quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2019


When I first heard the Slogan for SAMSUNG S10, I nodded:

I said:

"What do you mean....??? - 'What/How you think it me now?"

But from the initiave of the proposal that this mobile has, it is clear that this Slogan is a Chinese/Korean accent phrase that says (Chinese and Koreans mix two-meaning sentences in one whilst speaking English)

"Want to think with me now?"
mixed with
"Can I help you with anything else?" - implying the question word "How" and "it".

as a cue for abounding proximity for networking, making new business partners and approaching "The Secret", that is, the tip, the hint, that can change your life forever.

Sometimes we'r'ound someone who has something really important to say to us, but we don't allow the communication to come accross to hear about an opportunity in the city (or elsewhere within our reach) that could make a difference in our lives.

So,,,,,getting closer and offering a wireless charger phone to someone struggling with his or her own battery, might help both of you to solve more than a connection problem, and start make communicative amends.

For American English situational cue, I thought of the following questions for breaking the ice upon connecting through the S10 occasion:

- Who do you think should be responsible for the experiments of movements of orthosis and prothesis created by german and japanese companies in the world: dances of k-pop (Korea) or Brazil (with more gentle movements for more organic prothesis?) ---- first, you may read http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/brazil-versus-south-korea-check.html

- What do you think about the point of view of the North Koreans in the agreements of denuclearization? Do you think that the developement of bombs and missiles is a part of a claim that they have technology for being inserted in the stock market (TISEA and TISE) ---- first, you may read http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/allow-seeds-for-north-korea.html  and

- Do you like Arabic products, arabic food? Oh, no, is it only because of the war? Think of this perspective - the war in their territory started because of their own cultural reasons. As they couldn't cope with products to sell in the stock market (during the Cold War, in spite of the oil), they started to trade weapons.....but the food is delicious! ---- for more arguments, please read: http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/12/arab-products-would-uplift-worlds.html and http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/05/the-origin-of-all-conflict-in-iran-and.html

- Do you mind for South America? What do you think the future of Venezuela will be? --- more arguments at: http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/05/situacao-caracas-ahora.html

AND MANY MANY MANY other thoughts you have, like: Immigration policy, The wall in Mexico, Canadian borders....CHARISMA is key. Sometimes we are down, but our self steem cannot be affected because of a disgrace.

I know you are an interesting person! I know ANYONE would want to know what you have to say. About your life, where you've been, where you aim to get to.

Start a conversation, start a chat with the delicacy of an offer for charging the Mobile battery.

Another great invention of SAMSUNG GALAXY!

I use my Galaxy to record my videos:
about networking:


thais moraes

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