sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2019


- The Trade Balance of Brazil and China was their purchasing of US soy beans, produced by Brazil, in exchange of our stocks of steel (which we were producing also), in exchange of GIPs of miserepresentation (alias), for metropolitan purposes in Brazil.

- In 2013, China could no-longer maintain the purchase of soy beans in the agreement, and their revenue of soy beans decreased. Thus, we got more GIPs (alias) out of the agreement, bringing in an inflation of GIPs (alias).

- The GIPs (alias) have got no value for money, so the market in Brazil wento out for alternatives for the inflation, such as the showbusiness with the usage of alias (GIPs). That financed mostly the drug trafficking and the prostitution that devastated the economy: our production of steel decreased, and we started to owe onto the agreement of this commodity to the USA (they need for NASA. they also sell a portion of the steel they buy from us to Russia and Japan - that sell to China in exchange for soybeans. They then, sell to scandinavia that commerce with the rest of Europe for their part in the Trade with the Middle East goods and oil (Gillette Jaus).

- However, partially, the responsibility of the ruin of Venezuela's economy was to the Congressists who agreed to shut down our satellite system in 2014. Accordingly, their women's broadcast of the beauty shows  were worthy millions in the Middle East economy, in cosmetics sold in the USA, represented by the Stock Market of Quito. Not surprinsingly, the conflict in the Middle East started right after.

- And supposing that Venezuela has much more stocks of oil (Petrobras), than the oil in their country itself, stock's which ballast are represented by their women's reality show in the stock market of Gems in Quito (Opus) (each woman represented a gem and the gem represent an oil field in the Middle East. This company - in Quito - has stocks for women from all South America). The reality show of beauty peagents also accounted for the cosmetic industry. I believe we must account as much oil stocks we owe them.

- The soybeans stocks of USA that they can't Trade with China because of the dimminish of steel production could be given to Venezuela, (the soybeans' production has been overfloading and exceeding since 2013, because China couldn't keep their agreement.)

- The European Market of soybeans, would then, negotiate with the Middle East (because they were once the direct contact of the cosmetics, and the Gems' stocks dwell in the Venezuelan market. They will sell the soybeans to Japan and all Asia, considering the gross margin of profit for Venezuela, since the first agreement of the cosmetic industry.)

- Venezuela may invest in their automobile industry, and buy stocks from their business partners (Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina/stocks). As their economy grow, they may pay USA's investment in their stocks of brazilian soybeans by investing in Brazilian steel and aluminum.


Thais Fernanda Ortiz de Moraes

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