domingo, 24 de novembro de 2019

Emirates Agreement and R.C. - não sou Frater e pretendo poder pagar aluguelzinho até o fim. hoje. membro de outra organização de auto-ajuda.

Brazil didn't fulfill the Agreements with the Emirates so far: the same pact, having consolidated for Fabrics and fashion design in the 70's, when the Lebanese and the Armenians came to live in São Paulo, packed with money, and the Armenia subway station was constructed, still, the Agreement to be signed - South Koreans visualized the opening market and settled in that area of Bom Retiro, and Armenia for the clothing industry.

South Korea maintained their economic protection with North Korea.

The doubt about closing a deal with the Emirates for the clothing industry was if this market detoured from South Korea, this commerce would suffer alternation.

The spill on the North East beaches-Brazil, which was provoked by "Ghost Ships" last month, could as well be healed by top-notch technology applied for times when the same sort of accidents happen in the Emirates. Unesco could invest on this technology, once they have a fund to protect our beaches.

By analizing the pharmacology in the Amazon in the 70's, the South Korean situation I stated above, and the BRICS, (China, a partner for pharmacy MTC/garrafadas - which she Peh*** also produced in the 60's, and considerations for bilateral with piped gas Agreement along with China and Brazil, possibly buying aromatic fluids from the USA)

Considering all this -

Peh*** Tav*** Cav***, Noh* Hyu* Kyu*, Fern*** were right on schedule, marking the criminology scene, I witnessed and testified at each moment here. The first was a Funai native, the second a Korean family invader and the third, a Chinese terrorist, all the same women. The fact they are the the same people makes her innocent of the crimes Carlos Caven**** forced her into, also performing rape against her own native adopted daughter. The Cave*** family, a mob, adopted a native girl to manipulate, under the excuse that if not obeying them, she would have to use an alias and be sent to life on the streets, to be raped by their men on the alleys. All of her excuses for allowing others to manipulate her were under an urgent appeal to other people for help, by letting them know quickly about the occurrance and immediatly leaving their lives or moving alias. She is in deeply care with wonderful friends and she is a successful hardworking woman who respects her and wishes the very best for her children and her husband.

Under the circumstance that the Cave*** mob enticed her for an abusive alias for every moment in the past 30 years, this certifies her being abused and used as a siren of the RosaCruxis Community, that helped a Progressive country to jump into capitalism along with their Trade partners, by using the existing mobs against themselves, and praising the pure of heart as they found their ways to liberation from familiar duty.

Noh* Hy* Ky* is Riha**** and I wonder if RosaCruxis would behind the R.M. Foundation, using all the other religion and creating a new one for making people believe it was right to be wrong and maybe okay to be cruel in order to disappear with the crimes against black people and dark jews (in old Egypt, light brown Egyptians were lowered down to hebrew, but they were disconsidered as hebrews even after the crossing of the Red Sea and the 40 years in the desert. During the Egypt times, the lowered light brown people were segregated from the white hebrews, and the white hebrews who would help the lowered dark Egyptians were punished by the white hebrews by means of moral punishments. The hebrews were only able to leave the desert when in inspite of the small differences of skin color, they became a people and accepted practionist the law of God through Mosas. The Gospel explains that at Jesus time all Middle East, including Syria were composed by Jews who paid tribute/taxes to the Synagogues. The Islam was created only 600 years A.C. The so-called muslims we know nowadays, as we know, have darker skin in some cases.

 The battle of Brazilians is to finish crimes of race. This is also PROJAC's battle)

Inclusive, a maior luta do PROJAC é a inclusão de mais negros no mercado de trabalho e mídia, através da UNICEF (negros são escolhidos para projetos artísticos que deveriam levar até a propagação de massa, senão barrados no nível "Carnaval"). A família Ca*v**, que lidera a pesquisa insensata e podre de monografias racistas na prática de seus costumes, foi escolhida para revelar através da família Universal quais são os propósitos de Deus. As redes de televisão - TODAS - trabalham em equipe no Brasil, cada qual com sua operação. Mas cada artista pode escolher o momento de sua rescisão, desde que consiga arcar com as responsabilidades de ser um veiculado. Atualmente, isso também serve para o youtube.


Thais Moraes

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