TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Every day new diseases are erupted in Brazilian society. SUS - Unified Health System - provides medication for free to diminish damage. I would like to know how to apply for a job as a long distance intern as a medicine prescription translator of diseases, sicknesses and disturbs my society may regard. However, I would want as well to share my thoughts about the talent that North Korea has for chemical research and state that as soon as they feel prepared to be inserted into Brazilian society they could be hired to have stocks for research in the Pharmaceutical Industry. I also would like to say that I heard that there are some terrorists in some countries that are describing diseases to the North Koreans and asking them to provide an anti-dote. After provided, these same terrorists are asking to translate the description of the disease into Korean so that to understand the medical description of the diseases which was developed by them, and not to pay for the antidote of the disease they've created, revenuing more money for the SUS. I plead you please to help my country Brazil to account the leak in the Organs FAT, BNDS and ANVISA according to this message and the link -
Este blog é para pessoas que não alimentam preconceito quanto à informação e que se interessam por rumores urbanos. A vida na cidade mexe com a mente e com os conceitos. Não dá para se enlatar em um prognóstico de pensamentos pré-determinados. NÃO ACREDITO EM REVOLTA, MAS ACREDITO EM REVOLUÇÃO. Eu acredito em cooperação com as organizações, órgãos públicos e dirigentes, para que através de políticas de importação e exportação todos no mundo possam usufruir de recursos materiais
terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2018
Todos os dias novas doenças são descobertas pelo mundo inteiro. O SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde providencia medicação gratuita para diminuir danos. Eu gostaria de saber como me candidatar como tradutora de bulas remédios, doenças e distúrbios que minha sociedade precisa. No entanto, eu gostaria também de falar sobre o talento da Korea do Norte para pesquisas químicas e alegar que tão breve eles se sentirem preparados para serem inseridos na sociedade Econômica, eles podem ser contratados para ter ações de pesquisa na Indústria Farmacêutica. Eu também quero dizer que ouvi que há alguns terroristas em alguns países que estão descrevendo doenças à Korea do Norte e pedindo o antídoto e a bula. Após providenciado, esses mesmos terroristas utilizam a produção do antídoto em dosagem elevada, provocando arma química e biológica, e pedem para os Norte Koreanos traduzirem a descrição da doença. Os Norte-Koreanos acham que o motivo de eles não pedirem para traduzirem também a bula é o mesmo pelo qual eles não os pagam por desenvolver o antídoto e ainda por cima estão criando doenças. Esse sarampo no Nordeste pode ser um tipo de Herpes inclusive e isso pode gerar muito problema para o SAE. Não sou jornalista, sou blogger. E apesar de espionagem não ser mais crime para civis desde o fim da ditadura militar, gostaria de pedir desculpas ao Excelentíssimo Senhor Presidente Michel Temer por não ter confiado no senhor e enviado para o SUS primeiro:seguinte email para os EUA, há cerca de 10 minutos atrás, na tentativa de combater esse tipo de terrorismo horrendo acontecendo no Brasil:
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Every day new diseases are erupted in Brazilian society. SUS - Unified Health System - provides medication for free to diminish damage. I would like to know how to apply for a job as a long distance intern as a medicine prescription translator of diseases, sicknesses and disturbs my society may regard. However, I would want as well to share my thoughts about the talent that North Korea has for chemical research and state that as soon as they feel prepared to be inserted into Brazilian society they could be hired to have stocks for research in the Pharmaceutical Industry. I also would like to say that I heard that there are some terrorists in some countries that are describing diseases to the North Koreans and asking them to provide an anti-dote. After provided, these same terrorists are asking to translate the description of the disease into Korean so that to understand the medical description of the diseases which was developed by them, and not to pay for the antidote of the disease they've created, revenuing more money for the SUS. I plead you please to help my country Brazil to account the leak in the Organs FAT, BNDS and ANVISA according to this message and the link -
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Every day new diseases are erupted in Brazilian society. SUS - Unified Health System - provides medication for free to diminish damage. I would like to know how to apply for a job as a long distance intern as a medicine prescription translator of diseases, sicknesses and disturbs my society may regard. However, I would want as well to share my thoughts about the talent that North Korea has for chemical research and state that as soon as they feel prepared to be inserted into Brazilian society they could be hired to have stocks for research in the Pharmaceutical Industry. I also would like to say that I heard that there are some terrorists in some countries that are describing diseases to the North Koreans and asking them to provide an anti-dote. After provided, these same terrorists are asking to translate the description of the disease into Korean so that to understand the medical description of the diseases which was developed by them, and not to pay for the antidote of the disease they've created, revenuing more money for the SUS. I plead you please to help my country Brazil to account the leak in the Organs FAT, BNDS and ANVISA according to this message and the link -
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