quinta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2019


I live in Africa Vouiton, Brazil county.

The borders of my county are virtual.

The borders of Mexico can't be.

I believe that The Wall will benefit the Mexicans, in their point of view inclusive, because it will help delimitate their territory and prevent their area from being stolen by the USA or Caribbean.

It is necessary to know the size of the country by the amount of investment it will be addressed to it after the infra structuring begins. The border is not uniform. The limit is cultural. The people, at least in the USA, sets rivality against Afrio-descendant gangs, so it would be necessary a social remodelling concerning the Africa Unite Immigrants (which is the major demand upon request, along with South Americans. As for Brazilians, the light skin color is considered Brown, whereas Black, overseas).


And when you feel sad.

When you feel hurt.

Open the page of the Unicef

or such

and talk to those babies for

45 seconds

They can hear yo

And if you bleed

away from home

just wish one day

Lord will Bless Thee

with 30 dollars per month

to send them cornflour

and send them

a card.

Love you Jo

you are the reason why

I am awake

and have survive.

More to come,


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