sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019

Fura-Fila na Korea do Norte (Skip Lane)

It may be a concern for North Korea's government that their insertion into the stock market would be ruled by the amount of oil they'd purchase.

Their culture is much more collective than the western civilization and I'd guess they believe that cars with two or four people riding in it generate a collapse for the harmony of the country, once two or three people on a car cause haress, and they won't discuss it openly due to akwardness - this creates a sensation of hypocrisy and sorrow into the people. On the bus and subway people are sharing situations in silent prayers or naturally, with a friend, much more openly

In 1996, São Paulo city, in Brazil, where I happily live, there was a mayor called Celso Pitta. He wanted to create elevated/suspended tubes of civil construction that would connect all the major cities in the State, but in this tube there would be no rail. Rather, there would be little vans that would carry about 20 people. This system is called "Fura-Fila" or else, "Skip Lane". Funny enough, Pastor Skip Lane was the preacher who baptized me into Baptist church in Washington State in 1998 at Emmanuel church on College Way as I was a guest at Bill and Marie's house.

I believe this system is fully appliable to North Korea, inserting them in the stock market within one of the projects of low consuption the Conglomerate and Parliament has for them. I also believe that their vans should have air conditioning and heat, leather seats if they wanted and wi-fi for them to study English and whatever subjects their government allows them to in the online platforms that they develop (North Korea is successful at developing content for online schooling that African youngsters study through mobile devices in the villages). The bus drivers in Brazil and in the USA are within the higher paychecks for this level of society, so I think that city representatives and senators should be the bus drivers there. Little by little the censorship and dictatorship would too cease. There is already a plan for them to be inserted into the stock market, and to enable money for all these vans, that could also be at Trade between Brazil/BRICS in exchange of agribusiness. The construction of the lanes would be paid by the oil they'd consume. I think their leader Kim Jong-un has refused so far, because they would have to lean on to a high consumption capitalism with cars, oil and chemical residues. For further information, please explore my blog: https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com.br

At this commercial agreement we musn't forget to include their favorite foods and of course - their chicken granges for their eggs with chicken! It's a delicious North Korean dish, I heard (though I may be wrong) But the fact we can't go there to taste their wonderful spices, it is not a reason for us to cook these things in our country - and leave them without any. And as we give them their eggs let's avoid to push them Easter. Let's avoid to mix their genes with immigration, so it seems to me this is their greatest fear. We must respect the ones who have decided to maintain their culture intact without mescle with the ethnics they disaprove, if any. They need an exception on their requirements, because the North Koreans communicate stealthily with each other under the observation of the Government and couples are arranged according to their sponteaneous demonstrations of love. They are challenged onto deffending how they feel throughout their lives. It is truly beautiful.

I believe North Koreans don't want to be terrorists. They just want to keep their culture of closed in habits and pure genes. They need jobs, and they have money to dispose on weapons, because they are not inserted into any Trade Agreement yet, though they can produce online educational platforms to trade with food.
The Economical Groups must do their part and pay the USA to create the Agreements that suit their needs

(The quotes and estimatives of basic needs necessary for North Korea in a Trade Agreement should be calculated for every single starving country in Africa too, this "project" is a basis for knowing what is the minimum of consumption for a country to sustain itself within the globalization and the stock market).

I owe money to the bank, to the phone company and to the university. How can I screen a movie?

(if blog content seem useful, please contact me here. DO NOT negotiate my intellectual propriety neither with my relatives or with my husband, for those get my worth and leave me in debt. The links were also forwarded to Prime Minister of Japan. If it is valuable, you may negotiate, but contact ME at this email for further talks)

Luv all population of the world,

Thais Moraes

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