F = a progression of half decrease of temperature for manifestation of the new virus.

the average humidity in Hubei is 62% against 20,5% average in the Middle East. That's a 41.25 humidity progression increase for the manifestation of the new virus.

The Mers-Cov and the Covid-19 must be compared. The Covid-19 must undergo in a lab to the same bio-physical circumstances and conditions the Coronavirus was before becoming more agressive, in a regression, not meaning to a retrocess, (considering that the Mers-Cov has killed 35% of the cases and the Covid-19 only 2%), but for finding the mutant position of the new virus (Covid-19), meaning incubation (vaccine?) if a middle term between the exposition under the physical/climate - for Mers-Cov and transition to Covid-19 - if this middle term is found, affecting the new Coronavirus to rather moderate/mild/less agressive, for the rate of progression having been found, the regression is a possibility.

As for healing, my guess is combating any viral attacks to the ICD-10: R65.2 ICD-9-CM: 995.92 MeSH: D009102 - Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), also known as multiple organ failure (MOF), total organ failure (TOF) or multisystem organ failure (MSOF) - the organs affected - , https://www.aappublications.org/news/2020/03/12/coding031220 , as for all it seems, the disease itself is the contraction of pneumonia - https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=pt-BR&sl=en&u=https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa247/5803302&prev=search - which may be followed by multisystem organ failure (MSOF)

Na família do coronavírus existem alguns tipos diferentes, que causam diferentes quadros clínicos. “Esse vírus tem subtipos mais leves, que causam resfriados, e outros dois subtipos mais graves, que podem causar infecções do trato respiratório, como uma pneumonia”, explica a infectologista Clarissa Cerqueira Ramos, do Hospital Cardio Pulmonar. https://www.correio24horas.com.br/noticia/nid/coronavirus-foi-identificado-pela-primeira-vez-nos-anos-1960/

Opinião leiga, obviamente.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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