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- Nathaniel Wallich foi um botânico que nasceu em Copenhague, Dinamarca, no dia 28 de janeiro de 1786 e morreu em 28 de abril de 1854, Londres, Inglaterra. Estudou na Universidade de Aberdeen e em Copenhague onde obteve o título de doutor em medicina.. ...
the Norwegian girl whose original nationality was Brazil (portraying Norwegian undercover - see previous post in my blog) now lives in Copenhagen, supposedly since last year.
The Wall that separate the American borders has been on the table as a subject of major concern for over a decade by the US Congress. Neither are the Democrats against, or the Republicans pro. If men would be paid to guard the borders, that's a matter of sufficient effect, but heavier financial impacts, so what's the difference between dens with guards and a wall???
Funny, talk about a wall. A wall so high that Maureen Maggi, the brazilian senator of the Misrepresentation technology who took upon the police department for a couple of months: would she be able to transpass with her pole vault?
I wonder, if Caribbeans and us, Brazilians, as well as Africans, were given brand new economies to dwell with, just like it happened for Australia and New Zealand in the 18th century (during the colonization), if we would bring upon the same pattern as they did.
Marta Suplicy wants to believe so, I think. She offers in every opportunity given to her, an equal access to all levels of society https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marta_Suplicy
I don't know, if the managers and CEO's of the new economy, for which President Donald Trump is fighting for to bring upon along with the fundings for this wall he is trying to build (NASDAQ money), if this new economy in Mexico be ruled by South Americans, would succeed.
Truly. We've failed here, we've failed with BRICS and we've failed with Mercosur. And I believe that the debate now is if this economy in Mexico should be a niche for the Europeans turn, Canada or even Russian businessmen, defining thus, the niche to be exploited.
Considering that the Norewgian girl was Brazilian too, and that she was taken to the exchange program in which I participated in 1998 as means for a second money laudering by Den*** Bur**** and DéboraBer**** (please see http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2019/01/interpol2.html the speculation over a spying from Brazil (Iz*** Ri****//Den*** Bur***), the Norwegian girl was placed in Copenhagen now, as a gastric doctor for children, and that explains the food diverted from the supermarket in SP (Marta Suplicy directed this funding for poor children) and the fact that according to the Wiki, when reasearching Wall, we find Nathaniel Wallich, a bothanic from Copenhagen - Den*** Bur*** is Brazilian and declares that the Wall is only fair if niche given to Brazil.
You know what I think???
This woman is nutts!!!
Because, bothanics is supposed to be done wherever we have the proper field for that, such as Brazil itself, not Mexico, which is desert. It is so pointless to argue with this sort of people, she is a sociopath and deserves punishment. Also, in the Olympics 2016 - RJ/Brazil, we had a presentation filled with seedlings, proposing new reasearch areas in our country, speacially with the money invested in the Olympics. But we failed again! So, it is time to choose who's turn it is to set a niche in Mexico - Russia, Germany or Canada (with Asia).
So, search for the correct business partners overseas and carve a market within the help from the Congressists.
Much luv,
Thais Moraes
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