sábado, 30 de maio de 2020


I am not American, I am Brazilian. But some things happening in the world make me puzzled. Like George Floyd issue in the USA, considering the Press as a booster, promoting the re-opening.

I wondered about George Floyd´s death, if legitimate Journalism or ´Surreal` Journalism (journalism that tells a tale as a fact to provoke a reaction in the public or to tell a side story).

P***, for example, is a female singer in the USA. She performs under alias like many other musicians. In Brazil she also performs under alias on tv. But besides that, she is a criminal that enters her neighbors´ houses overnight to haress and abuse (nothing that I could prove).

P*** is a term for alias, I´d guess, like in ´P*** Fl*yd`, and ´Fl*yd` is a term for ´controversy`.
In the 70´s, ´P*** Fl*yd´s´ controversy was the usage of ´alias´, the change of appearance and ID through technological devices - ´P***´, the alias, was the taboo.

The controversy at ´George Floyd´s´ would be the re-opening (George is the black man (racism as a taboo stigma that provoked protests in the multitudes) and Floyd is the controversy (the re-opening): now that there was a massive amount of people on the streets for protests already, and that many will continue to be tested for Covid-19, it should be considered within the next couple of weeks if the Covid-19 rate is under which has been occuring in the past month, so the Re-opening may unleash (controversy - Floyd). This won´t necessarily infer at the prohibition for groups over 5 to unite on the streets. The prohibition only avoids multitudes, and may facilitate the re-opening, because due to the prohibition of small groups gathering, the contamination through contact may decrease.

Once again, the USA is not the country I live in and I don´t know if ´Surreal` Journalism happens there. In some countries it does, and regular people accept to play a role on tv news which will outburst discussion, controversy, protest or reaction in general. Those people are usualy under alias and don´t suffer further retaliation. The press, as a free Institution, is also free from retaliation or fiscalization concerning its coverage. Nonetheless, the press shall not perform dubious investigation in order to arrest an innocent civilion intentionally - that differs from the ´Surreal` type of Journalism, in which the news portrayed is a set itself.

Thaís Moraes

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