sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2019

Mars One

Mars One's profit could be a good solution for investment of steel in Brazil upon the exceeding 
profit from steel in NASA's research foment a research in the climate of 
Eastern Africa to adapt an economy resulting from the researches of Mars One, because if Climate 
changes rising, Africa is the best option for destination on earth because it is naturaly hot.

The lesson learned from Mars One is that it could happen anywhere, even in your backyard: a 
nutshell and a cell inducing to images. Nevertheless, astranauts have been sent there 
for purposes of bringing up nature from the bare expectation of it.

The conclusion I get from Mars One is that if you are wearing a GIP of misrepresentation to cope 
with the usage of a prothesis/orthesis as a healthy body (not showing prothesis, but limb) and if 
you live in an Asian country such as China, Japan, India, etc, accostomed of sleeping on the floor, 
you may as well have a mirror in the natural size, or it could happen that your body 
would have a paralysis.

Amusement Parks mirror labyrints?


Thais Moraes

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