sábado, 3 de outubro de 2020

Netflix, Trade War (what I think)

Chess players versus computers on matches that discuss and solve world issues.

Chess matches that write Best Sellers by Ghost Writers.

Barnes and Nobles, percentages of stacks of soybeans and oil in Nasdaq, China and Japan to outreach Europe and Asia.

This Chess Matches now generates a new market: generation of scripts and production of tv series for paid tv.

It is important to favour the correct market from the profit of the transactions of these matches, that generate these Netflix's ans such.

Communist countries such as Russia and North Korea have chess players solving issues with computers and generating scripts for series and movies. Means for embracing their skills by acknowledging their efforts could be a insertion within an official Balance Trade.


Trade War

The birth screening tests are high performance in the U.S., they come along with the the Birth Cerfiticate, which isn't mandatory, though expensive. China wants to prove this nanotechnology is theirs, but the U.S. managed to proof the espionage they had been suffering. China felt unjust towards the tax charge on technological products sold to the U.S.A, because the logistics (which China refeers to as "assistance") concerning the nanotechnology of the birth screening tests (and other alias) was managed by China. So they suspended the services of logistics, first in their country, to see if people wouldn't be sick from diseases prevented at the screening test (when the first alias was input), and by evidence that only a lung disassociation occurred, the logistics were suspended in other places in the world, once they hadn't found means to charge for this service until now, being this assistance concerning alias, nanotechnology, change of physical features, these subjects were difficult to explain and discuss.

The babies receive a birth screening test to prevent phenylketonuria (PKU), cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, critical congenital heart disease, hearing loss, and others . The child receives a first alias (nanotechnology, chip), with repairing DNA disease in case they have one of these disorders. In Brazil during the 60-90's, the first alias was a combination of physical features mother and father. In the USA, the first alias is High Performance, and the researches are ever increasing (stronger but light muscles, flexible tissues, more responsive cells concerning sensitivity, and lovely appearance.It's redundant to ignore that nowaday's people are much more goodlooking than they were 100 years ago. Technology has a little to do with it.). The usage of a first alias gives the citizen a fixed self to return to in case they get exposed to other different alias along life. As for children, this exposition to different alias could be: provisory homes due to family abuse, kidnapping, a "set up family" ("família de papel"), drug abuse at young age, etc. When these children have an alias combined with a  document (the Birth certificate), they can always return to their original self.

I am just a girl.
This is Facts and Philosophy.
If you take any of this seriously,
do leave a message below and we may begin a debate.

All best,

Thaís Moraes

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