quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2020

The Planner and the Agendor - The Project

The Planner and the Agendor are two types of  paper-based Agenda. They are start-ups in São Paulo-Brazil. Once they have been bought, the purchase includes dissociation of the extension number of whom has bought the Agenda from other phone numbers, and isolates the phone lines from clients of a same sales representative (of whom have bought the Agendas) in the same conference room with random files and data produced in offices and homes of clients who need privacy in their work and studies.

This is an IT programming of telephony and telephone provider for protection of Intellectual Property. It has been requested from Russia I think, for some decades, added as one of the conditions for opening borders at the Soccer World Cup 2018. I am not sure if this system is running yet, or if the connection dissociation maps are still on the ground. I talked to representatives of both companies, from whom I was certified of some details. Nonetheless, if the company would strike, this idea would solve a diversity of problems concerning espionage.


Thaís Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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