quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018

Brazil versus South Korea - check


- The 70's, Dictatorship in Brazil, investments in means of post-deceased labour in exchange of Agrobusiness, and jobs for intellectuals to translate manuals of devices and motors, as well as for technicians and engineers to build these protothypes (that were to build the helicopters and aeromachines of the Indian and Israeli army).

- Brazil, turned against the trade balance set then, that paid us with the post-deceased labour.

- When capitalism reached China and Brazil, opening up a market for the devices developed from that techonolgy unrolled through the 70's technician's work, China and South Korea placed a coup against our patents' holders by putting them in jail, thus the construction of Carandiru Detention House, to steal their Copyrights and our eletronic devices copyrights too (that could be once shared by buying the rights to translate the manuals).

PURPOSE OF CHECK:   1 - Brazil is entitled to: AACD funding to purposes of researches of Para Olympic sports at the Ibirapuera Gymnasium. - I Claim For K-Pop Researches as to find most suitable prothesis and orthesis (some prothesis which have been developed by the K-pop project are too agressive due to fact they are techno-music. Axé - drums/organic and Zumba, as well as Maalai jumping (Kenya), could assert the trade balance of Brasil, Argentina (Mercosul) and some countries in Africa.

2 - The Spacial Base in Alcântara, Maranhão/ Brazil, and the invitation to our Militar to visit the outterspace, entitles Brazil to the investments of the New Space Race Speculation. This investment is the researches of Para Olympics adaptation at the Gymnasium of Ibirapuera. However, this overdue (the profit of K-pop) is being passed through South Korea, which country also has a High speculation on researches on outter space technology in their Universities. Truly, that's regardful, but I Claim For Brazil being the Investor for their OutterSpace researches technology, whereas we would be the owner and holder of the patents of the prothesis and orthesis, as well as developers of such researches, investing in such studies according to a Trade Agreement, as to avoid Corruption of Development of Projects as well for humans in means of making more wealth, and as just as for the machines, not to generate allien Artificial Intelligence (widespread irrational thinking).


Thais Moraes

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