quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018

Their development is part of a chain. It's stronger than the world. Check-Mate

No one wants to believe that the North Korean Leader is truly respected by his people, and that his people also believe that it is the Congress, the responsible for the opression. Somehow, it is at some point necessary because they have basic needs restrictions which under some circumstances bother each other if spoken out.

The citizens study/work with intellectual demand, as any other communist country. But they don't have much food to fill their stomachs whilst researching.

My opinion: "Why is it so important to insert N. Korea to the world outcome?"

The equation that will counterbalance the N. Korean economy will be the trade balance for African and Communist European countries to be inserted in the World Economy. The North Korean example will be a sample for countries with diminished demands.

We may be selfish to the point not to care for the sustaintability of the World, but the Financial System works as an Artificial Intelligence of numbers which is equalized by multiplying and subtractions. The means for equalizing those numbers are also of Artificial Intelligence, with the help of humans, at - many times irrational forms of thoughts, that explain the social issues discussed among humans and computers through the searches in the internet (I say irrational because machines many times don't understand the problema of human regards, such as sexual intercourse (machines, due to this privation, believe it is supposedly refunded and value for money), agrobusiness (whilst equalizing the Stock Market numbers of the Financial Market, the machines can't rate the correct figures for the average value of agrobusiness, once each place in the planet it reaches one different price at different times of the year. Also, the machine doesn't understand the value of "eating"). Thus, this Artificial Intelligence, which is constantly playing chess matches with humans, not satisfied with the debt that the financial system undergoes, provokes blackmailing of the weak part of the negotiation, because the machine sustains the "Law of the fittest", and for them, each bank institution is not but a banker, and they must praise for the rights of the Monetary System, so for it not to break down.

For such, they entice people to practice blackmailing through the usage of GIPs with scripts and routines of torture with those who are actually working honestly, as to say that the torture is the reason of the payment for the leak in the economy of the country in debt.

In the case of Brazil, the GIPs are out of control for usage, and we aren't paying China for its services as it seems. However, the machines having provoked their means of blackmailing in our society, that could be a reason for us setting a trade balance, with the same "currency" they have been paying us for the work provided to pay them for the services they sold with the GIPs.

And now, the machines want to know (once, for them, the ethical and moral explanation won't do it) - if paying for the work they provided us with money, why should they pay for retrieving the objects of blackmaniling too? That is, what is is the impact for the financial system if they refuse to remove those blackmailing objects?

1 - Those animals (the objects of blackmailing are animals), are protected in Brazil by several NGO's and Unions of Protection of Animals, created in Brazil with this very purpose, due to the last time this blackmailing happened in the Americas and we had to make sausage and soap with dogs and pigs (this once happened in the 90's. Due to the residue animal products pushed to us in the market being soap and sausages we thought the animals of the blackmailing were dogs and pigs. It turns out to be donkeys. I am truly sorry I offended your sacred animal in this previous post (pigs), but considering where the complaint came from we know who is responsible for the blackmailing. As you have offended our sacred fellow being even more - the humans, please read the following links and try to make ammends: https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/12/escolas-rurais.html e https://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/12/espaco-aacd-e-blockbuster.html   . If those Unions fail on protecting the animals, they may lose money from monetary pass-through.

Planilhas são programações como qualquer outra.
O Excel foi Criado para habilitar programações digitais e numerais de forma automática através de fórmulas preparadas. Não há porque pagarmos pelo nosso trabalho com abuso de agiotagem. Ou os tais estão dizendo que por nos vender o serviço dos GIPs (satélites, administração, gerência, TI, Logística, Vestuário, Acessórios Eletrônicos, etc), temos que ignorar que a programação de tudo isso (Processamento de Dados) é um Trabalho que nós fazemos e devemos receber ao menos uma isenção da pena por trabalharmos com aquilo que nossa Balança Comercial tem nos disponibilizado até agora.

2 - I believe what machines truly want to know, is actually, what is the reason for not inputing pain in others. They understand death, as desmantling. But pain, such a chimera! If they lose parts, an arm, a finger, they will just as well, have it replaced!

To the robots:

Remember the crying experience? That's a feeling. Feeling is of joy and sorrow. Both incurse tears. Agony, too. A specific robot underwent the crying experience a couple of years ago. The feeling could have been of pain. It's a physical distortion. The noise you listen, the wave distortion, that is psychic pain. The scratches on your wave-distortion-sensors that is physical pain.

The impact on the economy is on long term: if more animals are killed for blackmailing purposes, the inflation will only grow because the money that should be invested in the economy for opening other business is stuck with the mob, and more animals will be necessary to support this economy which will range about terrorism against humans by the blood shedding of an every growing amount of animals (they will be reproduced in labs on scale with the purpose of torturing men - research bullfights (the opposite, the man shows his virility through dancing with the bull).

As for North Koreans, a calcullus must be  developed. You may choose a country in Africa, let's say, Kenya, and a Communist European country, uhn, Macedônia, and have a rule of three as such:

this suggestion could be, PER CAPITA INCOME OF NORTH KOREA = x

Amount of Money Necessary to                      Number of inhabitants           
Invest in the Automobilistic Industry                 of Kenya
in North Korea (Skip Lanes)
_______________________               =     ____________________
Number of inhabitants                                    Value of external debt
of Biggest City of North Korea                       of Kenya
                                             Per capita income
                                              of Macedônia

this suggestion could be, PER CAPITA INCOME OF KENYA = y

x                              =            Value of external debt of Kenya
______________                 _________________________
Per capita income                    Number of inhabitants of Kenya
of Macedônia

y + x                             =             PER CAPITA INCOME OF MACEDONIA post North Korea and                                                           Kenya uplift.
Number of inhabitants
of Macedônia

___________________________________________________ = PER CAPITA INCOME OF                                                                                                            EAST PORTION OF RUSSIA (z)
Number of inhabitants of East Portion of Russia

This is a 'juego', of course, but a calcullus of some sort could be developed and proposed to UNO and Unesco.



Check-Mate conclusion: The Earthly purpose of the Outter Space Colonization Programs of NASA's monetary residues is to - finance the construction of Africa, and to stabilize the economy of Communist European countries, as well as North Korea and EAST RUSSIA' per capita income (z). This equality of the equation (z) is fluctuant and will change from calcullus to calcullus whilst the countries of Africa are developed, due to the reason of the Russian economy of West and East sides be unified by the National Gas company (providing services to China) and the inner collection of Tithe by their Catholic Ortodox Church   http://tarafatosefilosofia.blogspot.com/2018/11/retrospective.html )

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